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58 thoughts on “your_boo_live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. So you recognize that by going slow, you're telling him that you don't trust him right? It is a mechanism to protect yourself, but protecting yourself signals that you're not as interested as you may well be. You don't get to find out the truth of the situation because you want to be one foot in, one foot out.

  2. The option was to see them until they go to bed, come and see me for a little bit and then go back there to go to sleep.

  3. Your BF is having an emotional, and probably physical, affair. He's lying and gaslighting you. Find your self respect and dump him. Tell him you saw the texts and you know he's lying. Then dump him.

  4. Just want to say lot of people giving you shit, yeah they aren’t wrong, but the idea of finding one person and spending it with them has been imposed on us and been in our society for a long time. So much so that, up until recently it would be criminal or to be less dramatic, odd to say no I don’t want to be married and no I don’t want to be in a relationship. I don’t get the impression you’re voluntarily putting her through this, you are finding things about yourself you did not know before or that’s how I read it. I do travel alone even with I’m with some one and I make it clear to them that this is something I want to do and it’s not negotiable. It’s not because I want to flirt with some one it’s just cause it’s something I want to do? I don’t know, what I was even trying to say here.

  5. But he said he will sex with other people. So he’s not being considerate, he’s being lazy and lacks enough care to even try to make sex enjoyable. Are you honestly going to stay with him if he starts sleeping with other girls? Sounds like he is making you feel guilty which is emotional manipulation.

  6. Thank you so much for this thoughtful reply. I think that’s why I’m at a crossroads- not everyone is going to understand the severity it can get to. But at what point is explaining and demonstrating enough before realizing they’ll never believe it. As you said, that’s when I guess it’s best to just part ways

  7. This is an absolute power play on their part, but don't give the satisfaction of letting them know they're getting to you.

    I went through something similar for a year (although slightly different circumstances), so I know how emotionally wearing this has been on you. However, you do have a couple of choices. The one I would recommend is the same as others have given and that's changing your number. I realise it will be a pain to do but in the long run this is the only way to be certain they can't contact you again. Of course you could just keep ignoring them and eventually they'll get bored and give up. Depending on where you both are in the world you could also threaten them with a cease and desist letter from a lawyer, however, given how unstable they already are this may just end up encouraging them.

    Whatever you do though, make sure you look after your own mental health, and talk this through with parents/friends to get a good support network around you. Your ex and her bf sound like they're made for each other, and neither of them are worthy of your time or energy. Stay strong!

  8. I think you know your marriage ended when he brought up having a threesome.

    You should be asking yourself questions right now. Will you ever be able to trust him again? Will you feel the same way, knowing that he wants to sleep with someone other than you? Is this man making you feel safe? Secure? Do you feel heard when you speak to him? Does he treat you like his equal? Do you think he's cares for you the way you care for him?

    Do NOT let this man manipulate you into believing you're at fault for any of this. He believes you're stupid enough to guilt and gaslight into doing whatever he wants. His marriage is failing, so he thinks adding another person to the mix will fix things, and all of this is now your fault somehow?? Yeah fucking right.

  9. I created it because I’m too embarrassed to tell anyone I know . He didn’t say I still want to date you , he wants more of a private fwbs

  10. The way this forum works is posts describe a specific situation involving you and at least one other person that's happening right now and comments offer advice

  11. I was trying to articulate this into a coherent thought! Sometimes when my trans freinds say they are feeling dysphoria, I get super uncomfortable because one) its rude and uncomfortable to comment on their bodies, and 2) I like most bodies, and they know it and I'm scared that anything positive I say will make them feel worse

  12. Wait… youre claiming you came at it with facts when you fuckes up the time line?….. fuuuuckkkk.. you're so delusional we must have dated before…. I bet you love chocolate chip waffles with butter and honey no syrup

  13. You’re totally right and I just didn’t want to admit that to myself. The last time we had sex I got to a point in the middle of it where I was like wait did I actually want to do this?

    Something that fucks me up about the whole situation is I have a close friend who has similar health issues as me and if he told me his partner was doing this to them repeatedly over two years I know how I would feel about his partner and know what I would advise him to do.

  14. You say you escaped your abusive four years ago but also married your husband four years ago? Have you spoken to a therapist about your last relationship?

  15. If you want to break up and he won’t leave call the cops. As soon as he moves it’s over save the headache and break up. Be serious and say it’s over get out.

