Yodjinne live! sex chats for YOU!


5 thoughts on “Yodjinne live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. So you’re in TX but I’m assuming English isn’t your first language based on the cadence and wording of your post. So…what’s the real issue because there’s really no problem. This seems like a bad troll post.

  2. You don’t fix it, you’re not his mother. I would put certain boundaries in place though. No more than 2/3 alarms to wake him up or he sleeps elsewhere. You won’t be waiting for him in the morning, just get on with your day. You won’t do his morning admin for him if he does roll out 5 mins before.

    Then it’s up to him how much life he wants to miss out on and you soon find if he wants to be with you more than staying up playing games.

    He is 22 though, I’m sure if I had less responsibilities I’d stay up later playing games and sleep in more. Can’t do it with a toddler so I’d be making the most of it!

  3. I mean it depends how much money he makes. People watch porn, it’s normal. I wouldn’t say him spending money on porn is wrong. If he makes a lot and 18k is a drop in the bucket, then it’s not that big of a deal in my opinion. If it’s a big portion of his income, then yes it’s an issue. Similar to a gambling or drug addiction; at least he’s started to work on it.

  4. I think that’s the key. A lot of the hardest laughs I’ve had was from my friends doing/thinking things that were DUMB! Being silly = being dumb. I laughed until I cried when I realized my extremely intelligent father didn’t know that fish and birds sleep. The funniest things are always the most unexpected, dumbest things. You need to lean into it. Get high, get dumb. Laugh at yourself being dumb.

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