Valery Harper live! webcams for YOU!


9 thoughts on “Valery Harper live! webcams for YOU!

  1. Hello /u/Dangerous-Novel6826,

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  2. There is a difference between losing control and losing short term memory, which can (but not always) be a side effect of a fight response. Dude was also groggy from just waking up when the altercation started.

    And when it comes to facing dangerous traumatic situations like this, nobody has a say in how their brain decides to respond. Saying OP isn't normal for attacking the invader is like saying it isn't normal for a victim to freeze with fear.

  3. Thanks a lot for your insight and I realised he does come from a very judgemental family. But so do I. It's logical to then raise a child which thinks everyone is out to get them and you have to protect yourself by being rude. It's also a breeding ground for low self-esteem. Only way for me to get out was to assume no intentional harm or ignorance from others, like you do.

    I shut his behaviour down by giving perspective already, we live in a huge city, you can't expect everyone to make room for you. Or people the next table over being loud because the room in itself is noisy as hell. Or why the hell he thinks people are assholes because they don't automatically remove their backpack from the train seat next to them when he doesn't even ask them to do it – as you can see it's inane and very tiring. It also yields no results.

    Hope to get him to open his eyes by talking through some expectations in raising a child – thanks for your comment.

  4. I may not be chosing the correct words tonight with you because I'm not complaining to her about it, I'm asking yall wtf is going on. I feel like I'm going down on her and she is not on me. I feel that it's out of balance and has now become a problem for me.

  5. But don’t they let the person know they are being tracked? My iPad holds a charge for 4 days so I could leave it and swap it out to charge and follow someone for at least a week easily without risking being found out

  6. Very through answer. Thanks.

    You are essentially exploiting your fathers need to resolve past issues for financial gain, and although it's sad that you are in a position where you need to, it is immoral.

    He doesn't want to 'resolve' anything. Just be friends again, with zero accountability and zero chance to ever find out how much of everything he lied about.

    It doesn't excuse how he treated your mother, nor would it fix the problem or undo the damage.

    Fix, no. Undo, no. Help, yes.

    Your mother has supported you through financial difficult but quite frankly, that is down to you and not your fathers absence, especially if the majority of this financial support has been given while you have been an adult.

    You're right. It's not because of his absence. It is, very much, because of his presense.

    Did you cut contact with your father immediately following how he treated your mother, or was this a result of other factors later on? You said they divorced 20 years ago but didn't give a specific number of years for how long you have been no-contact.

    It's a long story but basically I refused to be tossed around in scared custody and only lived with my mom after I turned 18. I did meet up with him regularly/monthly after that until a couple of years ago.

    Part of why I waited so long to cut him off completly is because I believed things he had lied about.

    If I was your father, I would be disappointed that it took a financial bribe to make you speak to me again, but I imagine my desperation in developing some kind of relationship with my estranged child would make me go through with it regardless. People can change, they become aware of their life choices and how they may have negatively impacted those around them, and some people just want the opportunity to put right those wrongs (or at least explain their reasons). It's sad that you're using this to exploit your father, rather than make a decision based on your feelings on the matter.

    I have giving him 20 years of chances to change. I'm done unless he pays up.

    It's fine not to want contact with your father. It's fine to want to give him the opportunity to explain or try to forge a relationship with you. It isn't fine to benefit financially from this.

    Why not? He's not poor. And I'm not getting tied up on his ginarmous sail boat again.

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