Yoursunnymelissahorny online now!join to her sex room right here!


yoursunnymelissa Public Chat Channel

Date: April 12, 2023

2 thoughts on “Yoursunnymelissahorny online now!join to her sex room right here!

  1. I don't get what advice you are asking for? The camera recording is screwed up and would be a deal killer for me. Theouples are cool but as pointed out it was like you were brought onto an already dysfunctional relationship as the third wheel. No matter how shiny you are, the axis for the two other wheels seems pretty damaged. LOL, that was such a bad car analogy.

  2. Lying is not good, and making decisions by himself too,but honestly, it's kinda suffocating. Your mom makes inquiries about him and his decisions and somehow people tell her his personal business. He isn't even her son-in-law, but they share information this freely, and repeatedly. Insane. You make inquiries too, going through friends, and in this all is about everyone but him. His behavior, as well as his explanation look like some sort of hiding, like he was afraid to talk to you. You say that he knows that you would have supported him, but is it so? Looks like you need some couple counselling.

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