Victoria-Kolman online webcams for YOU!


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Date: February 10, 2023

7 thoughts on “Victoria-Kolman online webcams for YOU!

  1. You need therapy. You were in an abusive relationship and needs to work through this. Leave her alone. It's been a year and she's moved on.

  2. for the millionth fucking time: if your partner cannot do basic chores without whining and have no hygiene routine DUMP THEM. have some respect for yourself. it's incredibly sad how many women post about their unhygienic partners and expect the advice of strangers to magically change them. if you've been trying to change him to do basic shit for 4 1/2 years, I'm sorry, he ain't changing and you're wasting him. he doesn't care about his hygiene and heath, why should you? find someone who actually gives a crap about their appearance and you.

  3. I think most people would turn in an engagement ring they found. No one wants the bad juju of taking someone else’s sentimental item

    I wish I had your positive outlook on life.

  4. Sounds like you need new friends. The man wants to see you succeed and wants to help you get there. That's literally what your supposed to do for one another in a relationship.

  5. Um don't be friends with a creep? You're an adult, why are you asking reddit for advice on your loser friend? Just drop him, christ

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