Vanessita on-line webcams for YOU!


welcome guys hope you enjoy my show, ♥♥ cum♥♥ [Multi Goal]

Date: November 1, 2022

57 thoughts on “Vanessita on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. I think you’re making a mature decision to end the pregnancy when your partner wont offer your child and yourself the stability you need to feel safe raising a family together. The commitment to marry is far less than the commitment required to raise another human being. Remind him of that when he says he isn’t ready to get married, that you’re not ready for the commitment of a child either. If you don’t have a family that can help you out physically, financially and mentally with raising a child should you become a single mother, then at your age I wouldn’t burden yourself down with having a child with someone who clearly won’t commit to the family life, which is what being married is. You having his baby requires little to no commitment from him unless he wants to be involved, he can walk away at any time and you’ll be left holding the baby and doing everything yourself. If he won’t marry you then he’s keeping his options open, you’re simply doing the same here by terminating the pregnancy.

  2. Firstly, You didn’t do anything wrong. Videos like this between consenting adults is natural.

    Secondly, she didn’t find a trove of 25 different videos with different women. She found one or a couple that were missed.

    You Apologized for her seeing it and deleted the video which is the only solution. If she cannot handle that due to her own insecurities, then it would be best for both of you to just walk away.

  3. My first thought was maybe there’s an insecurity issue after reading about him being on top when clothed but not unclothed. A lot of men struggle with insecurity more than they’d like to admit. I’d say he’s got a mental block in there somewhere, just give it time and patience

  4. you're just trying to hurt me. I know you're not. I'm like this close to getting high. please come home and talk to me

  5. Even though you two have hardly been texting, i don’t think that’s the best way to judge how much you are communicating.

    Having someone after the first date show you a genuine part of their personality, give you reassurance (when it sounds like you might have needed it), and make direct plans with you regarding when to see you next, is more communication than what 90% of people get. 99% if you guys met on app.

    It shit’s all over empty niceties. “how was your day?” “good, you?” “yeah good thanks, what did you get up to?”

  6. It is over. You said couples counseling was your final straw and he refuses.

    So it sucks but take what you have left of yourself and leave .. or be his doormat forever.

  7. Yeah. I’ve been with my partner for 4 years and only 2 years younger than OP, but I’m no where near ready for marriage, my partner even less so. BUT we’ve at least seriously discussed the future and have a general timetable of how we want things to go. Especially since I want to cohabitate for a good year, maybe two, before I get that ring.

  8. Yeah you should tell him. You should give him all the facts so he can make a decision without being lied to. Lying by omissions is lying. If he finds out later he will feel you deceived him.

  9. Getting married, buying a house and 4 kids requires a lot of money. You said he makes 6 figures and you make half that meaning you make less than 6 figures. Who do you think will end uo putting in more money? Your fiance. I understand his side. I also think it's not smart to accept your parents help. You're both giving each other really nude options.

  10. Omg you really don’t know how many women are dying do you? Not from abortion from hemorrhage from sepsis from completely preventable conditions. I never even brought up abortion you did I was speaking about maternal mortality. You quite literally do not know what you are talking about even remotely. How disgusting

  11. I like smoking weed regularly and drinking occasionally. However if I know a friend of mine is recovered or currently struggling with addiction, you wouldn't see me doing any of those things or even talking about it around them. Your lifestyle is different now and so is theirs. You have other friends who aren't into those things right OP? Spend more time around people you're comfy with and have hobbies you enjoy. If your other friends ask why you're not around as much, just be honest. It's tricky because you don't want to feel like you're forcing things on them but at the end of the day, you know what's truly best for you. And it unfortunately may not be them.

  12. u/throw-me-away555, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  13. Also, and I’ll be hated for this… but a car is a big piece of most of our lives. It’s really presumptuous to pick one for someone else. Maybe she wanted a hatchback, a pickup truck, was saving to go electric, or just hates Toyota because the local dealer is an ass or something. Even super well intentioned I’d feel weird having someone else make that huge decision about my life without consulting me at all. A new car isn’t just a shirt you can pretend to like and then stick in a closet.

    That's a good point too. Unless he was buying the same exact car, just a newer model, you really shouldn't just do that for anyone. And even then, I'm sure a brand new model car is drastically increasing her insurance. Can she afford that?

  14. You don't make it up to him. He treats a defenseless animal like that? If someone treated one of my animals badly, they would be picking up their teeth. They aren't obligated to like your pet, but they have the ability to ignore them. Your poor cat just wanted attention.

