TrixieFoxy live webcams for YOU!


TrixieFoxy Public Chat Channel

Date: October 7, 2022

14 thoughts on “TrixieFoxy live webcams for YOU!

  1. Every time I ask why he gets so defensive, he tell me it’s his privacy & I get a weird feeling. I don’t have kids with him. No.

  2. You know that you are inexperienced and that most people in your age group have already experienced sex to some degree. Your emotions seem to be in conflict with your intellect. You know that expecting anyone you meet in your age group is at the same sexual level is unreasonable. Yet you expect it. He lied. No excuse for it. But, considering the circumstance you might consider forgiving him. You might also consider getting your expectations more in line with your knowledge. The bottom line in relationships is that both parties aspire to care about each other more than they care about themselves. It's rare to find that, but still the goal.

  3. I don't eat cheerios idiot… in some countries a girlfriend mother is called a mother in law

  4. As a guy I can understand not wanting you to hang out with a random male 1-on-1, but saying no to a girls night? Thats just controlling. You should be able to have friends and if he's not okay with it, it will probably become problematic down the line

  5. She told me that this situation is hot for her because they were such good friends and that it’s sucks that the fact that she and David had been intimate in the past means she needs to give it up.

    They WERE friends and that was before they hooked up and he basically cheated on his wife with her.

    They have not been in contact for years so I don't understand how your wife is finding it difficult to cut ties with him? Was she in continuous contact? If not then I don't see how difficult it is to write that- “it's good to hear from you but considering our past we shouldn't meet and focus on our respective lives.”

    She needs to understand that your reasons are valid considering neither of them respected his marriage in the past so what makes him stop from trying to get with her when he is single?

    She was his AP and that means she was equally responsible and guilty of what happened and some of your concern comes from this factor.

    I am assuming that she never confessed or told his wife, so that's a major issue as well.

    I'll recommend you to start marriage counseling ASAP

  6. I know this is easy to say from an outside perspective, but you aren't safe in this relationship, leave. This isn't a fair position for you to be in, especially at your age.

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