Yeye-3 online sex cams for YOU!



Date: November 1, 2022

8 thoughts on “Yeye-3 online sex cams for YOU!

  1. Guy seems gross and I would NEVER date a coworker but where is the risk with a 10 year difference with 30 and 40?

  2. Her want for her selfish stuff was greater than her desire to build a future with you. Her greed lead her to lie to you. I read nothing in your words that suggests she will change.

    Be honest with yourself – could you trust her to make wise financial decisions in the future? To not lie to you and keep lying to you till she has no choice to tell the truth? Do you think she has debt she hasn't told you about yet?

  3. You just don’t do it. It’s invasive. Quit making childish excuses that you just can’t help yourself. If that’s actually true, then you need professional help.

  4. I don't think it's cheating to have an emotional reaction to a moment, or person, or situation. And I'm 37 and married, I've been in a number of long term relationships that ended before I eventually met my wife, so I have some idea of what it is to be in all sorts of (quality of) relationships. I'm not 16 and being hyperbolic by suggesting that this post is, in fact, entertaining it.

    She had this encounter 8 months ago and is still this conflicted. That, in and of itself, is an indication that she is entertaining this on some level. She has engaged with the idea, for months, of being with this other man instead of her husband. I still don't think she has come anywhere close to cheating, but I think it's nuts to sweep this under the rug as a simple little thing she's dealing with.

    You're right about sharing here, though. I understand why people come here and what purpose it can serve, and it would be shortsighted and foolish to discourage people to share their small issues in favor of only the big ones.

  5. OP’s wife is using transphobia as an excuse to get her way. She knows op will feel bad and won’t want to be accused or being transphobic.

    It’s time to put the baby first

  6. You said you're a giver. It's possible she's all sweetness when she's getting all your attention and that stops when the attention stops. That could tell you a lot about her priorities.

  7. He sounds like an idiot,

    Just send him a simple text,: I don't know what's changed since your trip but the slowly fading out and slow replies are beyond childish so here is where I call it a day and move on, would of really appreciated it if you was just straight up with me and didn't waste my time.

    Even if he doesn't reply you know you told him he a childish dick.

    Give him 24hours to reply then block him everywhere, even if he replys block him straight after because you deserve better

  8. Yeah, I guess… maybe I’m just overthinking things and she won’t react badly at all, I mean she would probably uncomfortable with being together with A, so maybe possibly she wouldn’t mind skipping the pub thing… thanks!

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