  15. Also is she paying for Everything? The examples given are meals out not exactly half the mortgage.

    Is she paying the mortgage, utilities, food. If not I can see why he is being passive aggressive about it and pushing her to not just keep her wage for personal spends.

  16. Hello /u/Some-Appointment-859,

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  17. No, if the car commute is necessary for the job that brings in the household income then it's part of the common expense.

  18. People are bashing him for saying something disgusting, don't pretend it was a matter of integrity or that he was trying to be kind. He went out of his way to bash bisexual women AND lesbians. What he said wasn't about honesty, it was about being mean.

  19. You’re only 20. Practically a child still. You can’t make someone love you, so just accept that the breakup is happening. You don’t have to like it, but you can’t change it, so stop trying to.

  20. It is completely fair for her to ask you not to discuss that part of your life with her at all. That's a healthy boundary. But asking you to choose between your parents is not.

    IMO? Tell her no. Tell her you will not discuss your father with her, but that you will not be forced to choose between your parents. That she can choose to remove herself from your life because she chose poorly when she procreated, but that you will not make it easy for her by choosing for her. If she hates her ex-husband more than she loves her son, she needs a therapist.

  21. FYI if he bought the house BEFORE you marry him in case of divorce the house would not be considered a shared asset UNLESS he puts your name on the deed/mortgage. Marriage doesn’t automatically transfer the home ownership.

    A woman had a harsh wake up call, when she divorced she wanted equity of the home she spend years putting elbow grease in her home, to improve it. But because her husband purchased the home before marriage, rightfully she only had a small percentage of the improvements that she could prove she contributed for. At the end the amount she got after fighting in court was negligent.

  22. His excuse for it all is that he was cheated on in the past… now this girl that cheated on him he was with her for 2 weeks. He knew she cheated before he even got with her but he thought he could change her.?

  23. You mentioned that it’s a cultural expectation not to meet parents until later in the relationship. Can you tell me more about this tradition? What relationship milestones are customary before I meet your mom and dad?

    If he can’t answer these questions, then you need to know why. If he can answer them and you are uncomfortable with the answer, it’s okay to ask for a compromise. For instance, if he says that he will introduce you after you are engaged, you are allowed to be uncomfortable with that. If so, you are allowed to say this:

    In my culture it is very important that a relationship is out in the open and known about. Otherwise it can be seen as scandalous and can affect people’s reputation. It is very important to me that I meet your parents.

    This is a fancy, old school way of saying “I don’t want to be anyone’s dirty secret, and in my culture people don’t hide their girlfriends.”

  24. Maybe because ‘the left people’ respect women’s autonomy and science?

    If you want your autonomy respected, perhaps you should consider supporting things like gender equality? And doing away with idiotic things like hymen inspections that are fake and just to control women’s bodies?

  25. Are you able to incorporate seeing your friends and BF (or family & BF) at the same time? For example, you could all arrange to go to a theme park or zoon together.

  26. I think that's the biggest problem, right there. There's so many over stepping exploitative people out there. If you have a partner that's not willing to set boundaries for her/himself, you're going to have a massive pain. Then often your partner ends up being taken advantaged of/ pushed around/ bullied. And often they will shrug it off and/ or be scared to do something about it.

    If disrespect among co workers is common and she has no way of dealing with that, then she should look for another job, if possible. There are some women who find ways of surviving, for instance asking the person to explain the joke, because they don't get it or similar. Sometimes it works, the guy who made the joke wont be able to explain why saying “suck my dick” to a woman is funny. But you kinda need to have some self confidence to be able to do that.

    You sending a message to her coworker will most likely worsen the issue and make them think she has no ability to stand up for herself and need “daddy” to do it for her .That will probably just give her a bad reputation and the respect for her will decrease.

    Lastly, she might just not be safe around this guy if they work together alone and he makes these types of jokes. He might try something at some point, and how aggressive he will be when rejected- who knows.

  27. Also my partner seems to want to be friends with this guy for some reason…

    Bingo. Found your actual problem.

    This guy wouldn't matter at all, if your partner was setting appropriate boundaries. She's not, quite the opposite actually. Instead of focusing on the dude, maybe talk to your girl and try to get to the bottom of wtf.

    The fact that she's not shutting down inappropriate comments tells me she's probably enjoying and welcoming him behaving like this. Which doesn't do great things for your relationship.

