Tong , ♀ Ralph ♂ the nude live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Tong , ♀ Ralph ♂, 18 y.o.


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Tong , ♀ Ralph ♂ live sex chat

Date: October 5, 2022

19 thoughts on “Tong , ♀ Ralph ♂ the nude live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. If she's a straight woman and only straight she will not be fine with this at all. She approved the hall pass so he can bang another woman not bang a man. Once she finds out she's gonna be unbelievably hurt.

  2. Because she wants to keep him and I told her that I want to be apart of his life and I would go visit everyday after work

  3. Tell her friend that knows the reason to pass on a message. She doesn't need to bother getting back in touch with me when she gets back. Then Block her. This is 100% sketchy behavior. Friends don't do this to each other. She is not your friend.

  4. Same here! My husband and I have a “no purchases during December” rule to make sure we don't end up in this situation and having to get our Christmas presents ruined.

  5. And honestly, you sound like a really decent person and you’re trying to do the right thing, so I genuinely don’t mean to sound harsh. Good luck OP, hope you figure it out.

  6. Nude pass. Thank you very much for your time, have a nice life Mr 36. ???

    IPV survivor here ? this is a deal breaker FOR SURE. If everything you say is legit, bearing in mind you were also intoxicated: he displayed 1. Agression 2. Verbal abuse 3. Gaslighting 4. Victim Blaming You felt scared of him! Is there ever a good reason to fesl scared of your significant other?

    Narcissistic Rage. I'd put my money on it. He's usually charming and lovely, early days in the relationship and he needs to get you hooked. But even at only 9 months he wasn't able to stop that mask slipping 2 times already! No hun, big fat no. Walk away and remember this as a grenade, not just a bullet, dodged.

  7. I do kind of understand his side. I mean technically you are married already and decided beforehand that you planned on getting engaged and married again. That all already takes the specialness out of a proposal. What makes a proposal so special is to show your partner you love them so incredibly much that you now want to marry them, sometimes you show them how special they are by also planning a date or situation you know they will enjoy to make them a little extra happy. For you it was already so clear that want to be married and spend your life together because you already are married and picked a ring together. Then additionally you also gave him instructions for the proposal. Honestly the whole thing feels incredibly backwards and just awkward for him that he had to propose, because it really makes no sense. Like at all. I understand that you want this special proposal like so many others, you've probably seen videos of it and want that too. But you made a decision to get married for your visa and then you made another decision to get married again, planning a whole bunch of stuff and all that make a proposal really unnecessary. You can't put it on him that this proposal didn't on-line up to your expectations because nothing would have, it would have all been fake and not you getting super emotional or surprised. You try to blame it all on him now but this is the consequence of both of your decisions over the past few years. Of course you are allowed to be disappointed that your life didn't exactly work out the way you might have planned, but it's not fair to put this all on your boyfriend or rather husband. If you generally feel like he doesn't put in a lot of effort and you'd feel more appreciated if he planned romantic dates or whatever else, then communicate that with him. That is a conversation about love languages and expectations and definitely worth having if you want to spend your life together.

  8. This was so helpful, thank you so much. I don’t think I’ll ever lose the people pleaser aspect of my personality, it’s so deeply ingrained into who I am. But I do need to learn how to meet my own needs to, especially since like you said, this isn’t trivial, it’s my whole life. And the idea that I might be holding her back from the kind of marriage that she would really enjoy is something I have thought about. Even though it will hurt her, there are many ways in which I can tell she isn’t happy now. The idea of divorce over anything except cheating is foreign to her for the same reason it would have been to me at one point too. But I think I’m the end it might be what is best for all of us.

  9. I think with a little patience, he'll come around to needing to see you hot. I'm sorry about your complications, that sounds scary!

  10. You are most definitely doing something wrong. This woman has shown you 11-teen different ways that she is unstable and is looking for ANY guy to get rich and marry her so she can prove something to herself and her ex. RUN!

  11. You have to try, you cant say “that wont work” intent and effort matter.

    Yes, I didn't say that – I said a couple times “I'm not saying she shouldn't try,” but that it might not work, and I'm saying this because I think a lot of people are assuming her standing up for them would be a swift or certain solution. I don't think people are necessarily considering all angles of that suggestion.

  12. Sounds to me like he finally found an “excuse” to create more distance between you two. At least, that's what it sounds like when he doesn't even want to see you in public or call.

  13. The thing is I have no where to move out too AND my car has been broken down for about a month. I feel stuck and like I have whiplash because all of this came entirely out of left field.

    I have no family, I honestly don’t have many friends. Him and his family have been the center of my life. My only stable. My only support.

  14. No. You need to get the damn job. The average salary for a computer scientist is $82,574 per year in Texas. And directly out of college you should have gotten a better job. But instead you take a pay cut. So until you make the money what you could be making is irrelevant.

  15. She is bored and found some entertainment with you again. To see if she can hook you back in again. There is a reason why she only does that behind her partners back. Does it look to you that she has changed much, i mean personality, values etc those kind of things. Do you want to be a toy only for when she wants to play with it. If you are ok with that, fine i guess (misery loves company) but keep in mind that somewhere, somehow there is a small child involved in the middle of all this mess created by “adults”.

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