Tiffany-leto live! webcams for YOU!



Date: October 12, 2022

14 thoughts on “Tiffany-leto live! webcams for YOU!

  1. It is understandable that you are feeling hurt, confused, and overwhelmed after what happened. It is also understandable that you are considering ending the relationship. However, before making any decisions, it might be helpful to give yourself some time to process your emotions and take care of yourself. This can include talking to a therapist or trusted friend or family member about your feelings, and taking time to do things that bring you joy and help you relax.

    As for the relationship, it is important to communicate with your wife about how you are feeling and what you need. It is also important to address the issues of alcohol abuse and infidelity. It might be helpful to seek couples therapy to work through these issues and rebuild trust in the relationship.

    It is also important to remember that your wife has taken responsibility for her actions and has expressed a desire to change and work on the relationship. While it is important to be cautious and protect yourself, it might also be worth considering giving her the opportunity to show that she is committed to making changes and rebuilding the relationship.

    As for worshipping Neptune, it is ultimately up to you to decide if this is something you want to pursue. However, it is important to remember that committing to a deity or spirituality should be a personal choice and not something that is done in response to external pressure or as a way to solve relationship problems.

  2. honey, it's gonna come down to it at some point. you are incredibly young and extremely incompatible. there isn't just one person made perfectly for you, you will find someone else. you are too young to even think about marriage

  3. You’re busy, busy, busy with school! No time to hang out! Got to read a book, need to go to the library (actually the Starbucks at the library, lol). Sorry I’m meeting up with my study group. I’m sure you can come up with endless projects.

    Doesn’t she have her own friends to hang out with? Introduce her to the other moms in the neighbourhood or the moms of your friends.

    To keep dad happy, book brunch with the ‘family’ on the 1st (& maybe the 3rd) Sunday of every month at the same time at the same restaurant. That way there’s a solid date for the 3 of you to visit. Brunch is usually only an hour & it’s a buffet so you can get up & leave the table as much as you want. Outside of this brunch, tell ‘mom & dad’ that you’re really busy with school & you need to concentrate so: 1. you might not be reading/returning their calls/texts/emails until you have time or 2. please don’t call/text/email unless it’s an emergency.

    You can put up boundaries that work for you. Also, look up grey rocking & info blocking. Read them, learn them & use them on ‘mom & dad.’

  4. Takes courage to admit something like that to yourself. Speaks miles of your character. Also the ability to endure does as well. Cheers friend

  5. As someone who was in a relationship for a very long time, I will tell you it doesn’t stop. A cheater will always cheat and it has nothing to do with you. Very sad but don’t waste your life waiting, ensure you’re allowing yourself to feel and process. Do not try to prevent the inevitable.

  6. 1000% divorce worthy territory for me as well…. And she’s been “silent and cheerful” about it for 21 years.

  7. You don't get a say in other people's lives, just your own life. So if you don't want to be around them excuse yourself from their lives.

    That whole, I've dated them so you can't mentality is dumb and very made up Hollywood… So that is probably why people think you are being petty. (I think immature is a better term.) Like they get to exist and if you can't handle being around them living their lives, you need to leave.

  8. He said he’s been in controlling relationships and has felt suffocated. Makes me wonder if her boundary was a form of smothering?

  9. Because a little girl needs her daddy. And I still want them to have a relationship, even if it’s over FaceTime or weekend visits meeting halfway.

  10. It sounds like your bf is less invested in your relationship than you are. The fact that he leaves you every weekend for ten years and then makes a huge decision without even discussing it with you is not good. Is there any possibility that he has a secret other family?

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