Valeria-Vixx on-line sex cams for YOU!


I want to ride you and make me cum!! [176 tokens remaining]

Date: October 24, 2022

12 thoughts on “Valeria-Vixx on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. I’m a 26 yr old woman and this is one of many reasons on the long list of why I wouldn’t date a dude younger than like, 24. This is childish, I’m sorry.

    First, I would guess that 90% of waxers are women. Second, if it is a man (unlikely) this is his job and he sees dozens of pussies every day. It’s not going to be attractive to him. I think penises are ugly unless I’m actively in a sexual situation that turns me on. Also even if it is a man they may be gay.

    Finally at the end of the day – it’s her pussy. You don’t own it or get a say in what she does with it.

  2. No is a complete sentence. You were clear about your boundaries. If he can't or won't respect them, he is not the man for you

  3. You don’t get addicted (chemically) to weed, and you don’t stop an addiction by flushing their supply down the toilet.

  4. Not a single man I know has done this. At all. So it’s not common or you’re in a country that has a terrible culture but that doesn’t mean that all men have an issue

  5. What would you hope to accomplish by going to a therapist? Does he even want to be married to you? Do you want to be married to him? What if your children had walked in on that? Are you going to burn the bed?

    Honestly I’d use that money for a meeting with a divorce attorney.

  6. I think you answered your own question here. It sounds like you know what you want during this time in your life, and the kind thing to do is to end it sooner rather than later.

    I think you’re smart to listen to your gut feelings on this!

    I will say, though, that not every relationship is equally demanding or impinging on your freedom. There are lots of women out there who also want the freedom to be spontaneous, to have their alone time, to not feel they have to check in with you before they make plans, and yes even to flirt with others even while staying sexually monogamous, or even to have an open relationship.

    Maybe keep an eye out for partners who are more suited to you?

  7. Stage a low-grade gaslit fight.

    “Welcome home, I guess. No, YOUR DINNER is in the office. What? Oh, I think you KNOW what you did. No! I’m not telling you if you don’t know. Get in there and EAT EVERY BITE. We’ll talk when you’re DONE.”

    Have it in the office with a note that says, “Just kidding! Love! Enjoy every byte!”

  8. You're just not into him.

    You don't need a list of reasons.

    Just tell him that you're moving on.

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