The Asian Kitty live! webcams for YOU!


Golden Ticket Show In Progress. Tip 150 to join the show

Date: November 8, 2022

60 thoughts on “The Asian Kitty live! webcams for YOU!

  1. Tell your girlfriend you know about (insert insta @), and that she has one chance to come clean about everything.

  2. They actually can't be taken out whenever. Many doctors simply will refuse to remove them so you can move to a better BC method even if the implant is expired unless you explicitly tell them or lie and say you want it out because you're trying to get pregnant. I know from personal experience. When mine expired and I wanted it out so I can take the pill I was denied by every doctors office in my area even with insurance. It took me lying and saying me and my partner were actively trying to have a baby and I didn't want the expired implant to have an effect on me getting and staying pregnant before they took it out. Me and my man of 5 years never want any kids….. doctors figured if I couldn't get another BC method that eventually an accident would happen and I'd end up pregnant regardless of my desire for no kids. Good thing we have good neighboring states I could go to for an abortion I guess. ?‍♀️

  3. I dunno, it sounds off putting to hear your boyfriend casually watching porn in the kitchen right before dinner.

    To not be able to share a television series because he’s rewatching a porn video for the 20th time?

    How does he make polite small talk in social situations if his entertainment is entirely porn.

    It sounds lonely and socially stunting to be that involved with porn to the exclusion of everything else

  4. His mum mentioned at lunch yesterday that everyone had contributed so yes, everyone in the family seems to have paid 1/6, he’s paid for himself and me upfront and wants me to give him my share of the money when “I can”.

  5. These were classic durex ones we had issues with. They're given out for free at uni and through our public health system. Never had a problem with them with smaller partners, I can't stress enough how abnormal he was though – the act of getting them on was painful. Sex itself was a bit of a mission.

  6. It was years ago and I do think people can change but at this point I’m not even sure anymore. I’m questioning everything at this point. I needed this blunt honesty!

  7. That would be a red flag for me. That she asked you out and chose the location but expects you to pay speaks volumes. Add onto that that she is negotiating for a free ride in exchange tells me she sees this as transactional.

  8. You don't have a “friend” problem, you have a boyfriend problem. From reading your post it sounds like your gut is telling you this. Listen to your gut OP. They're not going to stop, and you shouldn't have to make your bf cut her off, he should just want to make you happy. Good luck, OP.

  9. U need to let ur s/o know. But u arent completely responsible for ur actions as u were high and drunk and legally cannot consent under those circumstances and it seems like u are a loving partner. Ultimately its up to ur so but i feel like its not ur fault. If u were at a party u didnt tell them abt and broke boundaries in other ways he might break up with u based on that but u were not mentally there to make a sound decision to cheat so that cannot be blamed on u.

  10. It’s kinda gross for someone so old to be behaving so immaturely. You’ll have plenty of chemistry with someone who respects you.

  11. That’s not nice man. There’s no reason to be mean to people who arnt mean to you. I will follow my dream and help people grow and learn from their mistakes. That’s why I’m on this earth to help people and that’s what I’m going to do 🙂

  12. Hello /u/Syphyll,

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  14. Of course not. The unhappiest days of my life was when I was unemployed and wondering how to pay my bills so I could keep a roof over my head.

  15. Hello /u/Steakhuntt,

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  16. People tend to think in black and white, and Reddit’s answer is always: therapy or divorce, no in between. Many people (including me) treat this sub like AITI and tear into the OP often. She wants her hubby to put in a lil self care for him AND her. Sounds like she does, so she wants him to have a similar lifestyle. Not a big issue but if he isn’t willing to do that then… DIVORCE! /s

  17. It sounds like your bf is pretty much on board with you, which is nice. That said, you need to sit down with him and make it abundantly clear that you are not sacrificing your future for his brother. If youre ok with it, maybe he can be in a nearby home where u can visit and help a few days a week or something. But make it clear to your bf that he is not staying with you. Once that is done, FORCE his parents to discuss it, or flat out tell them he is not staying with you if anything happens.

  18. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    I met my husband in college 13 years ago. I have been in love with him for for 12 years 11 months 30 days and 23 and 3/4 hours. But very soon I noticed he was more interested in my best friend so I tried to suppress my feelings. She was always the beautiful one and it wasn’t a surprise that he would fall for her. Before graduating however he asked me out. I was surprised but over the moon. I thought to myself that I must’ve been mistaken about him like her because why would he ask me out instead? We got engaged and married within 2 years My best friend was my MOH.

