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XLika_ReedXlive sex stripping with hd cam


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Room for on-line sex video chat XLika_ReedX

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Birth Date: 1994-09-12

Body Type: bodyTypeAthletic

Ethnicity: ethnicityWhite

Hair color: hairColorBlack

Eyes color: eyeColorBlue

Subculture: subcultureGlamour

Date: October 17, 2022

33 thoughts on “XLika_ReedXlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Jeez man you sound like a very nice guy and your new GF is lucky to have you. Your ex missed out a great husband and your daughter is lucky to have a great father. Yeah I can see my wife trying to keep my side kick away from me but I will get joint custody even if I have to move mountains. I'm too nice of a guy like yourself that not once did I threaten my wife to take our daughter away from her. I think maybe I was to nice of a guy that things didnt work out. I'm sitting in this recliner and keep looking at my dog while she sleeps and I remember Friday night when her, her mom and sister where here packing her clothes, yelling at me and my wife goes up to my dog crying saying “I'll miss you” it makes me sad to see her cry because I care about her and because I didnt cry when she was here leaving or tried telling her to stop. I wanted to tell her let's make it work but I said that a week ago, I've said it multiple times in the past and when she wanted a break and than a week later (friday) she said said she wanted to see other people and that was the final straw and I said nope. I would never see another person while trying to make a relationship work. That said man, I agree WE can only control on how our life will be and the making new memories it is naked. I go to a fast food joint and it brings up the time we shared you know or drive down . I dont know if you like country music but I've been listening to this song on repeat every now and than by Luke Combs called When It Rains It Pours. The first start of the song is exactly what happened this past week and than now I should drive to Idaho and buy a lottery ticket but anyways I like the song because it tells you that life is going to work out.

  2. Am I being naive in believing her?

    Yes. And you should date someone closer to your age who doesn't have this much baggage.

  3. Male or female shouldn't matter. I'd make ONE exception for ex's just because there is an already established history that can, and has, ruined/broken up many relationships once they (the ex) comes back into play.

    Don't capitulate to either one; male or female.

    Either he trusts you (he doesn't) to have a life outside of your relationship or he doesn't (he doesn't). But don't capitulate to the control.

  4. I know 33 and still playing bullshit games , I would leave her to the neighbour I'm sure it will go amazing for her.

  5. It's not illegal if a business has a few employees then they are allowed to pay cash. Cleaning a house or dog walking is not paid by check…and nobody is saying that a business would deliberately allow because she's a refuge…wages are not low…people get paid minimum wage and above

  6. Don't do anything without extensive research on ethical non-monagamy, open relationships, and polyamory. She needs to be a part of this learning process, and you will both need to be extremely honest and vulnerable with each other every step of the way. If you do both decide to move forward, you need to be extremely certain that you're still meeting her needs for intimacy (not necessarily sex), and that you're okay with her also seeing other people, if she decides to do that.

    I'm happily non-monogamous, however, I didn't, and would not, open an existing monogamous relationship. I don't have a “primary” partner.

  7. she literally wrote to her friend “I kissed a guy”. Thats the truth right there. If you cant get past this, plus the other things shes done to you, then end it. Dont waste time.

  8. Sounds like she needs therapy to get a semblance of self worth going. If she was a “hoe” she'd be fine with casual short term sex, but it seems she's looking for emotional connection in the wrong places. And with the wrong strategy.

    If you stay in contact with her I suggests you set a hot boundary to not talk about dating life. It makes things more sane for you, and it might even remind her that she's not defined by who she's dating. Talk to her about interests and achievements instead.

  9. Ew. You’re it behaving like a friend. You’re acting like a controlling boyfriend. You’re it her boyfriend though. So stop.

    Stop fixating on this girl.

    She’s had 8 years to want you.

    She doesn’t want you.

    Move on! Either actually be her friend or stop creepily being involved in her romantic life and getting mad when it doesn’t include you.

  10. Relationships are easy when your with the right person .

    Only so much can be fixed and it requires both people seeing it the same way .

    remember arguments are normal, however the are never about who is at fault, it's about how to solve the problem. If he's arguing about fault then he's not mature enough.

    You should have a baby with someone you can't wait to have a baby with, if not your going to tie yourself to this person for 18 years MINIMUM.

    He'll always have some control over you thu that baby.

    your still young, find yourself first, then when you have a baby with the right person you can teach that baby how to find themselves also.

  11. Id show up & be present for her. A death is a huge trauma & having support and love from a best friend is irreplaceable. It'll mean a lot of you showed you how much you cared now.

  12. OP I think you need to be more assertive in your communications to your wife. Tell her this is a marriage ending issue for you, because it’s not at all about how she looks but is about how she’s reacted to you expressing a concern over something that is significantly impacting your wellbeing. You’ve come to her with a valid concern about something that negatively impacts your life and she’s minimized your feelings, told you to just ignore it and suck it up, and this is despite her being the one best suited to make the situation better for you. Tell her you’re not willing to accept inaction from her. Don’t be willing to accept it. Ask her if she would to the same thing to your daughter (minimize and tell her to “suck it up” because she doesn’t see something your child is really struggling with as a big deal). However your wife responds to that, you can consider it and decide what you find acceptable from there.

    Your wife needs to support you with this, plain and simple. It doesn’t matter if she thinks the situation is a big deal or not, what matters is that you have told her it’s a big deal to you (assuming you have, and haven’t just made passing comments without truly addressing the seriousness of the impact on you and your daughter) and she has ignored that. If she’s a decent partner she will try to understand it from your perspective and work with you to make the situation better.