  16. It is better to come from a broken home and than online in one. I was friends with kids growing up whose parents stayed together “for the kids” and to say they were miserable was an understatement. One of them referred to home as a war zone and they were not exaggerating. When they finally were able to go to college, it was wonderful to see them finally be so relaxed and open up to others. This is what you should want for your kids.

    The best thing for the kids is for you two separate, and you work on giving the a stable happy home.

  17. It sounds like you need to talk to her about what both of your long term goals are for life and this relationship. If you have no interest in getting married (to anyone), and she wants to get married, then you two are not compatible. I would go in knowing your reasons for not wanting to be married and listen to what she wants as well.

  18. I fully agree with your first 2 points, though I wonder about point 3.

    “You don't have to worry, he's just a friend. He's actually always been jealous of you”

    “There's nothing romantic between us”

    “I was drunk, so it doesn't matter”

    I've heard rationalizations like this from folks that liked to convey an implication of exclusivity, but wanted to placate the person they were “talking to” when they did mess around.

    I also agree that if he was indeed a sober person taking advantage of her while she was inebriated, he's an absolute scumbag and her proceeding from that angle would be a much better way to convey to OP that she is indeed interested in him and not the other guy.

    So all in all, she has the right to have sex with whoever she wants, as a single woman, but if she's manipulating somebody that sees things differently, then there's no point in bothering with her. And if she's telling the truth, she should probably see an counselor/legal counsel about a potential SA from this guy “friend”.

  19. He's gaslighting to down play the situation. If he had low communication skills and low confidence, he should've gone to therapy in the first place. He has an addiction alright to can girls and to cheat.

    And why has he moved in with his parents. Does he not work or doesn't he have sufficient income to sustain himself?

    Your relationships had problems. There was a clear lack of intimacy. Dead bedrooms is one of the number one killers of relationship. You need to be in therapy. Rn you need to alone and work on yourself and not be in another relationship.

  20. I’ve been with my boyfriend for 4 years and he found out 2 years into our relationship that he had a child. He got his ex pregnant the week they broke up and his daughter was born a month before we started dating. The ex only let him know because his daughter started asking about her dad.

    When I found out I was super upset. Not with my boyfriend or the child of course, but with his ex for hiding it from him for so long. My boyfriend is amazing and he would have 100% stepped up to be a good dad and might have even tried to make their relationship work if his ex was willing. It was super confusing and hurtful time because I love him so much and it almost felt like he cheated on me even though he didn’t. Knowing that he had a child with another woman really broke my heart. His ex lives 2 hours from his hometown which was 10 hours away from where he and I used to online. My boyfriend was obviously going to prioritize his daughter so he moved and I made the nude decision to leave my hometown and family behind to on-line with him. Some advice I can give after having gone through this for almost 2 years now is:

    It’s going to be really confusing for the child at first. They’ll probably be shy and take a while to open up. Try to figure out their favorite foods and activities to do when they come over.

    Draw up an official custody agreement. Mediation is great too. My boyfriend originally thought that he and his ex could work out custody themselves even though I advised him to get it legally drawn up and after the first few months his ex started to become very uncooperative and unreliable so my boyfriend was forced to take her to court for custody.

    I think it’s nice you want to meet with the ex to talk to her but I honestly think you should leave all communication to your husband and his ex. Speaking from experience, people who choose to not let their child’s parent into their life for many years for no good reason are usually difficult people to work with. Save yourself the stress.

    Try your best to make sure his child is having an equal experience to both of your children. If you guys want family photos make sure you include his child/your step child. If you take any special trips for the kids to Disney make sure to bring his child too. I know this sounds obvious but you’d be surprised by some people.

    Make sure you communicate with your fiancée privately if you’re feeling uncomfortable or stressed about a situation.

    It’s been a rough 2 years but I love my future stepdaughter so much and I love when she comes over. I see a lot of my boyfriends qualities in her which is sweet. Good luck!

  21. Everyone in my family knows my brother is a POS but he gets a “free pass” because his bio dad passed away when he was 3 months old. My mom always catered to him because she felt guilty him being raised by one parent. I am only “woman” (I say in quotes because I was only 20 at the time) that has ever stood up to his BS

  22. Boring… Yeah I don't think we're gonna see eye to eye on this but thanks for sharing your perspective. Have a good day

  23. go to the house with friends and family to avoid drama.

    of course you cry. you have been repetitly betrayed. it is far saner than keeping it inside.

  24. Wait so you were raped and then your boyfriend is holding it over your head as though you cheated on him, basically putting himself in a position of power and control over you so that he can treat you like garbage and abuse you

    He’s as bad as the rapist.

    Get out.

