Theowonder on-line webcams for YOU!


12 thoughts on “Theowonder on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. It is not a deal breaker for me at all, it’s expensive and time consuming and not everyone is able to. If it was a deal breaker for someone I would consider that a red flag. My ex used to berate me constantly for not having a degree and thought he was always right in arguments because he had a history degree lmao

  2. Seems OP is pretty conspicuously not replying to most people asking about the throw as well as what she threw in response.

  3. You are 2nd, 3rd or even further out priority. This is common with scattershot dating apps where you message hundreds of people and get on a lucky streak. You prioritize the ones that message you back.

    I would imagine this happens with males more because women are the pursued ones. Take a 10 male and a 10 female and that female will get loads more messages.

    I realize this sounds harsh…but its the way of dating online. Based primarily on looks.

    Or maybe they have a girlfriend or wife and they didnt get a chance to sneak out. Who knows…anything is possible. People mostly suck.

  4. I think best case, he acted inappropriate, making her feel sexually harassed.n she felt like she had to leave the job, start over somewhere else, and he agreed to pay for it to keep her from reporting him. Or something actually happened between them, it went bad, he paid for her to leave and start over elsewhere.

    Or, well… she found out he’d done something illegal at the company. He’s buying her silence.

    She said something about waiting for love? Maybe he said he’d leave you and his biz, move with her, but he’s getting cold feet. Sending her money, telling her to get an apartment set up for them and he’ll be there soon?

    I wouldn’t just ask him. Too easy for him to lie and then start getting rid of the evidence of what he’s done. Screenshot it, as someone suggested. Screenshot all your financial info, at least.

    My computer stores all my passwords and logs me into sites automatically once I unlock the computer or tablet. Doesn’t everyone’s? If you can just get the code to unlock his computer, you might be able to find whatever you need.

    Devices often link to each other and have a shared list of passwords,so even if he used one device to communicate and send money to her, the passwords might be shared and let you access info from things he did on a separate device on his home computer or tablet.

  5. You should cut contact with him and send your evidence with explanation to the wife as you are probably not the only one. The wife should at least know the truth even if the marriage is ‘open’.

  6. You are very right.

    It’s not projecting as much as just anecdotal experiences.

    I don’t even nothing looking at who my girlfriends follow etc.

    I couldn’t be less interested in social media politics.

  7. He was stonewalling me for a couple days when I signed. Then he apologized profusely and we made up, I couldn’t bring myself to tell him. I’m not afraid of him, I’m just a coward.

    I also thought it would be awful to live with someone who’s packing all their stuff so maybe the vacation might be a good time to do it. I guess there’s no easy way.

  8. You don't have to make any decisions right now.

    All you have to do is handle each day as it happens.

    None of this is your fault.

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