    It’s not about what other people think, and it’s definitely not about her looks. It’s about her minimizing your valid concern, ignoring a situation that is negatively effecting you and your daughter, and dismissing your view of the situation as being less important than her own assessment of the same. That shows some serious lack of empathy from her, which is understandable to be upset about.

    All this is predicated on the assumption you’ve communicated the severity of the impact on your life with her. Please make sure you’ve actually communicated to her how severely you’re being impacted, and how you need her help in dealing with people outside the relationship. It’s not a big deal to her because she’s either positively impacted by it (she likes it that she looks young) or neutral. She needs to know it’s it’s a big deal to you. Use lots of “I” statements – I feel this, I am impacted this way, I would like it if you could help me with this. The words “you should” or “you always” or “you need to” aren’t going to be helpful here.

    Best of luck! It’s not an easy situation, and not something you need to just ignore or suck up.

  13. It's similar for my husband and me.

    I dislike receiving anal and it doesn't work. Which is okay for my husband. But he loves to be pegged, and I love to peg him. So if there's anal, that's the way we do it. 🙂

  14. I read it as the wife is pregnant. Op is a little unclear on that. I love that I'm being down voted for something that's very real and very common though.

  15. Who cares what the coat smells like. Why did he lie to you about what he was doing? Why did he hide that he was “just having lunch.” He'll turn the “snooping” around on you, and that will be the focus of everything he says now.

    Seriously, why lie? If it's nothing, then why lie?

    Plenty of cheaters have lunch with their affair partners. It's not like lunch is some magic thing that only platonic friends do.

  16. I didn't expect to be on your side after reading the title, but I completely feel for you. You raised these children since they were 5 and 7, and they feel so strongly against you that I would prioritise your mental health if I were you. I also would have expected more support from your wife, I would re-evaluate the relationship if I were you.

  17. My ex did this exact same thing, except she waited a week to do it. Came in to work fine, left an emotional wreck because I found out she had sex with a coworker on his lunch break. It was a very emotional time for me as she was the first person I had truly fallen in love with. We got back together for like 2 weeks (absolutely dumb move on my part) then split for good. I've since moved on from her, but it still stings, ya know? Moral of the story: Men are not stoic. We have feelings and you hurt him. He will never truly forgive you unless he is incredibly kind (I won't forgive my ex and I'm probably the most kind, naive person ever) and even then it'll take a while. He'll always suspect you of cheating (we know you didn't but to him that's what it looks like) and this will cause problems down the line. Some advice? Spare him any more pain and hurt and leave.

  18. I think the idea was the leash has a spot inside, he goes inside to check but it's not there so he leaves.

    But you should see this video man it's hilarious how close he is to touching the leash while he's trying to steal shit. Felt good to whip that out.

    Also I'm still finding stuff out rn but… He apparently owes other people lots of money so I'm probably not getting mine back

  19. My evidence is anecdotal, I can’t offer any valid peer reviewed studies or stats.

    In my (44F) experience, a lot of people get wrapped up in the “checklist” of life and don’t put a whole lot of thought into marriage, house, kids, etc. it’s just something they feel they’re “supposed to do”.

    With regards to kids specifically, I know quite a few people who love their kids but hate being parents. If they’re doing it right (parenting that is), so much of their life is put on hold in order to focus on kids. Hobbies are stopped or at least greatly ratcheted back. Same with travel . Same with alone time with their partner. I don’t think many people feel comfortable saying it out loud because they feel guilty about it.

    I also know quite a few men and women who knew they didn’t want kids at all but were coerced—kids or divorce. All of them are good parents and love their kids but they developed a lot of resentment for their spouse and in each case (I’m thinking of 8 couples) they’re divorced.

    To me, the biggest issue isn’t that he regrets having 3 kids, it’s that he’s openly showing preference to the oldest. That’s a great way to mentally fuck up kids.

    I think that had I gotten married to my ex fiancé in my mid 20’s, I’d have kids of my own. I always just assumed I would because that’s what people did where I grew up in the Midwest. But I knew deep down that I wanted to be able to have the career I wanted (involves a lot of travel) and wanted to continue with my time consuming hobby (horses), and continue with my volunteer work in wildlife rescue. None would be possible with kids.

    So by the time I met my husband at 30 who had 2 kids from a prior marriage, I finally admitted to myself (and everyone around me) that I didn’t want biological children. Being a stepmom, at least I’m not the primary parent or ultimate responsible. I can opt in on my involvement.

    I can appreciate that you’re upset about this revelation but I’d encourage you to hold your judgement and understand that he’s being vulnerable and honest. If you smack down in this, he’s more likely to shut down and the couples counseling will become worthless. You both need to feel like your therapist’s office is a safe space for honesty and vulnerability even if it may hurt the other person.

    Good luck. ❤️

  20. You were 17 and 19 when you started dating? Big red flag on his part. And his reaction to you not texting back on his time frame is abusive, manipulative, and controlling. Even bigger red flag. Oh and he doesn’t respect your stance on religion and would rather fight with you until you agree with his views? Come on.

    I know you’re young and it may feel very difficult but please let things end and move on. Don’t be with this guy. Sounds like an abusive jerk. Cut your losses! You’re better off without him.

  21. I mean after the first 3 shots, I’m not goin to be shooting another one. It just won’t happen, it’ll be so hot a cat couldn’t scratch it but it damn sure won’t go again.

  22. Are you upset she shared this experience with her friend? Or are you upset that she didn't enjoy it?

    If it's the second, well… I'm sure it didn't go great for you either. “It's OK” means she's not holding it against you and she doesn't want you to feel badly or discouraged. But, I doubt either of you got the feeling of restored intimacy, connectedness, and pleasure you would describe as “great sex”.

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