  25. This basically information we started texting online and I told her I didn't know her but in reality I actually do, that's why she opened up to me easly. If she knew I knew her and lied about it, she would have hard time trusting me again. What do u think?

    But there is no way she can know from someone else. It's me and her.

  26. It will only be harder the longer you stay and while it will suck initially, the long-term benefit will be worth it. Try to think of the future – do you want to be in an unhealthy relationship forever? Be forced to bite your tongue and relent to someone else over and over again? Is this the kind of example you'd want to set for your kids if you want them?

    Its kind of like ripping off a bandage. Stings at first but letting it air out helps it heal

  27. If she ever contacts you again, tell her how nasty she is straight up. That’s so sick that she would even think that. And if anyone else you know asks what happened, tell them straight up “I was helping care for my disabled sister and because I had to change her diaper she said I must have been sexually abusing her and flipped out on me. Who tf even thinks like that?” There is a small chance she was SAd at some point and that’s why she thinks this, but ya know what? That’s not your problem. Like at all. She should seek therapy instead of accusing people.

  28. Look I know it’s unfair she gave you an ultimatum but I think she was actually asking you to choose her over your Dad’s AP. And it seems like you did. You’ve spoken of this woman more glowingly than your own Mom. She’s feeling the original betrayal all over again. I’m not sure why you’re working on a relationship with her because her marriage to your father will most likely fail. Marriages born from adultery don’t usually last. Did the divorce leave your Mom in a bad financial position? Or did your father screw her over that way too?

  29. ~I'd just abort, but also maybe I won't.. So online with anxiety!~ Honestly, if I was you boyfriend I would have stopped sleeping with you, if not completely broken up after that discussion. No one want's their reproduction held hostage by someone else, that's terrifying. This is not indication he's cheating, It means he's seen someone else in your circle got pregnant and he's freaked out and wants to be extra safe. Babies have a tendency to come in waves through a friend group/work place, it's a legitimate concern. I have had several jobs where like 5 women all ended up pregnant within a month of each other. It's bizarre, and even after I got spayed, for weeks after the baby outbreak I refused to drink the water, JIC.

  30. Sure. But do notice that I never said she should get with the friend.

    Reddit's go-to response is, “She's a cheater, break up.” I wanted to provide a more positive learning experience for OP. Both he and his girlfriend are hopelessly naive about how open sexuality works. (Just for context, my bisexual wife and I are ethically non-monogamous.)

    What I did was try to redirect OP to understanding how he got himself into this mess, which provides a clue as to how to get out. Specifically, he needs to reopen this conversation but include the idea of a “primary relationship” and the importance of protecting it.

    He has to go back and say, “When I said I was 100% on board with you exploring your sexuality, I spoke hastily. There has to be some ground rules or guidelines that protect us, and you.” Then they're free to negotiate those guidelines, decide which work for both of them and which ones don't.

    But based on the OP as it was originally written, he gave her a free pass to do anything and then lost his marbles when she wanted to use it for what she really wanted. They have to go back to square one, and it might be too late to get that genie back in the bottle now that they both know that her favorite expression of her bisexuality is going to be this friend.

    That CAN work; I could tell success stories. But it depends on luck, and it's risky, as we have agreed, and definitely dangerous to the primary relationship.

  31. Tough for him, if you’re done then you’re done and quite frankly I’d get a restraining order on him if you can due to the fact you mentioned he’s violent. He doesn’t get to act like a child when you decide you’ve had enough. It’s not your job to convince him because it’s already done. If he doesn’t accept it then that’s his problem, not yours

  32. Then she can throw it in OPs face if all the kids are his. “See I didn’t cheat on you again.” If you do it on your own privately you have ammunition and a path to go on, and “then” suggest the paternity test when you already know the answer.

  33. (…) it would be meaningless since Im the one who bought it.

    Well… if we are analyzing meaning, what does it mean when one loses a ring?

  34. Both parties are gonna be disappointed in me either way, if I cancel on my friend she would likely not forgive me. My bf however is understanding and telling me to go but I know he doesn’t really feel that way.

  35. That is an incredible gift.

    I would take it with conditions though.

    I would make it a loan, that i'll pay back over the years (make every payment with the name so it is easily traceable).

    I would also have a talk so that we are clear on what he expects of me so that we don't go in and feel slighted (him or me).

    I would sing his praise cause that man is a keeper!

  36. Not wanting kids is totally valid and likely something you would have thought about more and taking into consideration before starting a relationship with a parent if you had been emotionally mature enough but that's not your fault, getting into a relationship with someone so old.

