Violet online webcams for YOU!


Doggy style mirror FUCK [Multi Goal]

Date: October 12, 2022

12 thoughts on “Violet online webcams for YOU!

  1. I have a couple thoughts I'd like to share with you now that you've made your decision. You've taken care of the issue now, you're not going on this specific trip. But you need to think long term as well.

    You mentioned that your best friend doesn't live nearby. Will your girlfriend be okay if you go to this friends house for an overnight stay? What if the girlfriend is invited but unable to go? Say it's Amy's birthday and she invites both of you to visit and celebrate but Beth can't make it for an unrelated reason. (work, school, family, etc.) Will Beth allow you to go visit Amy?

    Also, I'd be worried about the hypocrisy of her being allowed to hang out with old hook ups, but her being unable to handle you spending time with someone who just happens to be female.

    Long term friendships can start feeling more like family then just friends. My bestie and I have been best friends for 11 years now and I'd say he's more family then just a best friend. I've been with my boyfriend for about 8 months, and one of the first things I warned him of is that my bestie and I go on weekend trips once a year and if he's not okay with that, then the relationship probably wouldn't work. Now, bestie in my case is gay so there's no sexual undertone ever, plus as I said he's basically a brother so ew. But my boyfriend automatically said okay, and is fine with bestie and I sharing a room.

    Now that I'm typing this, I'm wondering if Beth is uncomfortable with your 8 years history when she only has 1 year.

    I don't want to upset you, but if this is going to end up as you having to choose, it's best to not put that off.

  2. Honestly to me it sounds like this relationship has run it’s course. She seems like she is taking you for granted and doesn’t want to grow in the relationship. If you’d like, you could do a final “come to Jesus” talk where you explain that you’re unhappy and you need x, y, and z to change. But it’s also ok to call it quits if you don’t think that will go anywhere, or don’t want to.

    If she’s amendable to change, the 5 love languages books might be helpful. It might be that she doesn’t know what actions will make you feel loved and thinks your love language is something different.

  3. Thank you so much for understanding. People don’t realize that i already know that this is problematic. That is exactly why i am seeking opinions before my over thinking brain goes haywire and does something stupid. If i didn’t care abt him i would just be reckless and say stupid stuff which would hurt him even more.

  4. uhmm, yeah so when's the next chapter coming? and on the off chance that this is actually real and you skills are this good. I'd suggest, you write a book

  5. If you are going to break up with him, do it in a public place and warn his family about his suicidal tendencies and breakup. If he threatens suicide call emergency services and let them handle the rest.

  6. Congratulations!! You’ve done something amazing and it sounds like, despite so little help from your husband, your coping pretty fucking well even with a colicky little one and some pretty nasty healing going on. Your brother sounds great by the way. My last baby was nearly 9 years ago so my hormones are nice and calm and I have to say I’m wondering if I can start divorce proceedings on your behalf….. that being said. Some men totally freak out when baby arrives, they have all these big emotions and fears, don’t know how to process them at all and instead lash out and behave APPALLINGLY. I don’t why they do this but I have seen it before. I have seen them be called out by their mums, admit their fear and do a complete about face and turn into wonderful dads. I have also seen them refuse to accept that they are are fault/have feelings/could ever possibly be wrong or have feelings and destroy their marriages in a few short weeks. I don’t know your husband so can’t say if he’s in either of these camps or if he’s just a common house and garden AH. Do you have a MiL you can call on to come slap some sense into her son? Maybe ask him to post his side of the story to AITA and sit back and watch him get torn apart….

  7. No, you are asking him to tolerate it. Your parents need to apologize. Your BF is asking for the bare minimum here and you still won't support it.

  8. It depends, sometimes it is the only thing and sometimes he will do other things first like other positions and then want to switch back so he can do that ritual. But it wasn’t always like this. Like he used to just come regardless of the position. So now I feel kinda like a I’m doing a chore and I don’t derive pleasure from sex with him- I just fake it. But it hurts now bc it’s become such a turn off for me now that I literally just go dry when he starts that ritual.

  9. What the hell is this supposed to mean? Are you conspiring drunk driving to getting SA’ed while under the influence of a date r@pe drug? (Alcohol is considered the #1 date r@pe dry)

  10. Her uninterest, and telling you not to do it when you got the first test, shows she knew what the results would be beforehand, and as that is the case, pushes the chances of cheating as opposed to her being assaulted higher.

    But don’t be surprised if she refuses to answer any questions about it.

    By her actions currently she is prepared to loose everything rather than admit what happened to herself and to your family.

    Seriously consider cutting contact with her in the future.

  11. Your two little boys would be better off with divorced parents than live in a house with tension and resentment.

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