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14 thoughts on “titaniasexylive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. This is much more than an open marriage she’s asking for….she wants to explore a full-blown relationship with this guy and keep you on the back burner while she does it. This is insanely selfish and disrespectful. I suspect she’s going to do this anyway regardless of what you say, and it’s definitely possible she’s done something with this guy already and is pursuing the open relationship thing with you in order to alleviate her guilt. Draw a hot line if you don’t want to stand by and provide support to her while she auditions a new husband. Tell her unequivocally “no” to this idea of hers, tell her how much it hurts you, and tell her how much this has damaged your trust and the relationship as a whole and see if the both of you can recover.

  2. But she claims to already have one child. If she recieved any prenatal care for that she should know how pregnancy is counted.

  3. Hold up – you have to go to business dinners because he needs you to translate for him? As in, he can’t speak a language necessary for his business/career? If that’s the case…of course he wants to still live! with you. He literally depends upon you for a portion of his work.

    Clearly something is off about him. Thinking he should have stayed with someone who chased him with a knife? Girl. Move out. Contact some friends and their SOs to help you pack and move in one day. You will need a couple of men there who are there for YOU in order to get out safely. Start separating accounts. Make sure he doesn’t have access to your papers etc. Any person who thinks they’re being cheated on because of a long disused sex toy? Not super stable.

  4. I dated idiots but never a bunch of way older people. And whenever my exes showed fucked up behavior, I immediately dumped them because I know I can't change people and people won't change for me. Nobody has that power or control. People have to wanna change for themselves. I got therapy twice and it worked wonders. I went from hating myself and feeling like I deserved trash, to bring very confident and loving myself. But YOU have to WANT to make a change for yourself. Not just feel sorry for yourself and just accept things.

    You are aware this guy is bad for you. You're aware of your damaged security issues. Why don't you address them? Why not try to work on them even in the smallest ways? What are you doing right now to get better?

  5. Many people have parents they don't trust with their kids. The only hitch here is to make sure your partner feels the same way. This is only an issue if she has it in her head that her parents are going to babysit. You're the one contemplating having children with this woman. If you can't even talk to her about this your relationship is never going to survive the rigors of parenthood. Just talk to her.

  6. Accepting someone cheating on you is like rewarding a toddler with candy for bad behavior, all it does is set a precedent that you'll forgive her cheating.

    I mean she got away with it for 6 years without OP knowing anything, what makes you think she won't step out again and OP will never know?

  7. I know in November of last year, he told her they needed to put the friendship on hiatus because she was acting too obsessed. She FREAKED and showed up at his door the next day screaming and crying begging to talk to him. I was there the whole time, and I don’t think she knows that. She’s crazy, but I really tried to not separate them and get to know her better. But maybe you’re right.

  8. This, there are things she can be doing to stop the rumors and support him. Even something as simple as a haircut can make you look a bit older.

  9. I mean, we’re going to have to agree to disagree. I feel bad for the both of them though. Her for having to hear that from him. And him for having to consider not having kids. It’s a crap situation.

  10. No red flag about the teen porn. Most(all?) men first became sexual aware when they were teens surrounded by teens. I believe that explains a lot of the teen girl fetish imho.

    I would have a family sit down and acknowledge that three women are moving in with a man so you need some privacy ground rules and limits that reflect that reality.

  11. question, Is your ex on the lease if not you can probably talk to your land lord and have him evicted or removed. You could call the police and tell them he's trespassing if you are the only one on the lease

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