Tina10vely online sex chats for YOU!


very hot [Multi Goal]

Date: December 12, 2022

10 thoughts on “Tina10vely online sex chats for YOU!

  1. I didn't say showering with children is a privilege I said the grandma doesn't have a right to do whatever she wants wit the children if there is no permission – however in this case the mom did give permission. You interpreted it how you wanted to. That's not what I was saying at all and I've told you and re explained and said exactly what you were saying and saying that's what I said, and you are just refusing to listen. You don't know me. Why do you think I'm such a horrible person? Why not just believe me when I say I'm on your side and it's a misunderstanding and that's what I mean. I told you I probably just worded it wrong but no matter how many times I tell you that you insist it's impossible for me to have just miscommunicated.

  2. 3 dates is not an ex, it's not even getting started.

    I know your friend is upset that she got ghosted, but there was no significant relationship here for her to go around telling people he left her with no explanation which paints him in a terrible light so he is understandably also upset by this.

    Is it bad to ghost people after 3 dates and a few weeks talking? Yes. Is that the same as ghosting someone you have been seeing for 6+ months and have a relationship with? No.

    I think you need to scale back your friendship with her for your own wellbeing, she is using you as her primary support because you don't disagree with her. The fact she isn't speaking to any of your other friends because they called her out on how Iver the top she is being is worrying. Time to spend more of your free time with the rest of the group instead of just with her. The group might never go back to how it was, but that's life.

  3. The thing is he sees them when he goes on vacation to Mexico so it makes me a bit nervous as to what might happen. I've talked to him about the porn situation way before I saw it on his phone. I feel like he just lies because he knows it makes me feel bad. His excuse was it's a man thing to do/watch.

  4. Alright, the most important thing here… is to work at a pace that is comfortable to you.

    For example, him expressing love for you and if you're not ready to handle it… that needs to be managed and dealt with appropriately.

    You could have a great connection / potential, but how things are executed can be a make or break.

    I implore you to not rush anything.

    Take your time and ensure you're building a foundation instead of running on honey-moon emotions.

    I met my gf 2 months after she got out of a 10 year. I, on the other hand was on the dating scene for 2 years. When we met, there was so much that fit. But… she wasn't genuinely ready for a relationship (chance you might not be either)… it took a lot of patience and work, and the end result was worth it.

    I cannot stress this enough… the pace needs to be something you're comfortable with and everything needs to be done for the right reasons.

    I can relate if you met a right person during bad timing, but if its going to work, you two will discover ways around it that would make it manageable.

  5. Your girlfriend comes with a caveat. The controlling, bigoted, and invasive mother. She will always be a persistent problem until your girlfriend decides to cut her out. Are you willing to put up with that until she does? Have you thought about what you're going to do if she's not willing to cut out her mom? Have you had this conversation with your girlfriend yet?

  6. Do you even love her? Because this is abusive behavior. Gaslighting, making her a hot topic at work, messing with her mental health and I don't what else you haven't mentioned. This is not how you treat someone you say you love. You purposely vent to someone you know will spread it around the office, then gaslight her to the point of messing with her mental health… Leave her alone already

  7. It's not fair to me, I get that. And it's not fair to his family either. But I can't see myself with anyone else, and I don't want to give up what we have.

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