Willa the hard on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Willa, 19 y.o.

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Online Live Sex Chat rooms Willa

Willa live! sex chat

Date: October 16, 2022

40 thoughts on “Willa the hard on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. He went once, and started taking meds to help curb his alcohol intake. I forget what it’s called but he says when he drinks while on them he gets extra tired. I got upset cause he was acting like he usually does when he drinks a lot so I was getting ready to throw it all out. I can bring up again going back to the meetings

  2. You need to insist she goes to therapy to get to the root of why she did that and she needs to be able to explain to you what has changed that she would never do something like that again.

  3. Go out sometimes and stay at home in others, you will feel exhausted either way and tried to talk about MDD but don't go into details. If you don't tried anything you will lose them by default.

  4. 100%. This nonsense drives me literally insane . If they want to be together in thr marital house all day so bad they should stay married . OP ditch this mess

  5. It's time to tell her bluntly and repetitively how you feel.

    “Mom, I do not want to move back in with you. It's time that I learn to be an independent adult and I can not do that with you taking control of my finances and education. I have to fly on my own.”

    If she denies trying to take control, tell her “You kicked me out because I refused to sign over those rights. I won't pretend that did not happen.”

    Repeat those two phrases as needed. Don't let her gaslight you. Go low-contact and make it clear with your actions, not just words, that you won't have a relationship while she continues to try to control or gaslight you.

  6. You’re insecure about her going to a gay bar while she’s bi yet 42 days ago you posted about trying to rekindle a relationship with a women you knew 13 years ago while she’s in an active relationship. Either you’re a cheating tool that’s projecting on your poor gf or this is another troll post trying to get fake internet points

  7. I think she’s the one that has to convince him, but it may be due to cultural diferences from here in europe

  8. I think she’s the one that has to convince him, but it may be due to cultural diferences from here in europe

  9. And his words just get worse and way hurtful every time

    You mentioned this in your text and offered one example. What exactly is your boyfriend saying to you during these arguments? Is he namecalling you or putting you down, or something else?

  10. u/Healthy-Society-8223, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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    my mother was also horrifically abused by her father. her sister was very brave and ended up confronting him about what he did, and instead of getting into trouble or paying for his crimes or even feeling ashamed, he just cut them off, for a couple years.

    then my mom gave birth to me. and two years later, my sister. she reconnected with him because, of course, she aged out of his target age, and she “loved her dad”. she thought he would be so sorry and ashamed and grateful to be a family again that he would never hurt us.

    i want you to guess what happened next. i want you to. i want you to wonder what happened when we were alone with him, the FIRST CHANCES he got when we reached little girlhood. guess! go on.

    he lived a pedophile and he died a pedophile, and my sister and i had to pay the price of EVERY! SINGLE! FUCKING ADULT that knew better. ALL OF THEM knew. they just didn't want to think about it. he was funny, smart, kind, charming. we loved him. he threw family barbecues and held a respectable job. as my mother put it, he was “daytime dad” versus “nighttime dad” – and later on, the same thing for my sister and i. you know what he did? got cocky, got better at lying, got so fucking comfortable abusing children that he fucked around with two generations of his own blood.

    get therapy. it took me until my late teens and well into my late 20s to deal with and get through the massive damage this kind of bullshit does to somebody, because NOBODY wanted to talk about his “sickness”. he wasn't sick, he wanted to fuck babies. do you get it? if you have an ounce of brains, you will confront your sibling for even allowing this shit to happen and you will STOP seeing your dad. i would honestly have divorced you if i were your wife, i could never trust you again after insisting on seeing him. and that's the awful, ugly truth. he is NOT your dad, he does NOT love you. he is a fucking monster and should be rotting in a cell feeling exactly like he made YOU feel (and other children – there are ALWAYS others. always).

  12. Hello /u/roastedweeeenies,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

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  13. The fact you think this is a good relationship is disheartening. The fact you think you’re almost ready for a kid as a 24 yr old in a new relationship is disturbing. OP is going to be the next single mom

  14. I’m still pissed and I don’t know how I can suck him off again.


    A blow job isn't a right, and if he's going to pull crap like that, then he doesn't get a blow job.

