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VanessaVoxxlive sex stripping with hd cam


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Room for on-line sex video chat VanessaVoxx

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Birth Date: 1989-06-05

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Ethnicity: ethnicityWhite

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Eyes color: eyeColorGreen


Date: November 12, 2022

41 thoughts on “VanessaVoxxlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I'm a guy, I don't date guys and coming across female cops is rare, so I can't say from personal experience. But my girlfriend said all the cops she came across on dating apps were assholes cheating on their wives/girlfriends.

  2. No animal is “just an animal”. Cats bond. They bond with us and they bond with eachother. One cat is enough to teach a kitten bad manners. Everything he says is wrong. He isn't compromising by making you give up a member of your family. He is gaslighting you into thinking he might be right, even just a little bit. He's just a guy, a guy who flirts with other women. Trust me, you can get another one if you really want one in the future.

    Besides, you really want someone who would dismiss age appropriate behavior and the needs of the animal with an “its just an animal, you can get another”, to raise your kids? You planning on a family with this guy? Great environment for the kids to grow up with. He gonna ditch another pet when the stress of kids gets high? How will that impact the kids? You really want them to learn that attitude from him? Who we are with says a lot about us and what we are willing to tolerate.

  3. introduce her to your wife. your wife has no idea what the intentions of the girl are and it just seems like you’re hanging out with this random girl you just meet. it’s quite disrespectful to be meeting up with a new girl friend super often and have your wife know nothing about it. she’s jealous and worried, but i bet it’s about how the girl acts around you, not how you act around her.

  4. I’m sorry that this situation is happening but in reality you are not responsible for another persons happiness.

    My advice would be to stay at your bfs and then go home Christmas to visit her etc. you need to online your own life !

    Maybe she needs therapy

  5. I have long, dark hair and it gets freaking EVERYWHERE. Everyone sheds some hair-but it’s so much more noticeable for people with my hairstyle. I’ve found pieces in my car, my boyfriends couch, a hoodie I borrowed for 20 minutes, a booth at a restaurant, the floor at my parents house, a waiting room chair, and I’m sure I’ve left more pieces in other public places I never would’ve discovered them. I’m surprised your wife doesn’t understand this. You (or she) could’ve picked it up at work, from public transport if you use it, your child at school/daycare, from the store, etc. the list goes on.

    Why don’t you show her this post?

  6. What did he expect? He knows you’re different from him in wants and desires. I just feel like people need to stop being so precious, when you make your spouse go try something new it may not go the way you wanted. He should have never pressured you if he wasn’t ready for something like this to possibly happen since he’s done this before. I personally have seen four marriages fail from swinging and issues that went with it. I think you both should do some soul searching and decide if this is the relationship for you both.

  7. I mean based on your responses you clearly don’t want advice, you want validation so you can tell yourself it’s okay and you don’t have to feel guilty. This is not the place. You’re guilty and you deserve to feel it. Whether you’re willing to admit it or not, what you did was cheating and you need to tell your husband everything that happened and admit to your role in it. Yeah, he might leave you. But if he finds out from someone else, he’ll definitely leave you. Either way you deserve it.

  8. I was thinking about slowly losing communication or not talk as much but today again I told her how what she did make me feel

  9. This. Says it all.

    Speak up for yourself. Otherwise, it will build up resentment and blow up into a big argument.

    You a grown enough to have sex. Now, be a grownup and speak about what you want and why.

  10. I'm sure it works out sometimes… However, everyone I've known that did this it was just a coward's way to breakup. Ether they didn't want to hurt their so, so it was a soft break or they wanted to see what else was out there.

  11. Some guys these days want a pure virgin who never had or did anything impure. It's so fucking toxic, not just a little bit.

  12. u/Successful_Highway16, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  13. u/Important_Nothing_43, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  14. i have been and when i do he notices and starts trying to talk again. plus i’m just not a dry texter i have too much to say

  15. I also tend to feel more for the husband here, especially because she called his viewpoint “selfish” while he could say the exact same, she should acknowledge that. However, “making the effort to have sex more often” is not going to work. It's likely going to make her feel worse about sex and she'll reject him even more after some time. He's just going to be confused and she'll end up traumatized. It's very hot, but they are not compatible. It's either therapy, hook-ups or divorce.

