Wettdiamond live! sex cams for YOU!



Date: October 11, 2022

11 thoughts on “Wettdiamond live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. Run now and give hime no additional personal information. If these are the red flags he's showing now, it only gets worse the more you begin to rely on him. Don't ignore the small stuff in hopes it won't become big stuff because it always becomes big stuff.

    He's likely testing the waters right now. Seeing how far he can cross into your boundaries without serious consequences. He will cry and guilt you and play it off like you're the one being over-emotional, that you're the one who's hurting him, that it's your fault the relationship isnt working, and trust me when I say that is not true. It's gaslighting. He's manipulating you. If you said no and he forced you into relations, you KNOW what that is. It's no longer something that happens to other people.

    And you need to make a choice now while you can. Choose if this behaviour is acceptable, or choose if your boundaries/autonomy/safety are worth more than to be this man's possession.

    Please, as someone who forgave the little things and found out the very hot way, protect your safety/boundaries/autonomy more than anything and never reduce yourself to being someone else's possession.

    I wish you luck, safety, and happiness.

  2. I'd suggest talking to her about how you feel. If it ends up in you two breaking up that is fine as you were headed that way anyway. But if it helps her change and deal with her anger towards her ex boyfriend you will be helping someone you care about become a better and healthier person.

  3. I remember this feeling with my first boyfriend, getting anxious about the fact he'd had previous partners. It's a crappy feeling, but it gradually goes away as both you and relationship mature. (By the time you start dating your third boyfriend, you won't even care whom he previously dated.)

    Here are some important things to keep in mind:

    If your bf's previous partners were so great, either in life or in bed, he would still be with them and not with you. Your boyfriend has chosen to be in a relationship with you, not someone else, and isn't comparing you to his previous relationships. He's just enjoying his time with you. Intimacy is a normal and healthy part of romantic relationships. Nearly all adult humans have sex. Sex is neither morally wrong or right, good or bad. It just is. The next time you have these thoughts about your boyfriend, remind yourself that there was nothing wrong or disgusting with his behavior; he was simply engaging in a normal human activity.

  4. I wouldn't ask him.

    I would either get a PI or start following your husband to see if he goes to her. Sounds like he is having an affair or something.

    If she is “waiting” for him, he could be hiding money and whatnot so that you get nothing if he leaves you for her and you divorce. I would also consult a lawyer to cover your basis in case he is preparing for divorce.

    You should also run a credit check on him. See if he has credit cards or accounts you don't know about.

  5. It's obviously a big deal to you. The right thing to do would be not going to the party. You probably know that.

  6. I think it’s fair to be disappointed that she has to have a sober Bach party, that doesn’t mean she’s an alcoholic. It’s an event that’s hyped up your whole life and associated strongly with drinking. However, yes, the obvious solution, if she wants a wild and crazy bachelorette, is to just have one after the baby is born

  7. Sorry, I missed out the part you were ok w porn usage. How did you fix your insecurities? Did he do anything that may have caused it?

  8. Hey man just want to say sorry you had to go through this. You have so much wonderful life to experience, and trust me when I say you will find someone better. Let it come to you. It will get better.

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