Watermelon on-line webcams for YOU!


Golden Ticket Show In Progress. Tip 50 to join the show

Date: October 4, 2022

5 thoughts on “Watermelon on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. It's all on you to decide. I would have a hot time, but either she is worth it or not, and you either can or can't get over it.

  2. Are we disclosing any and all surgeries and healthcare information with strangers now?

    You don’t think it’s necessary to share life-changing “healthcare information” with intimate partners? You’d be OK with it if you found out someone you had sex with had herpes or HIV?! It’s called informed consent. Wtf.

    He’s not a fucking stranger, he’s her boyfriend and it’s absolutely his business to have this info prior to deciding wherever to be intimate or not. She lied to him and then she tried to guilt him into not breaking up with her after she decided to tell him the truth. That’s a red flag at the start of any relationship.

  3. “Something doesn't feel right” and love “waxing and waning” combined with three months of being away for work adds up nothing good. Sorry. This sounds to me like the beginning of her trying to let you down easy. All the stuff about how wonderful everything was when you first got together doesn't matter now.

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