Valentinaestrada on-line sex chats for YOU!


8 thoughts on “Valentinaestrada on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. I like what you sent to his mom – shows that you are sympathetic and compassionate but you are not taking him on as your responsibility. And that your parents are aware. Good job!!

    Doesn’t matter what his mom sends in the future, you are not obligated to read it or respond. You already told her you will be going NC. Not responding would just be staying true to your word. Even if he tries again and even if he does succeed – not your responsibility.

  2. It's just not that big of a deal and you're doing yourself a disservice by blowing it out of proportion.

    You're right that it was absurd of her to insist on a face to face transfer of those trivial items. I wish that you had not been taken in, but your decision to see if she wanted to rekindle things wasn't unreasonable. The problem is that you weren't ready for a no – in the future, don't ask a question unless you're genuinely ready for all of the possible responses.

    So you lashed out. It's not awesome but you're mature enough to regret it which was good.

    The apology may have been a mistake simply because it could perpetuate contact with someone that you need to leave alone. Completely. Forever.

    There was never a chance for a healthy reconciliation. There is still the possibility that she will try to toy with you when she wants attention and you need to be ready for that and strong enough to step away.

    You have responsibilities in life. Each of them is more important than a breakup with someone you dated for one year. Work hard to put this in perspective. Wallowing in self pity and building it up to Romeo & Juliet proportions is a good way to derail yourself from what is important.

  3. This is what happens when you play into gender roles and not an equal partnership. I’m sorry but you set yourself up for this bud.

    Maybe try talking with her and making a realistic set of what you can do and what she can do and what you two can negotiate on. Having a clear idea of what the other person is capable of and has the bandwidth for may help a lot day to day.

    My (38f) wife (35f) and I have been together 15 years this October. Our relationship works well because it’s an equal partnership…we’re both women so we had to navigate our own space because gender roles are made up and reinforced by society.

    Communicating clearly about your household will really help you in the day to day.

    Be warned friend and I say this with ALL sincerity…marriage doesn’t make problems go away. If this is a problem before the marriage it will DEFINITELY be one after. So make sure this is something you can live with or resolve before you get married.

  4. I’m kind of with you when I choose some thing and I’m OK with it and I agree to it I’m in a much better space than when I uncover some thing that I thought was some thing else. Also, cheating is cheating if he’s in a monogamous relationship with her his buyer straight he should not be cheating and if you feel that way around his friend, you need to start talking to him and set boundaries like you wouldn’t any other relationship. Good luck.

  5. Um you wouldn't want to know if a stranger is coming to your home? For all she knew OP was a robber or there were more people hiding somewhere

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