    My marriage was like a fairy tale. I felt so loved all the time. We have 3 beautiful children and my husband’s business took off and he is very successful now. My best friend also got married and we stayed close even after she moved abroad. She got divorced a year ago so she moved back home, she visited us for a weekend on her way. When she saw our place and how we lived and after a few glasses of wine she said that my husband was the one who got away. I was so confused but she said didn’t you know? He asked me out several times and I said no. My husband started telling her to cut it but she insisted and swore that I must’ve known. My husband said she was lying so she took her phone and there it was, a text from him to her the day before we got married telling her he will always wonder what if and it made him sad and asked her out one final time.

    It was like the walls closed down on me. Like the world has ended. I didn’t say much to her just was silent. Before she left she apologized and told me that she was overwhelmed with the life I had and felt resentment.

    I’m in therapy now. I thought it would be a magical solution to my misery but it isn’t. It’s good to talk to someone I know but that’s just when I’m able to talk. Often I just sit there not knowing how to formulate a sentence. Same at home. It’s been a year now since he touched me. I just can’t stand the feel of him. The few times he tried I went into hysterics and my body physically broke out in hives. I feel ugly and disgusting. I haven’t looked myself in the mirror either because I just see something obnoxious looking back at me so it was easier to stop looking. I on-line for my children now because they’re innocent in all of this. Other than that I don’t know what to do. My husband is in total despair. He says he loves me and he never loved anyone like me but they’re just words to me. I know I’m being unreasonable especially that I don’t let him near me but all I can say to him is that I don’t know when or if this is going to be better. I gave him the option of divorce but he adamantly refuses that and starts panicking when I bring this subject up, same with me giving him permission to sleep with others since I can’t and I don’t know when I will be able again. What can I do more? Nothing seems to work with me. I still love him but I just can’t. Help!?

  19. It is a bad thing. You cant just say sorry and have sex and think problems get fucked way . Sex doesnt fix anything or put people on good terms. Space and time does for some.

  20. While nice, you're basically saying you should never talk about issues with your partner.

    The things here is, if your partner can't handle a conversation like this, they are simply emotionally immature.

  21. i just have a very hot time understanding why he can’t commit to me if he truly loves me

    I know, you’re young, but it’s not that difficult. He’s an 18 yo boy, and they are not complex beings. It’s pretty clear he doesn’t truly love you. He only says that because he likes you so you’ll hang around, while he explores his options. You think it’s very hot to understand because you know this on some level but refuse to believe it because you love him. Which I am also question because it sounds like you also view him as an escape from your sad situation. You’re also hinting that, you probably think he is one league below you and can’t understand why he isn’t more grateful to be with you.

  22. You are 22. You are allowed to break up for any reason, especially incompatibility. I know you like him, but I probably wouldn’t stay.

  23. Still keeping you updated… she met my parents, next week I will meet her parents. So yeah, this has turned into something beatiful.

  24. Right, if they've been together pretty much constantly for 2 whole months you'd think he'd have his mind made up at this point. And if he doesn't yet then imo that's a warning sign. She deserves someone who's crazy about her. My bf and I similarly hit it off and were together constantly after our first date. Took him less than a week to tell me he didn't want to date anyone else but me, and 20 days to tell me he loved me. When you feel strongly enough about someone, you just know. Especially when you're together constantly.

    If his emotional unavailability is due to grief or trauma, then that's his responsibility to address by himself, without dragging someone else through the mess. He's 29!! Way too old to be making excuses. Personally, I'd be running.

  25. At the end she mentions she is not a native English-speaker. Formatting is always the last part of a language you master

  26. I consider myself to be 'booksmart' too, but not streetsmart and I wouldn't be offended if someone told me that. I have a master's and a good job, but I can be pretty dumb when it comes to basic things at home for example. It takes me longer to figure certain things out, like a coffee machine (not a full automatic one, not sure what they're called) while my boyfriend can do that without much thought. He doesn't have a master's, but I feel he is smarter than me when it comes to that, which I consider to be smart as well. He may have a harder time in school than me (or maybe not, I am unsure) but all in all I feel we both have our strengths when it comes to 'intelligence'. Someone who works as a doctor can be stupid when it comes to fixing things in the house and how to figure that out. I don't think he was trying to offend you and I also think you shouldn't feel like you're any less intelligent because of what he said.