  28. I agree with this, it’s definitely not clear if this is a friend she also slept with a couple of times or a casual fwb. If the latter I cannot imagine why she would invite him to the wedding.

  29. Do you have a shared credit card or something? She needs to get a job, that should be prioritized as it will pay for her discretionary spending and cut down on the idle time she has to do it at all

  30. It was said that it was “sus” that she suddenly didn't want to have kids and that she needed to give chat a reason for her decision to change her mind.

    It's not.and she absolutely does not need to provide a reason.

    Does she want kids? No.

    That's all that needs to be known and all that needs to be said. The final answer, no matter the reason is that she does not want kids. that's all she needs to say for her bf to make his decision to stay or leave.

    “I don't want kids because I suffered trauma”

    “I don't want kids because I have been thinking A LOT about it and I don't want to put my body through that”

    “I don't want kids because I realized it's not good for the economy and I don't want to raise a kid in this world”

    “I don't want kids”

  31. I’m using my friends account. The person who owns this account is 22. I didn’t want to post on my own. I’m 18

  32. She keep it quite for ten years. Cowardly . Get checked for am std and dna test if Amy shared children . Talk with a lawyer to tell you how to proceed .All trust should be gone .

  33. Her, a woman, you, a man, her “are you gay?”. Yeah… you said you had worn heels. I was curious once and wore 7″ heels because I wondered if it really was that nude, wearing a shoe is just a shoe

  34. Honey, why do you believe this is as good as it gets for you? Why are you accepting this as what you deserve?

    A good therapist can help you get to the root of why you would stay in a relationship that doesn't meet your needs for 12 years!

    Honey, he's not the one. You need to focus on loving yourself enough to demand better. You deserve a soft life full of love and a partner who contributes meaningfully to that, you are worthy you always have been.

  35. Of course you want to keep her around, who will be your bangmaid and who will pay half the bills when you are so busy.

    She probably already suspects you are just using her but trying to give you another chance, and when she stops complaining, that’s when you have to worry, because most likely she’s checked out and ready to leave.

  36. Do you know why he broke up with the BM? Reading your post and replies has me wondering what his character is like.

  37. Yeah I have the feeling these may just be the tip of the iceberg, a few of many “quirks” adding up that the boyfriend is noping out of.

  38. No. He's straight up lying. I've had Pixel phones ever since they first came out, and I'm typing this on a Pixel 6a.

    No, you don't get app notifications from apps that aren't on your phone. That's not a thing on any phone, including Pixels.

  39. What a gross human you have married. That’s seriously nasty. One step away from pooping in buckets and just leaving them around the house.

  40. Oh yeah. Mine changed drastically after I had my kid and again as I’ve entered menopause.

    But my point is that beyond good hygiene, no one should be made to feel like their natural for them scent/taste is something to be ashamed of.

  41. Never physically abusive, but damaging yes. There are times when he does only drink a few beers and things are okay, it’s not like every time he drinks it gets out of hand. But if we go out, he drinks maybe too much and he tends to get really loud, ornery and verbally aggressive. Tonight for instance, we are at home and he had too much to drink and yeah- just ornery. Every times it happens though it just cuts a little deeper.

    But I would say, the idea, even if it is only a drink or two, on a night where it is just us and we’re just hanging out at home watching movies or playing video games, it bothers me just generally speaking that he feels the need to drink at all. I have mentioned this but he didn’t seem to understand where I was coming from and brushed it off. Like watching a football game, hanging out with friends, or going out seems like an acceptable time to drink for sure but when we’re just hanging out at home just the two of us, just the idea at all bothers me. It might just be a me thing.

  42. Have you ever had an inkling he was seeing other people? I imagine it’s nude to tell with your anxiety.

    You may have to bite the bullet and just talk to him. Not in an accusatory manner but just by asking if you indeed saw makeup wipes in his trash.

    His reaction will tell you what you need to know.

    I hope you’re getting support with your mental health!

  43. I think the acid would make it less likely to confuse the two

    When I did acid I was kidnapped by a praying mantis made of fractal polygons and spent 100 lifetimes bathed in the warm love of the universe.

    So, you know, YMMV based on how much you took and how good it was.

  44. You need to explain to your partner that you are asexual. She has needs that you cannot fulfill because of your issue with sex. Prepare for the worst but if you can’t please your partner it is unfair for everyone here.

  45. It’s a lot to expect someone to fly to Florida for a wedding. Like, it’s a lot.

    If they wanted you (or anyone from NY) to go, they’d get married in NY.

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