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45 thoughts on “Xxxeniyalive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Don't say this, it lets him know exactly how much you know and gives him a chance to spin a story and manipulate you to change your mind. Go get legal counsel and start making a plan.

  2. You chose to get those gifts for him I take it? He didn’t force you?

    If you really couldn’t afford them then that’s on you.

    Why not keep one or two back and give them for his birthday next year?

    I mean unless you’ve shown him what you got he’ll never know and it’ll save you money next year.

  3. Your heart is in the right place, but coming from someone who’s been in that relationship (on both sides), there’s something there that’s ‘comfortable’ to him. Some of us depend on the chaos, if that makes any sense. He’s as responsible for allowing her to drag him down as she is for dragging him.

    You seem like a good dude. You obviously love your friend. I can’t tell you what to do, but I can give you my opinion.

    Get homie into some counseling. It sounds like he’s at that point where he may be open to some of the suggestions. You can try to be Thanos all you’d like, but if he’s playing iron man, you’ll be in the same spot next month but possibly with a ruined relationship with your best friend.

    Think this one through. Incorporate him into any decision ‘you’ make. You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink.

    Good luck my dude. Don’t lose a friend over good intentions.

  4. Anyone who thinks you’re in the wrong needs the full story. This guy obviously doesn’t care about your well-being

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  6. Honestly, that's what it seems like when he tries to explain. Don't get me wrong, I'm incredibly grateful he bought them gifts. It just still hurts that I was left out.

  7. It was actually a peck. Lol. You gonna lie on here to get the response you want. Looks like she deleted her post because people are agreeing it’s totally fine. Too bad she lost me over this and now reelize it’s normal. Maybe it’s totally weird to her because her family hardly even hugs each other. She’s someone else’s problem now

  8. The grandparent didn’t do it just because she felt like it without parental regard. The mother of the children approved. You’re acting as if the grandmother is a villain.

  9. Is it your friend or your husband’s friend? If it’s your friend, you should confront her by asking nicely. Sometimes people don’t have the awareness (likely due to her upbringing). I wouldn’t consider her a rude guest unless she continued this behavior after being confronted.

  10. Hello /u/Previous_Okra3385,

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  11. This is his second crisis, I don’t think he’ll recover honestly. Right now is impossible for me to put distance, I on-line with my mom and siblings and my dad visits 1-2 times a month, and after graduation I have to go live with him for, hopefully, only three months, then I may be able to do the distance thing. I would cut him out rn but I know my mom would scold me telling me that he’s still my dad, and I really don’t want my mom to stress about her kid fighting with their dad, and my siblings wouldn’t understand since they won’t be told about the infidelity, at least not for now

  12. Yo thats fukked up i would calmly call it out in a full family convo like dinner. You sacrificed so much so its not fair; we deserve at least a year off when the kids born & remote work availability. You did what you could tho, your son shouldnt talk to his wife that way

  13. I feel like these types of posts pop up semi frequently but the posters never are willing to take any of the advice.

    To Sum Up: -Older, shorter, uglier people than you can and have been socially successful.

    -Self-neutrality may be achievable and more useful than self-confidence. You're just a person doing person things. You are not so special as to be outside the standard deviation of what constitutes average. Ergo, there is no reason you are incapable of doing average social person things.

    -Obsessing over what is “normal” is a waste of time and effort. You don't need to do what is “normal” you only have to stop doing something if you are made aware that it is hurtful/harmful to others (and even then, sometimes it's just a matter of time/place)

    -Every single thing you said about people your age is complete garbage, unfollow and ignore any on-line outlet that is sending you that message and get reputable therapy for the stuff coming from inside the house (ie your own brain or toxic family members)

  14. Says a person who has never been a victim of domestic violence!

    It's like that because DV incidents where the police is called are never one off incidents … as OP even says, there is a history of them having fights (worse even than this one). The police being called is usually a sign of a dysfunctional relationship where both people stay together when they shouldn't AND way too frequently people return to abusive, dysfunctional situations because it's all they know, all they think they deserve and way too frequently end up dead.

