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Verostar69live sex stripping with hd cam


29 thoughts on “Verostar69live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. We have family that are JW..

    You gotta respect their religion.

    The world will do what the world does they do not get involved.

    Thier Focus is on learning Jehovah …Jesus being kind and not involved with the worlds dramas along with where we are in time.

    When you put pressure on him your forcing him to turn upon himself and hus faith.

    Has he talked to you about things? Tried to convert you or get you studying?

    I am really surprised you two have a relationship. He is telling you wait till marriage.. Yes its hot for you both same time if you talk him into it you might break him. Will ruin the part you love.

    You both respect each other and care about each other. That is a beginning.. Maybe down the road it will become more.

  2. You know.. outside of Reddit and sex positive places. Alot of people wouldn't be OK to learn that the person they are with slept with someone they considered a friend or hell, even knew the person.

    It's kinda normal to not want the person you're with to not have history with people you know. It's just uncomfortable for alot of people. Not everyone thinks the way you or I do. It's just reality and calling someone insecure isn't gonna change that and more so worldwide.

  3. He is politely telling you he wants to end the phone call. 1 hours is a long phone call, I couldn't imagine talking to anyone for longer than that

  4. If he indeed touched her leg on purpose and it lingered…. 100% suspicious.

    I can't imagine a coworker joking like that with me or my partner unless we were all drunk and even then, it doesnt make it ok.

  5. The dog issue isn't how things normally go. That's what threw me off about it. When it comes to most important decisions, we do relatively well. Can you explain why it doesn't sound like we talk to each other like adults (aside from the dog issue)?

  6. Do yourself a favor and break up with your boyfriend. Block him on everything make it to where he cannot contact you and give yourself a month of feeling sad then after a month check back in with yourself and see how your feeling. Staying with someone who doesn't love and respect you will absolutely ruin your life long term and breaking up is going to hurt if you do it now or in 10 years but if you do it now you can be happy in the foreseeable future.

  7. Sadly I’ve wondered the same but he’s generally very caring, kind and considerate. This literally came out of nowhere because we joke with each other all the time. I was completely caught off guard y his response.

  8. I've done the things you listed and still have insomnia. The only thing that helps me is over the counter sleep pills. You can't help someone who doesn't help themselves. It is 100% my responsibility to handle my anxiety and depression. I have to make the effort to do the things that keep me from falling in to the pit of darkness. It is not my husband's responsibility to constantly pull me out of it deadweight and all.

  9. You either put up with it or move on. It’s his child. You’re a fling of 3 years.

    Seek therapy for why you can look at this entire situation and don’t see the glaring red flags waving in your face.

  10. Seems obvious to me, you talk to him about it. Ask him, if it were his choice what would he do and go from there.

  11. With respect, you need to refer the GF to the police, and you need to talk to a lawyer ASAP to figure out your options.

    You're married to a criminal stalker who is escalating his crimes.

  12. Having kids should not be “spontaneous”. It should be a decision made carefully, over time, where your wife is sure that’s what you both want. She’s not there yet, in the meantime she is choosing a very reliable contraceptive method that can be removed and reversed at any time. Just because an IUD has a lifespan of 5-10 years doesn’t mean it HAS to stay in for that long.

    My biggest concern with your attitude is that you seem to want her to suddenly, in the throes of passion, ask for a baby, and that it will happen immediately. It takes most couples 6-12 months from deciding to stop all contraceptives until they conceive. You can, and should, be able to cope with having that romantic conversation and then her scheduling an appointment for removal as part of the process. Additionally, this is the same thing that she’d have to go through for something like the implant you’ve suggested, so your “it must be spontaneous” attitude is inconsistent.

    You need to have a rational conversation with your wife about what your lives could look like child free or with children, and really listen to where she’s at. Parenthood should never be the default – too many kids are raised by parents who only sort of wanted them. If it’s not a 100% hell yes from both of you, it’s a no.

  13. Are you married ? If not you cut bait and love on.

    Who needs unecessary drama sprinkled with inability to communicante and stuffing of shadyness.

    There were red flags you pointed out and instead of sitting down and discussing and giving you insurance or proof he went on full darvo and gaslight. Do you really need that in your life ?

    Either he did something Very wrong and you don't want that, either he did not and then he is so bad at communication (and frankly disrespectful when talking of you) that you don't want that in your life either.

    My take : unless he gave you proof of love (love is not words only actions) he really is here for your tits or at least doesn't mind trying to touch others

  14. If you want to prevent women from being hurt by shady dudes in their social circle….

    Start taking this shit to the shady dudes in your social circles. Don't lean on women to not run their own lives.

  15. If this is real (which I highly doubt), la-di-freaking-dah.

    At least your son was honest with you that if Max ditches you (which you can bet on that 100%), you'll be alone with your daughter. You can cry all you want.

    I really hope this is fake written by someone who had a lot of free time.

  16. i know a person in the country I was staying at with my friend. my friend and I added them on instagram so that we could message them and ask them for places to go. not even 30 minutes later my boyfriend has noticed that I was following this person (i follow 1100 people so that’s crazy that he would even see that) and started saying “i hope it was worth it” and then called me and asked me if we had hung out with them (we didn’t). I said no and told him that I just wanted to be able to have a good time here and if you can’t trust me not to fuck every person I talk to then there’s nothing I can do about that. ?

  17. Your mother isn't just a few nuggets short of a Happy Meal, her nuggets are all gone, so are the fries, the drink spilled and the toy is broke. She is the conductor of her very own crazy train.

    Ignore her.

  18. Why do you think a chair is more “clean” than a hotel floor? People put their butts on the chair.

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