Welcome Guys! Glad To See U here! My Name is Allison! Hope We have Good Time here! , ?❤ the very hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Welcome Guys! Glad To See U here! My Name is Allison! Hope We have Good Time here! , ?❤, 18 y.o.


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Live! Live Sex Chat rooms Welcome Guys! Glad To See U here! My Name is Allison! Hope We have Good Time here! , ?❤

Welcome Guys! Glad To See U here! My Name is Allison! Hope We have Good Time here! , ?❤ live! sex chat

Date: October 22, 2022

20 thoughts on “Welcome Guys! Glad To See U here! My Name is Allison! Hope We have Good Time here! , ?❤ the very hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. I'm the one who had the one night stand and im not over her and begging for healing? I don't know what she's done because we're no contact, you're all making assumptions

  2. my vote in marriages where it isn’t abusive is to give it time. men are childish and need to be treated as such?? let him adjust to being grumpy about it for a while and then all will be well

  3. Holy fucking red flags Batman the age gap had me wondering but after reading that, for the love of god stop dating that manipulating pos.

  4. My (29nb) fiancee (29f) didn't like it when I called her “dude”. You know what I did? Stopped calling her “dude”.

    Your partner does not care about you. So you should be the one in your relationship to start giving a shit about you. Do something kind for yourself where he won't. And leave. You're going to be far, far, far happier alone with your own kindness than you ever will be with someone who won't even stop using a word.

    Sounds like your boyfriend went for someone a decade younger than him cos women his age won't even contemplate standing for that nonsense. And neither should you.

  5. I think the issue is the lack of communication. She walked away and grabbed random dude because OP “didn’t seem really into it.” If she tells OP she really wants to dance and he says he doesn’t, then I think it is fair game for her to find a dance partner. But, that doesn’t appear to be what happened here.

  6. There’s 3 explanations.

    She’s not that into you. If you love someone you shower them with love, you don’t nitpick over train tickets or that “I’m giving you food when you’re here bullshit” that I wouldn’t even expect from a friend I was visiting let alone a girlfriend.

    She’s just a shit partner. 2 lines in a card and a vinyl compared to what you gave her? She might just have that mentality that she doesn’t feel the need to put in as much work as the man does which is bullshit.

    She wants to but she’s broke. Doesn’t seem like it they way she’s acting though.

  7. Not necessarily a good option. My wife came out as bi talking about wanting to have sex with women after we had two kids. I was really hurt. But tried to be open minded. Told her I found the thought of her with another woman hot. She got really pissed. Long rant along the lines of “I want to have sex with women and that's none of you're business” which very much confirmed I saw no way forward where we both were happy.

    If she hadn't waited until after we had kids we would be broken up and she could be free to explore. So OP think long and hard about having sex with her again. You don't want to be stuck in an unhappy marriage for 20 years.

  8. INFO: Does she look at all like your husband? Like, a daughter he had decades ago and recently found out about?

    Otherwise, yeah, sounds like an affair situation.

  9. It can be controlled. That's literally what therapy eventually teaches you. Its just more attractive to people after a paid professional tells them what dozens have already

    The tools taught in therapy are literally coping tactics, which are great, and could be achieved if individuals weren't so deadset on helplessness and no accountability until paid undivided attention by a dr who knows how to get you to do what they want: by initially playing into your ego and victim identity. Only then can they get people to get out of their own way.

  10. Join the Sailor Moon subreddit or any other cosplaying sub, all bodies are cosplaying bodies.

  11. This, at a certain level of betrayal you can't come back. The relationship is over, it just depends on if you acknowledge that and move on or if you don't.

    OP is young and doesn't have kids, she needs to cut her losses. She can come back from this, but would recommend some therapy to deal with the emotional trauma so she avoids future relationship problems.

  12. You need to put yourself first. This is a terrible situation and it's extremely unfortunate that it has to be like that, but you aren't getting what you need and it's traumatic for you. You SHOULD leave and find a relationship where you find love and support.

  13. When I was dealing with something similar, my husband simply told me that body hair is normal and our society has forced women to think it's not, he doesn't gaf about body hair because it's supposed to be there.

  14. I understand this point of view and it's also one that I had prior to this occuring. I think this is an opinion founded in logic and reason and I can appreciate that. I understand that cutting it off is the smart thing to do but I struggle to see my life without her in it. She has made me a better person.

  15. Well, i would’ve told him too. I get you weren’t supposed to tell anyone but he is your SO i tell mine everything. I would be so upset at him and I would tell him Zi couldn’t trust him anymore and I would tell him you told him that in secret and he blabbed to his coworkers and that sets your relationship back. You can’t trust him to have your back. I would t tell him anything else about work.

  16. Sorry but your husband sounds like the type of guy that will be all arrogant and high when things go right for him bashing everybody around him. I am flabbergasted about his stupidity. Sorry.

  17. OP, she's not your close friend. You might consider Her that, but she does not reciprocate that feeling. No need to get so defensive. But might be time for some introspection. One of your “close friends” doesn't include you in her birthday and other big events she plans? Not your close friend. Take a step back, and take some time to truly evaluate why you are in a one-sided “close” friendship with someone who doesn't see or treat you that way. Maybe this trip alone is a good idea for you to do that on.

  18. You do realize how serious this is right? She's pulling away because this just the biggest let down in the long list of let downs because it doesn't just affect her but also affected your own baby daughter. It was an emergency c-section and birth in general can go sideways real fast especially when a major surgery that is a c-section is brought into the equation and you weren't there just in case the baby needed a parent to make decisions and she wasn't able to. Thankfully it all came out well but it could have ended so wrong. She's pulling away and your second chance of being an involved dad this time is burning. She feels that since you're not there you're not worthy of her private medical information because she doesn't trust you.

  19. Yeah that's a good way to put it, he seems terrified of the real adult world and studying is probably his only escape while feeling his doing something productive. And he does barely contribute his share with what he can afford from his part time job but it's frustrating that we could have a way better quality of life if you know….he puts that degree to good use. Also he does help around the house just nor nearly as much as I do. Edit: we've been living together a little over a year so before that I didn't have to worry about sharing living expenses.

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