Your Cyber Angel online webcams for YOU!


azumi-fantasy chat

Date: October 22, 2022

12 thoughts on “Your Cyber Angel online webcams for YOU!

  1. Hello /u/justthecherryontop,

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  2. I am so sorry for the way your father treated you. It seems some people in the comments can’t fathom a world where this OP isn’t the bad guy, but parents are always suppose to look after their kids. I hope you are now happy in life and have moved on for the better. I hope OP gets a reality check in how he’s probably isolating the daughter

  3. Again my man, I would just be speculating. Effort presents itself in many different ways. Maybe her idea of effort is different than your own.

    Or.. maybe you're correct, you put in a lot more effort. She may simply not care or have it in her to do so, to be that 'serous' in a relationship.

    Think the point is, you BELIEVE she isn't putting in enough effort, which is a valid complaint. If talking to her about it or communicating this fact is impossible as she won't hear it – then your options become quite limited.

    Usually the grieving party would state the problem to their partner and meet half way to resolve the grievances. This is the bases of relationships.

    If this doesn't work, you can 'put up or shut up' as they say. Break it off for your own mental wellbeing, finding someone who is a better fit. Or come to terms you'll simply be the one putting more effort in.

  4. You know what you need to figure out? How long it’ll take to pack and how much removal might cost. That’s all you need to figure out. The only thing keeping you in the relationship is you being invested with a person that isn’t. You trying to “figure stuff out” will not take you anywhere, it won’t give you an answer, either. You’re no longer in denial, you no longer believe his bs so there’s actually literally nothing holding you back from getting away. Also, once you do, cut all contact with him. Start fresh, don’t ask questions, don’t say anything to him, and don’t ever let him back in your life. ??❤️

  5. I'm so sorry. I dated a guy once when I was younger who would start having sex with me when I was asleep, I would wake up with him on top of/inside of me. It was awful. He also told me “your my girlfriend” like…. that means he just gets to have sex with me whenever he wants & my consent didn't matter. It felt bad. I broke up with him and shortly after realized that it was 100% rape.

  6. I don’t understand what’s going on, but it is starting to make me wonder if there is something about him that I just don’t see, or if he acts differently when he’s not around me

    It's probably not him. We're going through a period of advanced social and cultural decline and as a result many people have become far more insular, self-centred, indifferent and in many cases mean-spirited. There is a lot less empathy, sense of community and acceptance of individual differences than there was 20-30 years ago.

    Let's talk here about morality and modern moral values – obedience to external authority, getting an education, getting a job, being financially self-sufficient – modern morality is based on material and financial values, not ethical values, not humanity, not empathy, not knowing the difference between right and wrong, not understanding the sheer importance of not causing anyone harm or suffering. Most people get raised as kids on the basis of these modern moral values, so they don't understand the sheer importance of humanity, empathy or human diversity, and when these kids grow up into adults and have their own kids these modern moral values get passed on.

    Anyone who differs from the norm gets labelled, and when people come across anyone who's different to them they tend to judge them and label them, and this is what creates the barriers and divisions. However if someone experiences poverty, inequality, hardship, their experiences of individual trauma tends to teach them a different set of values and they learn to get along with people who are different.

    Life is all about relationship and much of that relationship is our relationship to our environment, not just a natural environment but also a social and cultural environment. You cannot really blame anyone for the way they were raised and the things they were not taught in life. It's just the way things are. We are all living on the basis of memory and past experience and the knowledge of what works for us and what hasn't since the ages of 8 or 9. All of us.

    It's just the way things are. You just have to be with the people with who you find some kind of affinity or connection with and leave everyone else to figure it out for themselves.

  7. Hmm who do you want in your life, someone who tries to do something nice for you, or 2 people who made fun of someone else.

    Cut your friend and her daughter out of your life. Tell them that as they have shown you that they are shallow, horrible humans that you are no longer interested in them being apart of your life.

  8. Seems your anxiety is controlling you at the minute, bud.

    Radio silence? She's contacting you twice a day when you knew she'd have limited time on her phone – doesn't seem like radio silence to me.

    What exactly are you worrying about? I think you need to learn some techniques in order to control your worries.

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