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Date: October 18, 2022

8 thoughts on “Valerycam live webcams for YOU!

  1. Girl run like the wind. Tell him to go get a “doc certified” virgin if he wants “firsts”. If he is bringing it up now it will ALWAYS be an issue that he will hold over your head. You can feel guilty about your abortion as it relates to your personal beliefs. Do not feel guilty because he makes you feel “less than”. You can do better.

  2. I was thinking the same thing if my boyfriends mom just met me and she starts tearing up about how I make her son happy I would be running for the hills. Maybe I’m sensitive but I would see that as a red flag and wouldn’t want to deal with my boyfriends mom. That doesn’t strike me as normal.

    I try to limit my mom and boyfriends interaction time since she always finds something to complain about with him. I think of it as she doesn’t need to have a relationship with him when she belittles him behind his back and make it into a big thing to have a conversation with him. She even makes it noticeable at times and I can tell it makes him uncomfortable

    Nope my brother has a normal life for a 28 year old. He had his ex girlfriend but that ended two years ago.

  3. I advise terminate and cut contact with him. Don't talk to him about it, he will just try to manipulate you into keeping it, but if you keep it then you're going to be stuck dealing with this bullshit literally for the rest of your life. He will never truly leave her and he might even get back together with her properly not too long from now, by the sounds of it.

    Next time if you fall for a guy who says he's separated, wait until he has the divorce papers before starting anything with him. I know she's been rude to you but I think/hope you can understand more where his 'ex' is coming from if you think about it from the perspective that they are not really separated and she is stuck in this because she can't properly leave him because of the kids. You're not to blame here, and neither is she. But you'll both have a much better life without you raising her husband's affair baby.

  4. Use your brain, not your heart. Love is supposed to make you feel things like safe, peaceful, and happy. If you don't feel those things, or if you feel the opposite of those things, you need to show him your tail lights.

  5. My fiancee is the type of girl i want to wife up but even now that we’re engaged…she hasn’t stopped being my girlfriend.

  6. This is not normal. This is called stonewalling and it’s a form of abuse meant to both keep you on edge and to build a fear of not complying with exactly what he wants down the road. Is this one of the first times you have refused a request to do something to keep him happy? The best thing to do is ignore him right back while forming an exit plan.

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