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Date: October 22, 2022

42 thoughts on “Thirsty-pussy-1 on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. Maybe you should get pissed about the obvious cheating three nights a week and make it her problem to resolve. Just a thought.

  2. He’s sick for not wanting his dick in a 3 year olds face?? I would be more concerned by someone who was happy with that scenario. I know that’s his daughter, but he doesn’t have to be comfortable with it, NOBODY does. Plenty of people prefer to keep their genitals between themselves, their partners and anyone providing medical care. And that’s less weird in my mind than calling someone sick for not wanting their dick in a 3 year olds face.

  3. Is BC 100%. Nope. But it does a pretty good job.

    Does she show… you know? Crazy girl tendencies?

    This sort of reminds me of my buddy. He broke it off with a girl and she went off the rails.

    Hacked his Facebook. Made a Facebook of him. Messaged all his friends to get in contact. Used a false pregnancy. She’d send pictures of her clearly sticking out her gut to resemble the bump. Showed up to his workplace unannounced. The whole suicide threat chabang. I think he had to change his phone number 5 times by the end of it.

    Is there a chance she is using this to get your attention?

  4. Yeah, unfortunately, OP, the optics on this scenario are bad. I'm not shocked her husband kind of tweaked. You've been monopolizing his wife's time, bare minimum.

    It's not generally a great move to be spending inordinate amounts of time with someone else's spouse. That time comes from somewhere, and it's usually the relationship. Real friends are friends who respect your relationships. It's clear that there's some things the two of them need to work out. And your being there constantly is definitely not helping them do that. I understand you're going through it right now. But they have a family and a life together that needs to be their priority. You being in the middle of that isn't going to make it better or easier.

    I'm not trying to be harsh, but look. Don't go trying to insert yourself in somebody else's family right before Christmas, ESPECIALLY when it's clear your presence is causing problems. After that episode, it's pretty clear you need to back off this friendship and give your friend and her husband some space to focus on their family right now. I'm sorry you're struggling. Breakups, especially with kids involved, are tough. And the holidays kind of compound that.

    It sounds like the real issue here is that you stressed this friendship because you lack a good support system for yourself. Ideally, you'd spread your friendship needs across multiple friendships so that you're not depending on any one too much. And if you're really hurting for emotional support and or guidance, that's what therapists are for, right?

  5. You said you worked with them and I asked what capacity to actually see why you think you're qualified to make that comment about parenting since you're not actually a parent. What education did you receive for your position? From that education you received, where exactly does it tell you that it's from bad parenting? Basically I'm asking you to cite your source, otherwise it's just your opinion and not an educated opinion.

    I'm asking specifically about the education because you seem to chalk this up to bad parenting without having done any actual parenting yourself. Your comment is only your opinion if you don't have any actual education to back that up. So if you don't have a degree in something related to this, it's just your incorrect opinion.

    Kids can act out when they're going through a big change, regardless of the quality of the parenting they received. This child is acting out. Both of his parents are working to prevent it, so they're not doing a bad job. Read OP's other comments. Did you even bother to do that or are you just too focused on making her boyfriend look like a terrible parent?

    I come from a blended family, am currently a part of a blended family. I've worked in family law and I've had to assist many parents find help for their otherwise good children to get into therapy because they're acting out during the divorce. I read tons of books on the topic when I went through my divorce. I also worked very closely with my daughter's psychologist when she went through the same issues. I lived this and worked to help others in this situation. I've seen this exact thing play out with my friends and family as well. None of what I have seen was due to bad parenting. It was all children acting out because they are traumatized by the divorce. So really without knowing anything about her boyfriend, what gives you the right to attack his parenting?

    Too many childless people like to interject their uneducated opinions into things they don't know anything about. Don't be that person anymore.

  6. I'm so sorry that he cheated on you.

    Take your time to process what has happened.

    I absolutely hate trickle truth. If someone is fessing up to something that's happened, they need to tell you all the truth and not keep updating you on more and more thats happened. It's awful.

  7. You have to decide what is more important , being with this man or finding someone that wants what you want . Look at it from his perspective, what does he get out of marrying you that he isn't already getting ?

    .Honestly if you were my daughter , I'd tell you to leave, because chances are , he still wants marriage and kids , just not with you, and as a woman unless you can afford to freeze your eggs you have a much more limited window of opportunity than he does.

  8. That's what will happen with porn, if you like certain people, how they look, what they do, how they move, and what fetishes they satisfy, then you will tend to look for them again. It's a targeted search just like anything else you look for.

  9. Is there a question here you need help with? Advice on? Suggestions?

    Also heads up it might get shutdown since discussions of body count aren’t really allowed and this may stray too close with your comment about the 7 to 1. I could be wrong but just saying.

  10. I would contact the other woman.. tell her the truth, and that if they really are married, you're sorry for unwillingly being a part of this mess and that you are done with him and then block him. Move on..

  11. Are you jealous and possessive? Will you be okay if she says yes/no? Have you thought it through? All the possible scenarios – even the most detrimental ones?

