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2 thoughts on “tinchen_nice1live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Only you can find that out.

    Oh, I think he already did… he's just choosing to not acknowledge it quite yet.

  2. It’s so confusing you should just be aware that there is a 75% chance you will get charged if you report these instances to police. We cannot protect our homes nor do we actually own the land we live on. It’s common throughout the commonwealth to have laws like this, it’s a left over mess from the days of serfdom and being that violence is usually bad, it’s spun as if the law protects us from ourselves causing more damage.

    If a person enters your home unlawfully regardless of intent, in my and many other people’s opinion, they have forfeited any protections from physical harm the law may afford them until such time as they have been eliminated as a threat, eg they leave the area, or are physically unable to continue with their previous plans.

    The force continuum explains how this should work in practice, the person defending can always move one step up the continuum in order to eliminate a threat where it is lawful to do so. Eg. man enters your home to rob you, you confront him, he stands his ground and escalates to threats of physical violence, you then can escalate to the use of non lethal force, if that man then escalates to non lethal force with a weapon you can jump straight to potential lethal force, a fire arm or blade. Police use this day to day in commonwealth countries, the rank and file citizenry cannot, we are asked to make way for perpetrators.

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