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Date: October 4, 2022

4 thoughts on “www.onlyfans.com/doll_lexi the hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Hey OP. Thanks for the explanation. Really helps to understand things.

    Couple options to consider. Yall are both young, couples counseling of some sort might just work for you. It sounds like you two had years of self deprecation that has led to this and some level of therapy is NEEDED if you want this to work.

    Another option, you two try to have a mature conversation with no blowing up at one another. Sit down and explain, “hey, we’ve been together x number of years and at this point we should consider the next stage of our relationship. I want to take things to x level but I have concerns and I’d like to discuss then openly with you, no judgement from either side” then tell how you feel and explain “this is just how I feel even if it is illogical” and assure her that whatever she feels is valid too. Find your middle ground or some sort of understanding and go from there.

    Third option, end it. You have a lot put into this relationship but people and relationships change over time. You two may have just become incompatible or perhaps you always were. I was in a similar situation once back in college. Eventually we did start having sex again but she grew to resent me in other areas as she suffered with her own self image issues and such. Anyways, good luck

  2. Nah, this ain't it. I have ADHD and frankly I find it super helpful when my partner reminds me we need to do the dishes or that I've forgotten to brush my teeth. We aren't gross, we are just forgetful.

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