Yereth-Lewis on-line sex cams for YOU!


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Date: November 6, 2022

42 thoughts on “Yereth-Lewis on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. Nah it has hit me , I rlly couldn't tell you what the point of my reaching out would be but I know it's not about making amends, definitely do not want her back

  2. the fact that you're have this “feeling” with your current GF is an indicator that you shouldn't be with her. if you're with the right girl/woman, it won't matter how long you've been with her, you wont have this “feeling”. She deserves to be with a fully committed man and vice versa. how would you feel if you're GF is thinking the same way towards you?

  3. Is it a sex addiction? Maybe counseling would help. I'm just worried he'll end up cheating on you in the long run. At the end of the day it's your life and you decide the way it should be lived, not us.

  4. The fact he first tried to say that this was from before you got married…

    Yeah he’s not remorseful. Should’ve just spat out the truth straight away but nope, decided to dig a hole for himself.

  5. I’m not saying you’re not allowed to have friends in a relationship. It’s the situation he’s in. Guy he doesn’t know taking his girl out, very uncomfortable situation, and she’d probably have an issue if the roles were reversed

  6. I don't even remember the games we were playing, but I definitely made out with double digit guys in a single night.

  7. She gave herself away by having said so many counterintuitive things. She's confused but she knows she wants your attention and support.

    Cut all contact. This isn't healthy for either of you. But mainly, do not allow someone to take advantage of you like this because it will really set you back in trying to move on and have an actual healthy relationship with someone.

  8. idk how you keep this to yourself for so long and act normal in front of someone who cheated on you and tried not to tell you about it. Plus you're on a trip with her and got her gift. jeez, that must been eating you up inside. sorry to hear that brother.

  9. I mean, I guess I would start by saying,

    ‘Hey, I really fucked up. I want to fix this, but I honestly don’t know what to do when I screwed up this badly. I am going to keep trying to figure it out, but I hope that you’ll tell me if I am making things better or worse.’

    And then I think the thing you really need to do is stop believing that your wife is manipulating you. Not just stop saying it, but stop thinking it and stop feeling it.

    (You are not wrong about the problem you identified – your wife and you need to figure out strategies that allow problems to be resolved even when emotions are trying to overwhelm you. I have different strategies for different parts of my life because this is something I do too. At work I will just say ‘by the way I am about to start crying, this is just how my body responds to intense situations, please just keep going and I will take everything in and respond when I can do so.’ With my husband, I actually find it a lot easier to have tough conversations when we are cuddling or holding hands. With friends I usually resort to texting. Even if they are next to me. )

  10. Your dick don't get hard……

    I don’t feel like going along sometimes. How can I communicate about this?

    See above…

    Your wife seems like the fixer of the relationship. Is that a bad thing?

  11. Did I say I was upset? Read the question I said I don't get why he's not upset with me walking in on him talking to another woman.

  12. I recommend you reach out to a local domestic violence organization as well as speak to a lawyer. This abuse is no less despicable just bc you're a dude and she's a woman. Please dont mention your plans to her, it could put you in a dangerous situation. If she has access to your phone, make sure to delete any search/call history associated with the DV org/lawyer.

  13. Not sure what you can do, other than continue to do what you are currently doing.

    Keep reminding your fiancé that if he ever wants custody of his daughter, he needs to remain civil, he needs to be in all aspects someone that the courts and his family want to have custody of his daughter. And that as much as he wants to get his brother to change, his brother holds the important card, his daughter, so he needs to be the one to bend, at least at the beginning, so that when it comes time in the future for more changes, or even full custody his brother is on his side.

  14. 1) she messaged an ex didn't tell you. 2) went to his house didnt tell you, she had all intention of having sex with him. 3) she lied when she said it was only once. 4) she thinks the child is his, that's why she finally admitted to cheating. If she thought the child was yours, she would still be denying it.

  15. She's the victim of a cheating bastard. OP and siblings are the victims of two self-centered childish a-holes.

  16. there is never a good time to break up with someone. you just have to bite the bullet and get it over with. good luck.

  17. I’m on the yes side.. I don’t see why he thinks it’s okay for him to get upset that you are around other guys. You guys aren’t together and if he has a sub he’s most likely having se with them. This is coming off as like another hobby to him. I’m also biased though and don’t trust anyone on the internet until I see them on a video call.

  18. It is unfortunate and may sound harsh, but the issues she has with her family aren’t your burden to bare. It has been seven months, it isn’t a long term established relationship. You have to do what is best for you. If you continue to stay with her when you feel like the relationship is over, you will grow resentful and it will only make things worse for her. You can’t stay with someone to protect their feelings. You will do more harm than good breaking up six months from now

  19. She has your money and his time. Good deal for her. Might just be an emotional affair, might not be physical yet.

  20. No and I agree that's something you bring up sooner but I also get making that mistake because if you tell people “I had ptsd (or whatever) and I hit my partner and doing so caused me to seek treatment and I'm a much better person now” all they're gonna see is “I hit my partner” unless they really really know your current character and can see how much you've changed.

    I mean look at this guy, by all accounts all we know is that his gf had no reason to suspect he'd been abusive, he had a YEAR of “good credit” built up, presumably he hasn't re-engaged in any of the behaviors, and STILL she's considering ending things over his past.

    I'd be scared to be honest too!

    And let's be real folks, do you tell your first date about the worst thing you've ever done?

  21. So one of the issues I’m having with the whole situation is I am not the clingy insecure type, I was hurt because it wasn’t only cheating it was that my ex had lost her virginity to another guy while we were together and that really messed me up. I was already over her but learned about this 2 weeks after meeting the new girl.

    by “commit” I mean she never deleted dating apps or stopped talking to certain guys that I knew she was keeping as options.

    And by “better advice” I mean something other than leave it be because that isn’t working for me and it’s affecting all parts of my life

  22. It's a shame there's no emergency housing list for anyone who needs to move out of their current room quickly.

  23. It's a shame there's no emergency housing list for anyone who needs to move out of their current room quickly.

  24. Yeah so if you discover you like being open and want to keep it, argue your case!

    You can tell him that when you’re open, sometimes other partners come and go. If they aren’t serious, they don’t last, right? So you have something going with a guy right now, but it won’t last. Meanwhile, at some point, he’ll get another chance to be with someone else. Open relationships can ebb and flow like that.

    He may not be able to handle that, though, if he is feeling really jealous. Sometimes you have to shut the openness off for a bit to make the primary relationship feel safer, and you may just need to do this.

  25. I don’t agree at all. It’s one thing to not introduce a partner to your kid for months. It’s another to hide having one entirely.

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