Tomikorie online sex chats for YOU!


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Date: November 14, 2022

12 thoughts on “Tomikorie online sex chats for YOU!

  1. Why would you wife NOT want to know this? She is to whom you owe a duty, not “drunk Jane can't keep her cooter cool”?

    Wife may want to limit your contact with Jane. Maybe Jane needs real consequences to her drunken foolery.

    Or you can wait until Jane gets really pissed and throws you under the bus and shares how you had a major boner through this.

  2. Unless you are from Alabama, your husband is a lunatic and I would assume that he has major jealousy/control issues. My apologies to those from Alabama that don’t rail your siblings/cousins

  3. Fact: You’re already miserable and he’s just moved into YOUR home, making demands of you which is causing you to abandon your own needs and routine. The fact that he’s not willing to compromise even 1%, shows his lack of maturity and care for you as his partner. That’s how a spoiled toddler acts, ick.

  4. Bad as it is that you’ve invested this much time with him, and it appears that he really doesn’t give a flying fig about your feelings, continuing on, and continuing to be disrespected every day would be even worse. It’s time for him to go he will feel so much better once he’s gone. All of that negativity will leave and you will feel differently about things. Good luck OP, you deserve a happy life. All you need to do is open the door and take out the trash.

  5. Thank you and don’t worry about ”jumping on me”, I totally understand where you are coming from and don’t worry.

    We just talked for 40 minutes or so on the phone. He called because he said he ”couldn’t stand the idea of me being sad” which was kind of sweet and then we tried to talk it out.

    Essentially, he said that he wants to be there for me, but the issue is that I am often both sad AND angry at the same time. So basically I am sad while simultaneously giving criticism. He wants to be there, but it feels completely wrong to be there for me and hug and support me while I am ”giving him shit” and ”being mean”.

    It seems he is very sensitive to criticism/perceived criticism and I am honestly a bit blunt sometimes and not really careful with delivering criticism. Perfect match… We tried to talk about wheter I should compromise by not being angry when sad so that he can actually comfort me so that I don’t feel neglected, or if he could not be so offended by my criticism. Problem is that neither of us wants to compromise on that end (I don’t know who should even compromise here).

    So basically we are at a dead end here. It feels like there is no way to leave this cycle without completely changing us as people. I wish there was a solution. I really, really don’t want to lose him

  6. I’ve been talking to this guy for 3 months and we just made it official. He has a baby with his ex (she’s 12 months old) and soon I’m gonna have to meet her.

    Most parents don't introduce any new partner for a good 8-12 months. 3 months in….you barely know each other.

    I hate babies. I don’t know how to interact with them, I don’t like holding them, I just hate everything about it. I don’t physically hate them it’s more the pressure to look like I’m a natural when really I have absolutely no idea what to do and everything is the OPPOSITE of natural entirely to me. There are no babies or children in my family so I’m not used to it at all.

    So how comes you decided to date a parent who's in a very different life stage to you with very different priorities?

  7. I will say that if he is not cheating and you hound him and pry it will be a huge turnoff.

    The question that’s more important is how can you grow your relationship into something more if this is the current foundation?

  8. Look, i didn't say laundry was a big production, it's just one of the many things that have to be done, that's all. All the minor things add up and if OP isn't working and his wife is I think he should be doing more chores than her.

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