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TwoStarslive sex stripping with hd cam


10 thoughts on “TwoStarslive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. That sounds really familiar… Honestly, I think my ex was just extremely emotional, to the point where it dictated everything he did. Emotions were on my side? Complete obsession! Emotions weren’t anymore? Bye, girl! In my case, he made a new female friend on-line, who he got seriously obsessed with. I was actually pretty glad, because I wanted him to have his own friends. But apparently there is only space for one obsession at a time and at that stage it was clearly not me anymore! She actually contacted me after the break up to assure me they were in love. It was all really painful and unpleasant.

  2. if i was enough he wouldn’t watch it, right?

    No that’s not how any of this works. You need to work on yourself and get away from this mindset, it is false and really unhealthy. Watching porn is nothing to do with you, you can’t control everything and attempting to will likely break any relationship you have.

  3. As someone raised with 2 smoking parents Please Please PLEASE give the smokes up permanently. Smokers rarely think about or see the impact it has on their kids. Growing up, myself and my bothers suffered constant bouts of bronchitis, ear infections, chest infections (which led to lifelong asthma for me), and our immune systems were so trashed we caught every bug and virus going around. All these issues are proven to be caused by passive smoking. Other than constant illness being generally crappy we also missed so much time at school, missed activities and excursions and had to work so much harder just to keep up with general class work. On top of that, there's the fact that your clothes stink, your hair stinks, and everyone notices, no amount of sprays or perfumes can cover that smell. Even if you're not smoking in the house or car, the smell gets into Everything. Add to all that the fact that everyone is so much more aware now of the impacts of smoking and it will cause serious stress to your kids knowing that this will most likely lead to your death, it may not be in 10 years or even 20, but it will be the reason your kids eventually lose you (both my parents passed 2 years ago, one month apart and both from smoking related cancer. It is NOT a nice way to go, and it is sheer hell on your family).

    You're seeing this as an intimacy problem, that means even if you're not consciously thinking it, you do intend on smoking again once the pregnancy issues are passed. Maybe instead of the intimacy being the problem, you could think of this as an opportunity to kick the habit for your family's sake if not your own.

  4. He definitely should have discussed it with you first. However, you also could have said something when you found out. It's perfectly acceptable to express your discomfort with a proposed situation, especially if it's sleeping arrangements. There's a decent chance the hotel had an extra room available.

    But in the end, I think it might be reading too much into it to conclude he had less than honorable intentions.

  5. Check out medical news today. It has a lot of useful information and they actually said the hymen does make a difference so I don’t think the jury is on out honest truth is it will get better you will enjoy sex.

  6. Wow, I’m sorry you’re being treated this way. This is controlling and abusive. And the way he talks to you is disgusting — it’s perfectly normal to want to look good and feel confident. Him saying that you just want attention is gross.

    Any person that’s insecure about toys in the bedroom is a child. Some people may not enjoy using them, and that’s one thing, but it sounds like he’s just insecure about not being able to get you off. He should know that toys are his friend, not his enemy.

  7. If you think you didn't do anything wrong by cornering her and ambushing her with no strings attached sex, why do you want her to keep it private? Why are you calling it 'our dirty laundry' when it's just your creepy behavior? What does she gain from protecting you?

  8. While lashing out is, in hindsight, wrong I don't think it's fair to blame you for doing so. You have been together for 5 years, the topic of children has been brought up before, and it doesn't seem like your fiancée has mentioned her wish to be child free till now. What is that other than manipulation? Don't listen to some commenters saying things along the lines of “Oh don't worry, she'll change her mind” no one can tell if she will change her mind. If this is a deal breaker for you, then it might be time to look for someone with a similar stance on children, someone new.

  9. Many people who have had successful vasectomies still use condoms to protect themselves from stds.

    It’s not evidence at all.

  10. Is she really a friend if, not doing her requests (demands?) ends the friendship?

    I have been asking myself this same question ever since I mentioned to my therapist that we hang out on occasion, but seem to really annoy each other. My therapist asked “why?” And I really don't know.

    You are being used as free labour.

    I wonder if she sees it that way? But I think you are right.

    I don't know if I want to be quite as direct as your suggestions, though. I normally have zero issue with being direct, but I am trying to learn how to be more diplomatic and sensitive to others.

    Thank you for your insight.

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