  27. I totally agree. She went straight to a fetish site to show him diaper fetish things, seems she knows her way around the fetish sites. Even I would have a very hot time knowing what to look for, but some one like her who seems very familiar with it would easily access it. Sorry others tried to turn your point into SA survivors getting nasty.

  28. Since you're obviously a narcisist who only cares about yourself, I'll phrase this to you in a way you can understand:

    If he treats your daughter like that, he'll treat you way worse.

  29. let's face it. you didn't have a GF, you had a escort girl on long term contract. when you were not able to pay, she searched another customer.

    it is normal you miss her because she gave you a good service. but now it is time to look for a real girlfriend who love, respect and desire you. you can still hire professionnal when the body needs are there. but it is not a aim, just a mean.

  30. You did the right thing. Sounds like your whole family has enabled his childish selfish behaviour all of his life.

    He needs to make his own shit decisions and on-line with them. I don’t know why you and Mia thought it was acceptable to start interrogating Lola about her intentions towards your brother.

    You are both too involved in his life. He’s an adult, let him do his thing and don’t mKe any plans that would upset you if they get broken. He’s flaky because he’s been spoilt.

  31. The cycle of abuse. He has to show you those gentle, loving moments so you stay. When he’s acting out and treating you badly, you put up with it because you think “it’s only a matter of time until he becomes the gentle, loving husband again” it’s all intentional. This is a hugely common tactic in abusers

  32. You shouldn't have to pull out all the stops. If it's not working, it's not working. You should never be in the kind of position you're currently in, it's simply a sign of things to come.

  33. Sexual compatibility is important for many people.

    If you don’t want to have sex, that’s fair. Don’t have sex you don’t want to have. Just tell him your plan.

    But realize that just as you can choose not to have sex, he can choose to end a relationship where sex is off of the table. Just because he hasn’t been hassling you the last 3 mos doesn’t mean he’s enjoying this.

    Personally, I feel like life it too short to settle for mediocre to bad sex and no sex would be a dealbreaker.

  34. Depending on what country you on-line in, and the laws there, 9mm is a good caliber for women, though my wife DOES love my .45…..

  35. Uhm, well, I wouldn't have answered her when she said what you did was crazy by humoring that. You texted her with “I'll just meet you over by the bar and we can grab a drink after.” and that should have been all the response you needed. How was she so busy? AND she already broke up. So, I think the best answer is “Nah, that's OK, we're broken up, and I'm doing you the courtesy of answering you, but I don't think there's anything positive coming out of continuing this discussion, I wish you the best going forward!” and then block. You already know she's not loyal from her past behavior.

  36. Yep, the “goodbye gift” that kept on giving, from 8 until almost 10:00 p.m.

    If she hadn't broken up with you, you would have to have broken up with her for your own self respect.

  37. Since you want sex more often, and he's jacking off, have you considered initiating the sex when you want it? Like, attack that man, and rip his pants off and go to town.

  38. AITA isn't the only sub with rules.

    3.No Moral Judgment Requests

    Moral Judgement Requests are asking people to evaluate actions taken or that you want to take in the context of right, wrong, selfish or not selfish. Using questions like “Am I right/wrong?” “Am I overreacting?” “Is this selfish?” “Would this be okay?” “Am I the asshole?” “AITA?” “Is this normal?” “Is this weird/unusual/inappropriate?” “Who is right here?” are all examples of a moral judgement and will be automatically removed.

  39. No. You’re almost not in contact with each other. It’s not like you hang out all the time. You ended over a year ago. Just don’t mention it.

  40. Every once in a while he’ll ask me if I want to do something. I’ve given up on telling him what I want to play because everything I suggest he says he doesn’t like to play. He used to play my games anyway even if he didn’t like them because it made me happy. Now when he asks I just tell him idk and his only suggestions are to watch something or play the same game he’s been playing. He doesn’t work so he usually wakes up late in the day, does chores, and then he does his thing with his friends and then stays up all night. He’s starting school soon I think

  41. And I still don’t see why prison time and fraud is more likely to mean he’s a sociopath than a family of cops with hero fantasies and black and white views of the world.

    The truth of the matter is that no matter how long the father did have to prove himself, he would never be able to do so in the eyes of someone who doesn’t dislike him because of risk, but because of ideology.

  42. Fuck that, he broke a prone man's arm in cold blood. They're both awful. That's not protecting your wife, that's revenge

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