    Now, you really have to face the facts.

    You want to be in this relationship, regardless how disgusted everyone else is over it with valid reasons but he's a parent who needs to put his child first. You're not good with kids, that's his child.

    There is no buying time, because again well being of his child should be his priority.

    Welcome to adult relationships, something you might have bern equipped to deal with if he had started dating a legal child.

  37. My bad for the example but lol that was the most recent event that came to mind and my point was don’t just believe words unless you already have proof or be given proof but that also doesn’t mean to not question the note just don’t rush into a conclusion without finding the truth . Their are all types of shitty people in the world you never know the type of shitty person you will meet

  38. Acknowledge that it's hurtful to him, it was wrong, and promise that you won't reveal intimate information ever again. No excuse or deflecting. There's not much more that can be done.

  39. This. I told my husband he could cum in my mouth one time bc I wanted to try it. I also swallowed. I thought it would be wild and fun and erotic. Sadly, it made me absolutely sick to my stomach for hours afterwards. That was it. Most things I am willing to try again but not something that made me want to vomit. So I still give bjs but he has never cum in my mouth again no matter how naked he thinks it is or how hard he thinks the bj is. They are usually able to control it.

  40. She's manipulating you, dude.

    Breaking up with someone who doesn't want to break up is always going to be painful and cause hurt feelings. It's not like you're going to be able to sensitively and gently convince her she's better off without you, if she's been having a good time and you treat her well – and the option of stopping treating her well and making her have a bad time is a shit way to go (not implying you are).

    You need to stick to your guns. It doesn't matter what you did then, or what she says, the fact is that you don't want to be with her. And you need to stay firm in that. Be kind, as in don't attack her or be nasty, but don't mistake kind for weak, where you capitulate and stay with her because her tears make you feel bad. All that does is wear you down and prolong the agony and give her more ammo for next time you try.

    Be firm. It's not a negotiation, you have made a decision not to be with her going forward, and she doesn't get a say in that.

  41. I mean, both of you are kind of doing the same thing. She owes it to him, you made vows… both of you are making allowances for inappropriate behaviour by your husbands based on some sense of duty that they don’t also seem to feel.

  42. I mean, both of you are kind of doing the same thing. She owes it to him, you made vows… both of you are making allowances for inappropriate behaviour by your husbands based on some sense of duty that they don’t also seem to feel.

  43. I mean, both of you are kind of doing the same thing. She owes it to him, you made vows… both of you are making allowances for inappropriate behaviour by your husbands based on some sense of duty that they don’t also seem to feel.

  44. Gather the proof. You cannot stay with this man, he hasn’t committed to his religion by cheating anyway so you shouldn’t be expected to stay in a marriage with a husband that 1 cheats on you and 2 disrespects and doesn’t follow the very religion yous abide by.

    Please, please, please get all the proof you can before mentioning divorce or anything about it to your husband because there’s a reason he was Googling what happens in a fault divorce ie when one spouse cheats. He knows he would be FUCKED and that’s the only reason he’s staying with you. Also, I’m no lawyer but is there a time limit on how long after you find evidence of cheating that you can get a at fault divorce? Because I wouldn’t be surprised if he was waiting it out until he thought he had covered his tracks long enough to divorce you and take everything with him.

    Once you get the proof, you need to tell this woman’s husband also because I assure you, they will not hesitate to spin this all on you. Don’t let it be one of those situations where you stay with him and then he royally fucks you, takes everything and the kids AND moves on with his affair partner. That WILL happen unless you make moves NOW. Be calculated, document everything, go through bank statements, get his phone records, EVERYTHING.

    You WILL be okay. Stay strong and know your worth.

  45. If your community is that frickin bored, small and close with each other I personally would find the towns community page on Facebook and get the wife to create a post saying the snickers and gossip need to stop because it is creating an unhealthy environment for your daughter and your family etc etc. Then hey atleast you tried it’s now out there in the community and everyone can move on, and if they don’t then at least you know they know and you can ignore them easier.

  46. If I were you I would say this:. “stop asking me. Every time you ask the answer will now be no. Instead, make me cum with oral or sex. Then I will reciprocate every time!”.

  47. I can emphasize with wanting to please your partner and satisfy his fantasy or desire.

    You've put yourself in uncomfortable and painful positions just to give him pleasure. That's a lot. He doesn't seem appreciative at all.

    Somethings just don't work.

    Anytbing 'helpful' sounds really creepy tho, like drugs, botox or hypnosis. But you should enjoy sex!!! Don't ruin it for you.

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