ValleryWow live webcams for YOU!


13 thoughts on “ValleryWow live webcams for YOU!

  1. I'd be more inclined to think there was nothing wrong if he hadn't called you crazy when you tried to talk to him about it.

  2. Is there a reason you didn't break up with him before you blocked him? I'm all for breaking up when you want to, for any reason, but I do think you should tell the person. He told you he's sick, you say ok and then…

    Do you struggle with impulsive thoughts and actions? Do you get really upset and make snap judgements or quick decisions you regret later? Are you working on emotional regulation, patience, and communication?

    Blocking instead of a quick sentence like “this isn't going to work for me. You've cancelled twice in two weeks, and while I'm sorry you're not feeling well, I'm not feeling like a priority. That's something I require in my relationships. Feel better soon, see you at work.” means he will absolutely ask you at work what the heck happened. You've set up the scene for a work drama. Is that what you wanted? When you act rashly, you have a lot less control over the outcome.

  3. Could it be a passive aggressive statement about her I satisfaction with sex? To be blunt: Do you two ensure she comes and do you do oral sex if she wants it?

  4. Have you discussed this directly with him? If he's happy with how you are, it shouldn't be as big of a deal. You know you're insecure, and your post seems to be projecting your feelings onto your boyfriend. If he hasn't said anything about your weight, there's no reason to fret over how he might be dissatisfied.

    Good luck with looking how you want and being healthy.

  5. You’re absolutely right. Before I got married my coworkers and my boss got together for dinner. And they all encouraged me not to go through with marrying this woman. Taking care of somebody with mental illness is a difficult task. But I’m like that type of person that wants to help people even if it’s at my own demise. At the time it felt like it would be not a noble thing to do to leave somebody that I loved because they had this flaw in their mental. It seemed like a despicable thing to do. So I moved forward with marrying her because I loved her. And I wanted to do the correct thing.

  6. According to what I've researched it can theoretically lay dormant for up to 6 months, but those are extremely rare outliers. What's normal is 1 to 30 days for women and 1 to 14 days for men. So if Im being generous, she contracted it within the last 6 weeks.

  7. Imagine if you put this much effort into a relationship with a person who wasn’t a complete piece a shit. Marriage is supposed to be “work” sure, but not that much damn work. You’re not overreacting, he’s a bully. Why on earth have you put up with this shit for so long?

  8. Plenty of people don’t like taking pictures it doesn’t mean they have anything wrong with them tf

  9. What weren’t you communicating?

    What were the issues you were having and what was the solution?

    You might not be able to fix this relationship but you should at least understand why you broke up and how and what you would say.

    Practice in your mind the communication that you wish you had said.

  10. Are you sure they sold them? That was awfully fast.

    I doubt they went into a storage unit…. dumpsters? Dropped off at thrift stores?

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