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Live Live Sex Chat rooms Welcome to my room! We are Janna and Ornella! My pvt is open<3

Welcome to my room! We are Janna and Ornella! My pvt is open<3 live sex chat

Date: October 17, 2022

18 thoughts on “Welcome to my room! We are Janna and Ornella! My pvt is open<3 the naked live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. It’s a bad habit you’ve gotten into. This relationship may or may not work out in the long run, but if nothing else let it serve as a lesson to you of what happens when you lie. Consider seeing a therapist if you can’t force yourself to stop lying. Good luck with your girlfriend. Hopefully this will be something you can both grow with, rather than something that drives you apart, but really, you can’t blame her if she decides to end it permanently. Just don’t make the same mistake again.

  2. Hello /u/Elegant_Fact4875,

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  3. Nah girl. Sounds like he cheater and sis was trying to help without getting overly involved. Quit dragging her through the mud. This is why she didn’t want you to know who she was. Your exact reaction. But “hey girly” messages don’t happen because your bf is being 100% faithful.

  4. Yep, she cheated on you and lied to your face about it. The tears don't really change that.

    Even worse? She lied about being raped. What do you think would have happened to the guy if anything came from that lie? Countless men every year are falsely accused of rape and it ruins lives and families.

    Women need to start being held accountable at the same level men are for rape, and allegations of rape. What she did was fucking terrible. Don't sugar coat it.

  5. They do when it makes sense. You have no clue the reasoning for the problem and unless your bf did something egregious which would require you to go against his wishes then you should have respected his decision. Doubt he came to it lightly. Your bf is your partner and who you support, if he’s ok with his decision and doesn’t want to reconcile, it’s not up to you to fix it.

  6. you scheduled 21st at sunday at 10am? i mean come on. these people prime in their drinking times. they are going to be hung over. they won't evne show up to their family stuff. let alone yours.

    reschedule for a normal time.

  7. The fact I’m seeing so many of these type of infidelity posts on my feed is really making me want to stay single.

    OP, as the others have mentioned, I’d have a real honest, heart-to-heart conversation with your wife about this. Something isn’t right at all.

  8. You can justify your bad behavior however you wish. Still, at the end of the day, I’m not the one that hit his girlfriend, and routinely gets violent with his sibling.

  9. I do believe there is a level of emotional immaturity. i don't think he himself is immature, i just feel like he doesn't completely understand where I'm coming from.

  10. Those are pretty big things, OP. Any one of them seems like you could work it individually, and if they’re all low level concerns maybe it’s fine, but solving all of them if they’re all serious seems very hard.

    Questions: do you resolve conflict well? Do you make some friends you both like or find interesting and who share your values? Do you share values around money? Do you still like each other?

    Those are other qs to ask yourself. I do know successful happy couples that have some of all these issues and are happy fwiw. One couple I’m thinking of, they laugh together, are best friends and cheerleaders for each other, and have mostly the same friends. They have kids and pets they enjoy taking care of together. One spouse is more career oriented and one is more domestic for now.

    1) They have relatives on both sides they have to have boundaries around, but one spouse is better at keeping the boundaries. They have family on one side they like better. For the messy family, the other spouse learned to be better at boundaries with therapy, but it took her having kids in her 30s to find her backbone.

    2) I’d guess for 2, they’re both very accepting but one spouse is a bit harder on people.

    3) One spouse is much more intellectually and physically active. One is more active in the community. The less physically active one goes through periods where she gets fit but fitness is not a shared hobby.

    For 4) they learned to have more separate friends over time and to deal with jealousy better. The more jealous spouse will always deal with anxiety though.

    They really are quite happy from what I can tell. If you choose this, it could be a solid/good life. There might be better. Of course there’s always worse. If you want kids soon, maybe this is the life you want to choose.

    However, you’re asking wise questions and only you can make the choice. You are both relatively young though and just settling into your adult selves.

    I think you shouldn’t ask her to move for you unless you’re not committed to a possibility of a future with you. And maybe a therapist or trusted elder in your community can help you sort through whether you want to explore the next step with her or break up.

  11. I'm trying not to read too much into it but it seems like he might just have a problem with women in general

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