Tiffany-Gerar on-line sex chats for YOU!


Please don’t stop fucking me [Fill The Tank Show]

Date: November 19, 2022

12 thoughts on “Tiffany-Gerar on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. Honestly you should try and arrange a few dates before thinking about breaking up. See if you still feel what you feel. It may be just the busyness of each other's lives or whatnot. If it doesn't work, then the relationship is over.

    The honeymoon phase is only getting over puppy love, romance is still possible, it's just not as “exciting” as the first stages of the relationship. All new relationships feel exciting.

  2. I asked, he said that he cant reply to this question. He doesnt want to say no, but doesnt want to say yes. I get that it could be enough, but i growing up i saw that my dad never told my mom he loves her, and i am just afraid to have the same thing in my life

  3. If he’s so insistent that food is an expression of love, what’s his excuse for not showing you his love in the same way??

  4. Yeah, best case scenario he changed & all good.

    Everything else is some variation of his problems resurfacing down the line, with you potentially sharing a mortgage, or some other high level responsibility.

    Like if you do want to confront your partner, make sure to look for confirmation that they took therapy for this (and even better if they are still attending). That action shows not just a willingness to change, but the fact that there’s actually some kind of professional system in place to help really facilitate change.

    But honestly, a year is not all that much – especially when compared to a whole lifetime with someone. If you do choose to stay & try to sort this out just hold onto that thought, and if a few months from now it starts to look like figuring it all out just isn’t worth the effort then it probably really isn’t.

  5. I just want to find out if the feelings are mutual, we talk and joke around all the time so that’s something I guess?

  6. I’d hate for someone to come to me as I’m throwing up and would rarely consider going to someone who currently is. Maybe pop a glass of water in, shout asking if they’re okay, but that’s it. I consider it to be a fairly private thing. It’s not something I need help with or support, it’s just throwing up. It happens. Wouldn’t expect someone to hold my hand if I’m having violent diarrhoea so why would they be there with me throwing up.

    He should probably have come after you didn’t respond to the name call, but I wouldn’t crucify him for it. You’ve expressed yourself and he felt bad for how he acted. Time to move on.

  7. A lot of women daydream about their crushes, that's not weird at all. It's not possible to “jinx” your love life by daydreaming future scenarios.

  8. Lots of people make these kinds of lists to make decisions. Whether or not it was outrageous or dehumanizing depends on what was on the list.

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