Comment Rule 1: All comments must be on topic and focus on the OP, in good faith. Derailing arguments, fights, and moral whataboutism is not allowed. Advice given must be good, ethical advice. Remember, the goal is to help your fellow human.
“”Comment Rule 2:** Keep it civil. No insults, no threats of violence, no encouraging violence, no harassment, no trolling, no advertising other subs, no spam. You will be banned. All bans in this sub are permanent. You don't get a free pass.
Dude – forget therapy, you need a bigger dick and I, the Prince of big dicks, am here to help with my Nigerian Prince Dick enhancing cream. Just DM your banking information and I will make you the biggest dick in town, next to myself.
Your only option is your parents if you truly want any type of change for yourself . The more you sit here and add up your wounds and victimize yourself the longer you’ll be unhappy nobody can save you except for you .. . If I was you I’d get a job asap and out in max hrs to not be at the house with him and work on getting back into my parents so I can save up every penny and then move out .
Stop wasting your time and hers right now. I have no met a woman who did not want kids and changed her mind and then did not regret it
Yeah, he asks me to feed him by sending money
He is using it as a scare tactic
Comment Rule 1: All comments must be on topic and focus on the OP, in good faith. Derailing arguments, fights, and moral whataboutism is not allowed. Advice given must be good, ethical advice. Remember, the goal is to help your fellow human.
“”Comment Rule 2:** Keep it civil. No insults, no threats of violence, no encouraging violence, no harassment, no trolling, no advertising other subs, no spam. You will be banned. All bans in this sub are permanent. You don't get a free pass.
Dude – forget therapy, you need a bigger dick and I, the Prince of big dicks, am here to help with my Nigerian Prince Dick enhancing cream. Just DM your banking information and I will make you the biggest dick in town, next to myself.
Your only option is your parents if you truly want any type of change for yourself . The more you sit here and add up your wounds and victimize yourself the longer you’ll be unhappy nobody can save you except for you .. . If I was you I’d get a job asap and out in max hrs to not be at the house with him and work on getting back into my parents so I can save up every penny and then move out .