Westrose live webcams for YOU!


Cameltoe closeup [96 tokens remaining]

Date: October 29, 2022

14 thoughts on “Westrose live webcams for YOU!

  1. He's controlling AF and you need to get away from that shit. He should want you to be the most confident and beautiful self that you can be. And if you want to look a certain way, his job is to support you! Emotionally not financially (unless he wants to) and if he isn't doing that then he's trying to break you down so that you have no self worth and think that you're not good enough for anyone but him. Lose that loser!

  2. He doesn't sound like a weeb, he just sounds stupid. And quite possibly racist – and that's coming from someone who appreciates dark humour.

    The Erika song was written by Herms Niels, who became a propagandist for the Nazis. The song itself was quite popular with them. It has pretty much become associated with that regime, so even if he genuinely though it was a good song (which I doubt, considering all the other signs), he should be somewhat careful about mentioning it.

    The chinese filler word, from what I gather, is quite similar to the N word. He's asking you to say something that sounds racist just because it can be dismissed as a different language. If you were doing it inadvertedly because you swich to your mother tongue while thinking or something, that would be somewhat alright (I'm sure some people would take offense, but that's another discussion), but he's instigating you to say it.

    That combined with the complete disregard for you as an individual and your origins should probably ammount to a break up and blocking him. Most people out there are at least respectful.

  3. You have right be upset about being publicly humiliated by the slide show and your boyfriend's cheating.

    What's to understated? He cheats on you and insults you. Why are wasting any more time interacting with this dumpster fire of a human being?

    Have some self respect and dump him already.

  4. Wow. Being eight months pregnant is a good enough reason by itself to be struggling to keep the house clean, you were kind of busy growing a person and it’s completely normal to be exhausted. And now he won’t tell you where he lives? These two things together paint a picture of him that is not great.

  5. So basically she wants to be pregnant with and give birth to her own grandkid. That’s frickin’ weird.

  6. I agree. Sounds like OP has checked out. I don’t blame her. I wouldn’t have given them the green light to sleep together but honestly if my husband even sat me down to ask to sleep with someone else that is not something I would ever come back from. At that point I wouldn’t be able to look at my husband the same ever again.

    Idk what the husband and best friend were thinking. Her first reaction was crying and she had to leave. Yeah she came back later and said yes, because as you said she was defeated by that point. They have no one to blame but their selfish selves

  7. I wouldn't feel comfortable with that information, that is just me. Tbh I have a boundary where if I find out someone has done something like that I'd never date them. I struggle knowing friends who have done this. I hate it.

  8. This is why you don't sleep with friends you intend on keeping around. If she had a position of I am uncomfortable with you being close with people you slept with or sleep with when single, she would be in the majority. If she had a group of guy friends that she had slept with would you be okay with her spending 1:1 time with them?

  9. no, dump him. he doesn't care about you and that won't magically change. Most likely he will meet someone else and dump you or continue in this situation where he literally doesn't care about you while you keep hanging around.

  10. That sounds like weird sociopath behavior where he didn't know how to act so he did what he thinks and it looked really weird.

    Are u sure you are both super into monogamy? Or is he just agreeing w you? Did u ask him first and he agreed or does he have his own personality.

    I find this behavior weird a f because it doesn't fit.

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