    Look, even taking OP's side and seeing j his part in the best possible light, it's clearly a very dysfunctional relationship with a history of big fights — and he still wants to return to her?!?

  15. He's not going to change and you shouldn't waste another thought on this guy. His humour isn't dark he's just a selfish asshole.

  16. Wow, how is it not relevant if she's basically in OP's boyfriend's shoes giving his perspective. The real reason you are so quick to dismiss this woman's comment is because she's a woman who is talking about men she's dated so “it isn't the same”.

  17. Here's a life lesson: your mother is going to make that comment for the rest of your life. Get used to it. She's your mom, she loves you, and she's always going to miss you. She also understands that you have a life to on-line. You aren't letting her down by living your life.

  18. It won't make her a better partner but it is concerning for the well being of OP's child to leave them alone in her care when she doesn't even care for herself. I think that is where the hesitation of leaving her comes in. If they do split I hope he fights for custody.

  19. I just want someone to love i think. im realizing there are some unhealthy things going on here and i should stop. Its just nude to see it sometimes i think. im definitely not a smart person

  20. Wow.. you really overthink things to the point of playing games in your head.

    My friends think I should’ve asked him to be my date.

    You don't have a date for the wedding? Then you ought to ask him to be your plus one. Shoot your shot.

  21. The absolute fucking nerve. To come to you as united front. Not only he wanted to fuck her, he discussed it with her behind your back and came with her to you. RAGE

    Why would you divorce him??? Just enjoy your life, OP. There is no need to help him. Indifference hurts the most. Be indifferent. Think of yourself only. Use him to build the life that you want. Then, once you realize that you don't need him emotionally/financially, reevaluate your life and decide how to proceed. You don't owe him shit.

  22. Are you sure he’s still not messaging her?

    In these situations, does the man really ever choose the new girlfriend? Or does he just stop advertising that he’s speaking to his mate and continues behind your back – just now with a sprinkle of chat about how controlling and insecure you are. Which will get around his friend circles and none of his mates will like you because of it.

    Repercussions looming ahead for you OP. I’d watch out for them.

  23. You don’t even have kids though so why do you keep bringing up taking away from kids that don’t even exist?

  24. Tell her how you feel and maybe she feels the same way and talk to a doctor about her having a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby. Please communicate with one another.

  25. She wasn't looking for a ride home.

    She was looking for a hookup. And found one.

    And then a few weeks later, went out again looking for another one.

  26. Maybe. How would you break it to her though? Whats a way to phrase it that i would like her to consider her health more or lose me?

  27. Lol honestly yall need to take a step back from time to time. Sometimes it’s ok to not post personal things on-line and work them through yourself and your partner. Is that really crazy? All I said was sometimes is better to keep things to one self. That’s it.

  28. Also OP, you should under no circumstances do N’s mom’s hair ever again. Paid or unpaid. She has burned that goodwill with her entitlement and expectation. Good luck on your future career.

  29. Just curious as to why you find it increases energy/sleepy quality? Does snorning decrease these things for the snorer? Thank you.

  30. Just curious as to why you find it increases energy/sleepy quality? Does snorning decrease these things for the snorer? Thank you.

  31. Just curious as to why you find it increases energy/sleepy quality? Does snorning decrease these things for the snorer? Thank you.

  32. Are you kidding me, you're arguing over condiments?

    That's a pretty good indicator that you two are not good for one another.

  33. I'm not going to get fully into this because someone else will have better words than me, and you're young and won't get this fully yet anyway.

    I think you're imagining a situation where she turns this guy down, and he backs off and is respectful. This is not how it often goes for women. That's a fantasy idea. Imagine if most of your life was people like this not caring if you said no, and not respecting you at all. Over and over.

    What happens when you turn an obsessive creep down is they just get worse. Things get worse for you. This is her coworker so she can't get away. Holding guys like this at arms length in a work situation makes more sense than the drama and frankly danger that comes with shutting them down hot.

    Give her some slack for trying to do this with grace and less drama. It is scary.

  34. In fact don't tell her how you know about her cheating, or much you know. Do not make her any more careful in the future. You can also consider finding this story on your own, and screenshot it. You never know when it could come in handy.

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