Vanessa the very hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Vanessa, 27 y.o.


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Vanessa on-line sex chat

Date: October 28, 2022

12 thoughts on “Vanessa the very hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. It could be a multi-faceted issue. You're now more settled into your relationship so the early lustfulness may have worn off naturally and now you're settled into a rhythm thats more natural for you.

    You dont seem to be lacking generally intimacy so i dont think thats a problem. One thing I have seen suggested by some therapists is to go ahead and get sexytime started, even if your body isnt horny (this does not mean engaging in sexual activity you really dont want!). Sometimes a massage-turned-foreplay (or something else) can help get the motor revving if ya know what I mean. Maybe sex-other-than-penetration can be implemented instead.

    Try to figure out if you're suddenly losing the mood bc of something thats bothering you. Is a particular act or kind of touch causing dysphoria or other unpleasant emotions? Are you worrying about all the things you need to get done or stressed by other things? Listen to your body and see if there's something you need to communicate with him or address through stress-relieving practices such as meditation, yoga, a nude bath, etc.

    And again, my best advice is to get proper bloodwork done. It could be that you're low in progesterone. idk what kind of BC you were on initially, but the mini-pill (progesterone-only) can really help with low libido for AFABS lacking that hormone naturally.

  2. u/throwawaybadgyal123, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  3. Hello /u/LateDistribution5023,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

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    Posts must:

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    We are enforcing the two rules listed above by making all titles start with ages/genders in the following format:

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  4. If she really slept with someone else 4 days after she was already over you since a lot before.

    Focus on making yourself happy before trying to realy on others to do it.

  5. Probably should have added more on what was said in the chats. Mind you she was pretending to be a 20 year old college girl.

    His first message was something like “hey I just saw you added me and I don’t know if you meant to or not but I just wanted to say I hope you had a great day!?”

    Then she goes on to talk about who she is and says she goes to a college nearby. They both talk about what they do for work and when he tells her that he’s a painter she says “aw nice AND artistic?”

    He’s flattered and they go on to talk about careers and how their towns are close enough they could grab a drink sometimes because he’s “always open to meeting new friends”

    She says “im honestly looking for something on the low if you know what I mean ?”

    He says “well I’ll have to hold you to that ?”

    Her: how tall are you btw?

    Him: 6’2”

    Her: well that’s good news. Big news hopefully ?

    Him: we’ll you’ll just have to see it and find out for yourself

    Her: I’m down for whatever. I just want to have fun! ?Can we netflix and chill?

    Him: yeah I’m always here so come over whenever ? what do you want to watch?

    Then she didn’t respond for a while and he blocked her. Probably got suspicious.

  6. Probably should have added more on what was said in the chats. Mind you she was pretending to be a 20 year old college girl.

    His first message was something like “hey I just saw you added me and I don’t know if you meant to or not but I just wanted to say I hope you had a great day!?”

    Then she goes on to talk about who she is and says she goes to a college nearby. They both talk about what they do for work and when he tells her that he’s a painter she says “aw nice AND artistic?”

    He’s flattered and they go on to talk about careers and how their towns are close enough they could grab a drink sometimes because he’s “always open to meeting new friends”

    She says “im honestly looking for something on the low if you know what I mean ?”

    He says “well I’ll have to hold you to that ?”

    Her: how tall are you btw?

    Him: 6’2”

    Her: well that’s good news. Big news hopefully ?

    Him: we’ll you’ll just have to see it and find out for yourself

    Her: I’m down for whatever. I just want to have fun! ?Can we netflix and chill?

    Him: yeah I’m always here so come over whenever ? what do you want to watch?

    Then she didn’t respond for a while and he blocked her. Probably got suspicious.

  7. He is trying to control you and is starting with something small so you learn to give him what he wants because “it's no big deal.” Eventually it'll be bigger things like sex when you don't want, not working anymore, moving away from your family.

    Drop him now.

  8. You had me in the first half lmao I was like uhhhhh sir, this is an Arby’s and your wife is oh wait he’s 2, it’s all good.

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