Red Pill rabbit hole. Your husband is swirling down that gasbag sewer of toxic masculinity and sadly, there isn’t a damn thing you can do about it…because according to their illogical logic, your opinion matters less than sicko little random internet trolls.
His own insecurities led him down this pathetic swill path. Leave now & don’t look back. Where he’s going isn’t pretty. Just don’t let him tarnish your shiny spine & bright mind as he drowns in that sewer.
I would not be in this relationship. I have no problem going 50/50 with my FH and we help out our parents when we have the money to. But if he expected me to use all my money to take care of him because he spent all his on his mom, I would leave. Before I ever actually married him. He doesn't care about the future of your kids, just his mom. And she will always come first.
Lying isn't gaslighting.
Red Pill rabbit hole. Your husband is swirling down that gasbag sewer of toxic masculinity and sadly, there isn’t a damn thing you can do about it…because according to their illogical logic, your opinion matters less than sicko little random internet trolls.
His own insecurities led him down this pathetic swill path. Leave now & don’t look back. Where he’s going isn’t pretty. Just don’t let him tarnish your shiny spine & bright mind as he drowns in that sewer.
I would not be in this relationship. I have no problem going 50/50 with my FH and we help out our parents when we have the money to. But if he expected me to use all my money to take care of him because he spent all his on his mom, I would leave. Before I ever actually married him. He doesn't care about the future of your kids, just his mom. And she will always come first.
“You traded me for him/her. That was a decision you consciously made. Now live with it, and leave me alone.”
Dude, that's not what gold digging is…
Financially stable (as noted here by “bills paid” ) is a perfectly reasonable thing to note about someone when considering a relationship.
It falls in the same category as things like: “good hygiene”, “clean apartment”, “similar religious beliefs”, ” good listener” etc.
If the note was: “will buy me expensive presents” THAT would be gold digging.