Tisana2426 live sex cams for YOU!


Tisana2426 Public Chat Channel

Date: November 18, 2022

37 thoughts on “Tisana2426 live sex cams for YOU!

  1. If this is real, I hope you file for divorce and get an STD test. Your wife (if she exists) had unprotected sex with 11 dudes. This whole situation sounds like something for Maury or Jerry Springer. And you aren't innocent either. Because you mentioned looking on a dating app.

  2. You say he knows you would never do that to him, but obviously that’s not true because he’s asking you for paternity tests

  3. Your Dad is in the wrong. He needs to make it right. You need to spend Christmas with your children and your husband. If your Dad can’t make it right, than no Christmas with him. It’s simple. Your primary family that you need to look out for is your husband and your children.

  4. I think your agreement has been amended, Orwell style. All past lovers are still equal, but now, evidently, some are more equal than others.

  5. You need to realize that you are using him. You aren't just crappy because you cheat. You are crappy because you cheat and use people. You use him (with no care for his feelings or possible trauma this could cause) and you use others for sex and validation. You use people. You are not the victim. That's hot to swallow, but it's true.

  6. No. I said that I could handle it. My chest felt tight the entire time, especially since they have carpet and fuzzy blankets throughout.

  7. Hello /u/RedSentaiRanger,

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  9. I really appreciate your perspective and I have a similar view on things which is why I didn't i.mediately freak out. I think he's largely harmless, he just said something a little uncouth and ill thought out.

    Like you say, not like he was trying to sneak around about it.

    And I'm not sure about those comments either, tbh. He did nothing but honor his wife and her memory to me

  10. No this is just excuses and it has nothing to do with her being attractive or having nice hair. This absolutely would have happened in some other way even if she wasn't in the picture because you would have just found some other woman to be irrationally jealous about and eventually pushed your ex to his breaking point.

  11. For some reason i can only fully see and reply to your comment but i have told him so. He just seems persistent i guess. I dont want to stop talking with him altogether but i just dont like him like that.

  12. Oh yikes, seems like your personality is prob why you’re being rejected. A bitter man is one of the ugliest personality types, ruins the whole thing even if he is attractive.

  13. you don’t need to “learn how to share”, you alreadyknow how to share, you just don’t want to share with someone who’s inconsiderate

    he needs to learn how to share, people can say no sharing their things, that’s part of why it’s sharing because it’s optional, and part of sharing is also respecting the items that you’re borrowing from someone else, which he’s not doing so seems like this is a him issue not a you issue

  14. You are dating a coomer who surrounds themselves with other degen coomers. Leave, you can do better and you only on-line once.

  15. Lol what a wild thought process you have.

    Guy comes here wondering why his wife is blatantly lying to his face and going back on her word when it comes to how they agreed to raise their son, and you’re here saying she has to lie because if she didn’t, OP would do a victory dance in front of his 10 year old son? Lol you need to get off the internet and experience a bit of the real world.

  16. Did you listen to the song?

    It's a parody of that old style and every freaking line is rife with inuendos.

  17. He's not a great guy deep down.

    He's nice to you because he gets something from you, and there would be repercussions if he was mean.

    How he treats strangers and people he doesn't have to treat nice, that's who he is deep down. You're just getting the surface version of him.

    Trust your instincts.

  18. DIL I’d death and green onion get it right .

    But there are men that get it too like Such Yam.

    If you are going to be a guy that’s as weak as water in a group and you know if your gf or for that matter any girl you are walking with you won’t support if she gets assaulted sexually or otherwise then don’t walk in crowds . He lied as well saying he would support her and then had her in that environment when he knew he wouldnt.

    He showed his colours hours before .

    Guy is a waste of space

  19. You’re an adult. If they wanna tell you what to do with your time they can let you live at home for free.

    Just stop asking permission. You want to sleep at your bfs house. Tell them bye, you’ll see them later. And go do your thing.

  20. You can't kidnap your child by leaving, as long as you let him see the child, wow he got you scared good ??‍♀️ files for divorce and set up custody arrangement for your child

  21. It’s true because demographically, she moved away with her mom and was only with her dad sporadically with her brother and her older brother (the twin of her older sister) and not only night. Her mom was over protective because she knew the first wife accused her ex husband of SA. Ironically she wanted to protect her own child but didn’t care about the older daughter, who she was the step mother of for 10 years.

    My fiancé is also featured in a podcast about it and talks about it for 2 hours. It’s on Spotify. I agree for the help from a professional. She goes to Alanon meetings for children of dysfunctional parents and therapy and has been for 6 years. Maybe a new therapist that’s a specialist would help

  22. She was definitely hitting on you. That's flattering. Good for you for being very direct and setting very clear boundaries. Also good on her for picking up on your responses and then respecting them and moving on.

  23. Stop letting him pay half the bill. He feels that if entitles him to the vehicle as much as you're entitled to drive it.

  24. This is an issue that you’re going to marry into so it’s going to become your problem. Remember that this is your future. He’s messing with including cars the mortgage kids, your retirement, everything Because that money can be used in other places,. Let me guess his mom’s children have cut her off to some extent. This is all part of being a parent and your children should not be your retirement plan. Trust me, my family is in the same boat and I understand a mentality, but you need to see the reality. does this sound a little bit harsh? Well yes but let me tell you I’ve been in those shoes and they’re definitely not comfortable.

    Don’t forget that finances are one of the leading causes of divorces, and this is already leaving a sour taste in your mouth and you guys still haven’t started your journey together yet.

  25. Can't people just choose the words they feel they most identify with? Why does one person feeling like pan describes them best have to be biphobic? For example, you are one bi woman. Do you believe that every other bi woman identifies with your personal understanding of your bisexuality?

    If a pan person said or did something biphobic, that's one thing but where is the issue in simply identifying as pan?

  26. so if that's the case, do you think he could just be using me as a warm body to sleep next to?

  27. At least men can get off via penetration the majority of the time.

    Not this one lmao!

    I'm just learning to raise my standards.

  28. Honestly, a lot of AHs are sweet and reassuring until it comes to sex because that's where what they want is ultimately more important than your needs. It's where they're tested the most, and to some it's the end goal, all that niceness is finally paying off and this is their prize.

  29. If a woman is going to ghost you then she's not the woman for you. You can be attentive without being a try naked.

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