Valenwants live sex chats for YOU!


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Date: November 18, 2022

13 thoughts on “Valenwants live sex chats for YOU!

  1. I find this so sad… Who jokes about rape? even worse with someone that suffered it and even even WORSE a person that supposedly you love.

    He is cheating, manipulating and disrespecting you and you deserve better, someone that will go slow and won't find excuses to cheat.

    Be strong and leave him and talk to your therapist, you can do it.

  2. I agree, he could have said it in a nicer way. He said it in a way that hurt you and in intimate relationships, feelings matter more than facts. So regardless of whether or not you bring “bring the mood down” the best way to resolve is for you to raise with him how it made you feel (hurt, unappreciated, unwanted, whatever it might be) when he said that and for him to acknowledge it and open the discussion for both of about what your needs are in this situation.

    I agree with all the other advice on here about people in relationships having their own thing they prefer to do without their partner and it’s great when they can talk with each other honestly about these needs.

  3. Set him free. The tighter you hold on, the more likely he’s going resent you. Divorce while it’s amicable. It’s you who is using your children as weapons. Grow up.

  4. Yep. This is a similar story, only fast forward a few years in the future. This is also clearly the worst fear of that father, who, if I recall correctly, got pilloried.

  5. It sounds as if you two were trying to make something work, which was clearly not working. Doesn't sound like you two are compatible enough to live together, so I'd be prepared for this being the end of the relationship. Your habits aren't too unheard of. You tried to keep the conversation calm, but he stormed out.

  6. If you're not in financial issues, it's money from his business and all the bills are paid. What's the issue?

  7. Another dude, another size issue insecurity.

    Bro, seek therapy to seek strategies to help stop these compulsive thoughts. You’re asking questions that play into your worst thoughts about yourself. It’s emotional masochism, and honestly a form of self harm. You nor any relationship will survive it over time.

    Take it seriously. Stop asking others these questions and using that as a means to be depressed or hurt.

  8. I'm late to the party but this is so true with addicts – it's not linear like in the movies, so people think “oh she's doing fine she's all better SHES FIXED!” when really the next issue is around the corner. Its not one bad thing after another til rock bottom like some might think; it's way more ups and downs vs straight down

  9. It is possible I'd overreact, I mentioned in another comment I've never done more than raise my voice at her a handful of times in the past year. I don't see how this is related though. So she's okay not telling me if she thinks it'd upset me? Am I not entitled to know these sorts of trips and details?

  10. Save a screenshot of his phone. Enjoy the rest of your vacation. Don’t sleep with him. And then when you get home, send him the screenshot and then dump his a**.

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