Wife (25F) wants kids and I (27M) said we can’t afford it. How to deal with it?


I met my wife five years ago on-line. We felt the spark pretty soon and got married in two years. We had discussion about children. I told her that I am open to them but only when we can comfortably afford them. My childhood was different. My father was always working to provide for our family and we barely got to see him other than at breakfast in the morning. It was just our mother with us. Due to those experiences, I decided that I won’t have kids until I am at the place where I can provide for them without missing out on anything. I shared this with my wife prior to our marriage. We are financially comfortable now. But quick calculations made me realise that I would considerably have to put our foot down, we will be a few inches away from living paycheque to paycheque. We have been saving for a while that we want to invest. I told her that once the investment starts yielding profits, we can definitely consdier kids but not before that. She wasn’t receptive and told me that I was being paranoid and unreasonable. I love her and I understand where she is coming from. But I want to provide my future kid with everything in this world and him/her to have my full attention and don’t want to miss any of it. So what should I do? We haven’t really talked. She has been cold. I don’t think she is mad, she is just sad.

Update: I just sat down with my wife and decided that that we can wait until the mortgage on property and we have extra income. In the meanwhile, she will check with endocrinologist if there is a ticking clock on her chances of getting pregnant or my ability to get her pregnant in five years of time frame. Fortunately, most of your doomsday scenarios did not work out.

submitted by /u/Salt-Face7733
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Date: August 20, 2023

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