Valerie-summer on-line sex cams for YOU!


Suck dildo with milk + Deepthroat [Multi Goal]

Date: January 10, 2023

7 thoughts on “Valerie-summer on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. I don't know how to fix your parent's issues, sorry.

    I did want to tell you what “passive aggressive” actually means so you'll stop misusing the term.

    To be passive aggressive is to exhibit your true negative feelings about something without verbalizing.

    For example: I might nag for a week to get my husband to trim the hedges. He might hate trimming the hedges and he might get to the point that he's so annoyed at my nagging that finally he goes out with the clippers and just cuts them all so far back that they just look like sticks poking out of the ground

    Then when I see the hedges and ask him “WTF did you DO?!?!” He might say, as innocent as a lamb, “What? I trimmed the hedges, just like you said.”

    THAT is passive-aggressive.

    Good luck with your parents.

  2. Okay, so you're supposed to be in a 3 way relationship except:

    – You now date him even though you're a lesbian.

    – They started trying for a baby without you knowing until he told you

    – She brushes off any and all concerns that you've had, especially that you aren't ready.

    – This boyfriend has no job and has not explicitly explained

    I've got news for you, in this menage-a-trois, you're their girlfriend. These people are like Hitler, you tell him to not leave Germany, he takes Austria, you tell him, he can have Austria but that's it, but he then decides to take Czechoslovakia, you say he can have it, but that's it. He decides to now move into Poland.

    You can be sure that when the baby arrives you'll end up doing all the heavy lifting and paying for it all. All of the boundaries of this type of relationship haven't even been discussed with the appropriate lines drawn. You're constantly walking into situations that they have created that you've had no say in. That's the relationship, so yes it is abusive.

    You need to divorce her as soon as possible and get away so that you're also not on hook for child support.

  3. Exactly…… and this is why this thread will just turn into an echo chamber for OP and the reason all the others won't come out is because of the neg pile coming their way

    OP is a woman who thinks like a modern woman , however if she speaks to guys and gets a male perspective its going to be vastly different.

    Most guys in a relationship do not want other dicks around their women , like it or hate it that is how they think , you can claim insecurity or double standard or whatever but this is how they think

    Most guys who fantasize about threesomes want MFF , no other dicks no problem

    The fact you have done a MFM in the past whether it was in a relationship or as a single lady signals to him that you are ok with it , maybe even still desire it and that makes the two of you Incompatable

    I would leave this guy and find someone who is on the same page as you so this sort of drama doesn't inhibit how you live your life.

  4. 3 years. We normally do the things that you’ve mentioned, but we lack an activity that makes us move. Living together has made us both comfortable with each other that we stopped getting active.

  5. Well im only talking about the issues on hand that are making me question everything.

    There is so many things I absolutely love and respect about him. He respects my values and culture and tried his best to be supportive whenever I feel bad or insecure or when im trying to achieve something. He makes me feel so comfortable and safe and is so patient with me. I love seeing him happy, how he gets lost in his interests, how calm and collected he can be. How he laughs, dances, dresses, looks how energetic and enthusiastic he becomes. So many more things

    But as much as i love all these things about him it hurts so much that he allowed this painful experience to drag for so long even though I explained to him how much this bothers me and hurts me. To the point where i felt like my words weren’t enough and the only thing that made him act was me screaming and crying at the top of my lungs of how hurt i feel. And even then it was a negotiation.

    He’s the one who pursued me first, he’s the one who said i love you first and how he wouldn’t ever want to hurt me. i let myself be vulnerable to that, and now his actions dont line up with his words and it just feels like ive been lied to.

  6. I think the first thing to self-acknowledge is that its okay to not be okay with this. You cannot control her decision to speak with him, but you are absolutely entitled to feel weird and jealous about it. I'd confront her like this: “look, I'll say this. While I trust you, I don't trust him or his intentions. I don't like the fact that you're keeping in touch with someone who abused you. It's disturbing. No, it isn't normal that someone chats with their ex every day, especially one who did those things, especially while in a relationship. I wont sit here and smile like it's normal. This isn't jealousy, im telling you that as your boyfriend, this js pushing way past my comfort zone You're free to do what you want, but I'm warning you now explicitly and clearly that this is pushing it, I wont normalize any of this and I might decide to walk.”

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