    If you're just perceived as jealous but you're not, and you would be okay sleeping with her after, knowing she has moaned on other guys' dick, then bring it up how you'd normally bring up any kink.

    Open up a conversation about sex and kinks, then slowly lead into the question but keep it open and explain that she in NO way has to agree. Who knows, maybe she's into it, maybe she's not.

  12. She also said she doesn't live with him and he isn't abusing her. I understand wanting to have advice but she didn't say that. And it was never mentioned she felt threatened and wanted her father to help her address the issue, just that she likes to discuss philosophy and morals with her father and she wanted to talk about this.

    Given that she knew it would upset her husband she doesn't get to be surprised when he is upset.

  13. Have you considered it's something on your dog that he's allergic to, rather than the dog itself? If he's fine with all other dogs except yours, is it a shampoo you or the groomer is using? Or a flea medicine? Or even something the dog is eating? The allergist is a good next step to find out what he's actually allergic to and see if it's even possible to manage.

    Also, everyone and their mom has a respiratory infection right now. Sure he may actually be allergic to your dog, but if he still can't breathe 2 days later even after taking allergy medication, it sounds like he's actually just sick with a respiratory infection, not allergies. You even mention he's never gotten this sick being around your dog before.

    Just putting that out there, there's a chance he's just legitimately sick, it's that time of year after all and RSV is going around like crazy. Wishing you both luck!

  14. maybe namecalling and insulting people is not a great strategy for getting them to accept your advice… you just come across as a bitter, angry redditor.

    spending time with my kids is the highlight of my every day.

  15. And there are so many reasons she might have gained weight, maybe she's comfort eating after losing someone to Covid? Imagine being badgered about your weight while you're grieving a family member. He hasn't said anything about the causes or how she feels about it… I wonder if he even asked what she thinks is going on

  16. If you had both just entered her house and it was a quick peck hello greeting then maybe it would be ok. But personally I’d never greet my siblings that way, and I never have

  17. It’s not a punishment if she just decides without malice this isn’t the life she signed up for with marrying him

  18. That's not what the fiance told the police, though. She said it was a joke, even though she could be facing charges. She didn't say, “we were trying to let this guy know his wife is lying and cheating”

  19. People managed to get home “ok” long before they started dating someone, and manage to get home “ok” long after they break up. Dating someone doesn’t change the risk of not being “ok” after being out with friends, or of something bad happening. And OP would not actually be likely to be in a position to help if the gf were not “ok”.

    This is pure control and distrust, and insecurity in the status of the relationship. I’d find it to be clingy, controlling and off-putting and would not be sending any texts unless I actually wanted to send one to say hi.

    If I needed something up in my shit 24/7, I’d get a needy dog. If I need to be protected somehow, I’d get a dog.

  20. 12 yr age gap. Dating for only 3 months. Ridiculous level of incompetence. You have a damn child to think about. What are you doing? I mean honestly. Stop wasting your time, stop bringing men around your child right away, date someone your own age, and for fucks sake stop putting up with bull shit. You need to really take a step back here. The fastest way to fuck to your kid is to bring a slew of strange men in and out of their life after knowing them for five seconds. Sorry to be harsh, but be smarter, and be safer.

  21. From the perspective of a CSA survivor, I would not be able to be around her if she spoke like that. A dedicated conversation where I can prepare and know how to be supportive, I think I could do. But casually dropped into a conversation? I'd probably have a panic attack. I would refuse to be around her at all if it happened more than once.

    Somehow, she needs to be spoken to. I'm not 100% sure how you pull it off. Do you/your friends have a therapist of your own you could try to bounce ideas off of? She's likely using this as a coping mechanism for her trauma. But she could easily cause trauma by doing so.

  22. Well you made your choice, and you chose him instead of her. You know what you were choosing because she was unequivocal about the outcome. This is all on you and your desperate fence sitting, you chose the cheat and now he’s all you have left.

  23. People literally go on killing sprees to grieve, there is an infinite amount of variance to grief. I don't know how to explain mine or what my way of processing grief is because I'm the one grieving and it's pretty crazy you think I'm thinking rationally right now with any of my thoughts to the point you'd argue with them.

  24. I don't have any advice for you regarding your relationship but I do have some for you personally. I think it is important for you to have a life of your owb outside of your relationship. This is always important for everyone in life. Have your own hobbies, interests and friends and find happyness and fulfilment on your own.

  25. You really want this person in your life. She needs mental help before she can entertain any relationship. Cut it out


    Leave this woman alone, you aren’t a friend at this point you are just creepy

  27. Quick question: Is your family bankrolling your entire life or are YOU?

    You put in the effort. You will be putting in the hours at work. You will be supporting yourself.

    You decide your worth. Don't let anyone in your family say otherwise.

  28. Great suggestion. I grew up in an emotionally neglectful household and also struggled with communicating my needs. Writing it down with Len and paper allows you to process what you are feeling, gives you time to say it correctly, and then you can hand the person a note. And the note also gives the other person the time to think about is bothering you and hopefully respond thoughtfully.

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