VitaJillian on-line webcams for YOU!


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Date: November 12, 2022

3 thoughts on “VitaJillian on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. It sounds like you were very invested in this relationship and cared deeply about this person. However, it also seems like there were some communication issues and conflicting expectations between you two. It's important to be clear and open with your partner about your feelings and boundaries, but it's also important to respect their boundaries and give them the space they need.

    It's understandable that you wanted to know where you stood in the relationship, but it's also important to approach these conversations in a calm and respectful manner. Blowing up and forcing someone to give you an answer can create unnecessary pressure and stress for both of you.

    It's also important to recognize when someone might not be emotionally ready for a relationship, and to respect their decision if they feel like they need more time or space. It's possible that this person was not ready for a committed relationship, or that they were not interested in a relationship with you specifically. It's important to not take it personally and to move on if that's the case.

    Overall, communication, respect, and understanding are key in any relationship. It's important to listen to your own needs and boundaries, as well as your partner's, and to approach any conflicts or misunderstandings with an open mind and heart.

  2. I told her I would make a better effort of waking up earlier to hangout in the mornings but she kept saying she deserves better

    To be honest, I think you're the one who deserves better.

    Relationships that focus on month anniversaries are exhausting…. Someone who pays that much attention to those details, will pay attention to ALL the little details. It will drain you.

    Also, the two of you have full schedules already. Obviously you need to fit each-other in when you can. But at times there needs to be respect, understanding, and forgiveness on the matter.

    At the end of the day, there is only so much you can put into your relationship.

    And if you're trying your best and that is not good enough under your circumstances, then she will never be happy… that point, you're better off finding someone more lowkey and in more tune with you on a deeper level.

    The constant accusations alone would be a deal-breaker for me.


    This relationship has been emotionally draining for me, bleeding into my physical state too, making me tired and depressed some days

    Relationships are suppose to add to your life, not take away.

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