    Just be prepared for lots of horrible sulks and arguments because he doesn't get to do to you things you explicitly don't want him to.

  15. Incompatibilities are things you cannot compromise on. They definitely range from different things and it does depend on the individuals for the most part. A universal incompatibility to me is children. Someone will suffer in that situation trying to come to terms with having children they didn't want. Also children deserve better than that. You're young though. She'll get it one day.

  16. “I think that if you don't know whether you want to be with me, then you don't want to be with me. I'm now moving on.”

  17. Who is also actively putting her in dangerous situations. She may as well be walking alone at night since he refuses to comfort her. He’d probably run off and bail on her if they got mugged.

  18. its hard when someone very experience goes with someone who's not to make it work. You did the right thing in breaking up

  19. The fact that my brain thinks “is this post even real?” should give you a pretty decent indication of just how fucked your situation is, granted that it is real.

    Your BF is horrible. I normally lean towards the side of working things out with your SO. But your BF? Nah. Throw the whole boy out.

  20. Plus if they were on a work trip, depending on where OP lives, there can still be consequences for off-hours behavior.

  21. Like a fool I still hope she would want to come back to me and date me and all that after she feels better.

  22. It's almost never worth to marry someone and don't know if you are sexually on the same page. Imagine her Libido is way lower. Congrats. You are now married and it's way harder to end things.

  23. Don’t go further than being friends, it won’t end well. If you don’t find her physically attractive now & you’ve know her for a few years, it will drastically affect your relationship in the future (if u decide to be more than friends).

  24. In smaller communities anonymous message yet giving enough proof is the way. You certainly are not the only one getting his dick picks.

  25. His penis is not touching the underside of the toilet lid. And if you really aren't concerned about poo germs, I would question why you're not keeping your toothbrush in the bathroom. Or why you would be concerned about any other germs at that point.

    Regardless, you clearly have a few options here:

    – blowjobs IN the shower

    – clean the toilet more regularly

    – get over it

    – make him wash his dick prior to sexy times

    With respect to the last one, my guess is if he understands that what stands between him and blowjobs is regular dick cleaning, he'll be on board.

    That said, you clearly have some germaphobe tendencies and like I said before, this is definitely a “you” problem. Depending on how easy-going he is or how good things are going in your relationship otherwise may determine just how receptive he is to you making it HIS problem as well.

  26. Please don't act like you don't have control over your own actions. You're not helpless to stop yourself. Simply don't do it.

  27. She is still in high school, so unfortunately, her parents really do have quite a bit of control over her life. (She’s only in high school for a few more months though, right?)

    Your concerns are very realistic, tbh. Yes, it is most likely that you two would drift apart in the Air Force. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it, though. You’re both young, and quite frankly, should be more focused on your futures than anything else. So I commend you for taking your job hunt seriously and saving up for a car!

    Sometimes, timing is very complicated! It sounds like you really love her, and want to make it work. Unfortunately, I think you just have to wait for her, or move on. Especially if she isn’t willing to go against her parents demands in any way.

  28. But you don't online with her. It's pretty clear she's not happy about that and part of this may very well be her acting out about it, but that doesn't change the fact that you don't get a say in this.

    If you don't want her to on-line with you while she has a dog, then tell her that now so you can both figure out what the next steps are.

  29. Yeah, I called that out too. Her best bet is to talk to a DV organization and they can talk her through the steps she can make.

  30. I only smell it when my head is there, it’s not horrible, other pussies smell like this too maybe I just don’t like the natural smell, I know she’s quite hygienic, what do u mean about ph balance, but today it was a bit stronger than usual

  31. He majorly over reacted and calling you a cunt is a red flag, he shouldn’t have done that so I would re-evaluate your relationship. That being said I don’t get why it’s so important that people have to delete every single thing relating to their ex’s on social media. He had a life before you and a life with her, I still have several photos of my ex on my social media because we were together for 6 years. No way am I spending hours going through and deleting every single photo, we had good memories despite not working out and sometimes it’s nice to reflect on those moments. Especially holiday pictures , It doesn’t mean I’m still into him or want him.

  32. Do not date people who report to you! This is a situation that could get you fired, if not both of you. It is wildly inappropriate.

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