Wetsex-xo live! webcams for YOU!



Date: October 6, 2022

11 thoughts on “Wetsex-xo live! webcams for YOU!

  1. I think that you may be right, and I would not believe her about the no sex. If it were that easy, she might not have broken up with you. Personally, I think she broke up with you to have sex with somebody else. Just my opinion, but I would definitely try to get her to be really honest.

  2. If I am reading this correctly, it comes off that you might be expecting a life style that requires “time” which you have an abundance of and he is short on with working. Add the duties that is asked of him on top of his working, probably adds a level of frustration.

    I firmly don’t believe this is about money, but what is happening with his time when he isn’t at work

  3. Hello /u/No-Cartographer-5203,

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  4. If you have kids with him you will be a single parent who works and cleans because his “job is harder”

  5. Document everything. This sounds like it's getting abusive, especially if she's comfortable berating you in front of her parents and in public. If ANYTHING bad between her and your kid happens, record it somehow. You gotta get out for your sake and for your son. Lawyer up and nope the fuck out of there.

  6. You realise the uni contacted his parents for his own safety right? Would you prefer they did nothing and he hurt himself? What about if he seriously hurt Z? He's the one being aggressive and talking about hurting himself. This wont ruin his life. Changing schools is such a minor thing in someone's life. His parents obviously thought a community college would put less stress on him and therefore help his mental health. Sound like he needed counseling or some maturing.

    If he lashes out at you just tell him you did it because you care and want him to be safe. He would have faced greater consequences if he acted on his threats. At least he can still get a degree somewhere.

  7. We need all kinds of people in our lives to be balanced and fulfilled

    and you cannot be all those people

    you were never meant to be all those people

    you’re meant to be one important anchor in her life, her parents are another anchor, & her best friends are another anchor.

    everyone contributes something different. you cannot possibly contribute enough of the different things she needs in her life to make it fulfilling

    and therefore you would rob her of experiences of other peoples input and happiness and laughter. This is so vile, so vicious, and that’s not who you are!

    so remind yourself that she is recharging her batteries and coming back to you happier and healthier and you & your relationship benefit from her experience when she gets to see her friends and family.

    If she feels safe and loved your relationship will flourish; if she feels controlled and resented your relationship will die. It’s on you.

  8. Sounds like you are checked out and need to be separated. You are a spouse and should never be second. Look, I love my family, but my wife and kids come first, and I would never do what happened to you without my wife's input/concerns. It's a decision you must make. Either way, new horizons await you.

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