Tracy Simmons on-line webcams for YOU!



Date: October 7, 2022

11 thoughts on “Tracy Simmons on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. He said “I know one of you is lying”, meaning it wasn't necessarily you. This gives him the out to act like he never accused you directly. He's playing with the technicality to avoid that any reasonable person would consider this an accusation. By leaving that wiggle room he can make you feel like you're in the wrong for taking it that way, even though it's very obviously the intention of his words at that time or at least how anyone would interpret a situation like that.

    He stood you in a room with his mother and said one of you is lying, one of you is winding him up, but now wants to act like it's not an accusation and it's all your fault for taking it that way.

  2. It is worth it to have an honest discussion with your partner. You should not feel like you have to stay in a relationship out of fear or insecurity, and if you feel your low self esteem impacting how the relationship functions then it’s important for both of you to address this together.

    Communication is key in a successful, healthy relationship – so start by expressing yourself and listening non-judgmentally what your partner has to say. If either of you find yourselves struggling with communication then couples counseling can be very beneficial. However, at the end of the day, it’s up to both partners whether they want their relationship to continue or not – so talk openly and honestly about where each other stands on this matter.

  3. Hello /u/CaptianSpacefish99,

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  4. Stop coming up with excuses and tell him the truth. It’s gross. My husband lost his sense of smell for a while after getting Covid and stopped wearing deodorant. He couldn’t smell himself so I guess he just didn’t think about it. I had to tell him he smelled for him to start wearing it again.

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