  16. Define feminine. We are whatever we want to be. The days of being submissive are long gone. However, I find this very worrying. That you are not allowed an opinion and that he has some very old ideas about women as if he is un confortable and threatened. I am not sure you should continue this relationship- at least be aware of who he is.

  17. I do think you should drop it and let her go, it doesn't seem unreasonable at all for her to choose to go to her friend's birthday over yours.

    I also think you're right to want to dial back your commitment to her a bit. If she meant what she said, she'd back it up through her actions. She insisted you prioritize one another over friends, and then the first time you asked her to do so, she blew off that commitment.

    You've only been with her for a couple months. Let her go, and when she gets back, tell her you understand why she went, but you also recognize she wasn't honest with you about what she said and that you want to dial things back a bit and get to know one another better.

  18. Guys, let's all just say the gf is being disrespectful so he'll dump her and she can find someone actually worth her while! Win for him feeling like he's “valid” in his concerns and win for her to upgrade partners in the near future

  19. The other twin wasn’t going to be in twin due to the deployment. I made the decision on bridesmaids after I found out her date. I explained to twin 1 why I didn’t ask her and she understood.

    I have always tried to treat them equally but that always blows up in my face.

  20. see we’ll i don’t want it to get to that point where she is in danger. i’m not worried about her and the drinking i’m more worried about the people around her as her college isn’t in a great neighborhood and there have been multiple cases of kids getting drugged and even shot on her campus. i’m afraid she may want something but that sometime is being controlled by someone else. she’s a very attractive blue eyed blonde hair girl and really shouldn’t be in that neighborhood. even i don’t feel safe there. it’s not for taking all the fun away. it’s for her safety

  21. If you feel she’s a harm to herself or others, you can call the police and have them do a wellness check. It sounds like she may be on some type of drug? Does she have a history of drug use? How does the pharmacy “mess up” her meds?

    Unfortunately, she’s 27. She actively made the choice to spend time with this terrible person from her past while leaving her family behind.

    She’s going to have to figure this out for herself. I’m sorry, Op.

  22. I think you're uncomfortable because she's using the baby to ease her dysphoria, but she's also doing it in secret. I feel like you might have a slightly less adverse reaction if she discussed it with you beforehand, if she just wanted to experience “breastfeeding”?

    Also, it could also simply make you uncomfortable because the baby is working very hot to try and get milk – and the baby isn't getting anything.

  23. Hmm. I think that you have to get him to engage in a difficult conversation here and I'm afraid I don't know how you can start it. But you have to make him listen and understand that he's being very unfair in denying you personal satisfaction from your relationship. At least with the foreplay stuff you have a starting point as he already does that and should be willing to extend it for your benefit. Then take one very small step at a time into your new sexual world.

  24. I really like her so I'd definitely want to give her another chance. But I don't know how to bring it up considering she didn't offer to reschedule. She only said thank you for waiting and sorry for the delay.

  25. I never understand people who say I want you to do x to show you love me, like what if you both feel the same way? Lol

  26. Has he been trying to understand you and work with you or is this a one way street? What is he doing to help himself with his insecurities and issues or is it just on you to never do anything that bothers him? It is part of a relationship to be understanding and work together, but only if that goes both ways. You can't work with someone who isn't willing to work with you.

  27. OP asked for it after his planned travel because he wanted to sleep around. He was taking the opportunity and got burned because he didn't get to fuck anyone else and she did. He brought it 100% of himself with his stupid exclusivity-later plan.

  28. LOL…ok, anyway I'm trying very hot here, but these are 3 adult women sharing a home and none of you is going to change your behavior. Sometimes it's possible when people meet as roommates, but these dynamics were put in place 25 years ago.

    So all I have left is suck it up and deal. Maybe find a way to make your room a sanctuary with your own TV and just leave it to eat and pee.

  29. Unfortunately I can only see one comment on here. How can I fix this, I'd really appreciate to actually see the advice left on here

  30. You had happiness and a support person and you threw it away.

    If you're going to be happy, you need to make some serious changes to your outlook on life.

    Your ex boyriend doesn't want to be around a negative person with all these problems.

    Contact a qualified therapist to get the ball rolling.

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