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Testix1live sex stripping with hd cam


126 thoughts on “Testix1live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Y'all were all children when this happened. CHILDREN do stupid things. They did a stupid thing, but everyone is so young here and I promise you will have bigger things to worry about than this being married so young.

  2. It could be a Christmas present for either you or his mom.

    Keep an eye on it. If the present disappears and neither you or his mom are wearing it then you might have a problem. But most likely, is it’s a Christmas present.

  3. So now it was complimenting instead of flirting? Which is it?

    I don’t think you realize that people in relationships flirt with other people. That is common sense.

    This isn’t isn’t your girlfriends clothes. It’s your friends are acting like she’s a piece of meat.

  4. How long have you and your GF been on and off? How serious is it? Was it a one-night stand with the woman from high school?

  5. Block her number. You are tempting fate and it’s really annoying reading this, as someone who has been cheated on. If your wife knew what you were doing.. essentially having an emotional affair.. it would break her heart. Quit flirting and texting this girl. you are not going to get sympathy here. you’re just going to be another piece of shit who cheated on his wife.

  6. he had been talking to other women on tinder.

    Fiancé has me saved as “dumb bitch” in his phone

    He then laid all of the blame on me and jumped on me

    he hasn’t loved me since I got pregnant and that I am “grotesque” to him now

    Any advice on where I should go from here?

    Anywhere but with him.

  7. You did something nice for a person who didn't have a great day. Being a decent, helpful, and friendly person has nothing to do with whether it's a girl or not. Your friends are the stupid ones when they believe that you can only be nice and kind to others when you get something in return.

  8. The violence and coldness. Yikes! Only a matter of time til he's wearing your scalp like a hat cruising down the sunny California coast.

  9. Even just, “Well… THAT was uncomfortable!”, would be so hilarious IMO.

    But yeah, I get you. And it’s easy to talk when not in the moment. Some of us just say stupid shit all the time anyway and it works out once in a while :p.

  10. Is there something inherently threatening or sexual about the way she dances? To be frank it sort of just sounds like annoying drunk folks being annoying and drunk, OP.

  11. Thats the worst type of people, when u tell them they're mean they just say ,,yeah and?”. Well idk maybe you should try not being an asshole towards the person raising your kids

  12. As someone who did similar shit at your sisters age and whose parents responded in the worst way possible, I just wanted to say that I think you’re a great older sibling and I’m glad she has you! Another thing I want to mention is that she might have some serious self esteem issues if she’s trying to seek attention like this live! in group chats, and it might be worth trying to get her into therapy for it IF she is willing.

  13. I think you need to reconsider this relationship.

    People who are self harming but won't get help… that's a lot. For anyone. And you're already struggling yourself. I'm glad you have other resources, but he doesn't, and that's unfair of him to ask of you- he is using you like not just a therapist but a whole mental health team.

    And the fact that he's your ONLY loved one is also concerning. You need more people in your life, people you can turn to so no one person tries to do for you what you do for your boyfriend. But I understand why it would be very hot to build close friendships when your whole life is revolving around his emotional state.

    You don't have to break up, but it's time to set boundaries and stop running to his every need, and one of those boundaries is you're not his therapist and he needs to have one. And I say this because I was in EXACTLY your shoes 15 years ago. I gave 15 years of my life as a therapist and caretaker to my partner, a slave to someone else's mental health, and while I am finally getting out now, it destroyed so much of who I am and my potential. I still love my ex, but ypu can't have relationships where the other person won't seek change.

  14. I will not argue in favor of corporal punishment but you need to understand that not everyone views it the same as you. Many people were raised to believe it is acceptable when used judiciously. You & he will never see eye to eye on this, especially given the fact that you were beaten as a child. Best to just end it now.

  15. It can absolutely be a medical condition. Had a friend that couldn’t bare the painful sex with her boyfriend. She broke up with him cause she thought he was just too big or something.

    She later went to the doctor, got diagnosed with some medical problem, they gave her medicine and at-home-remedies, and now she’s back together with that same boyfriend having a great sex life.

  16. Yes I have thoughts. Men do not suck it up and shove on with that nonsense. You did the right thing. You walked away. You didn't engage. You didnt match her energy. You walked away. Again that was correct in that situation. How is just standing there like a dummy for her to attack more “manly” or whatever. How is reinforcing in her mind that it's ok to act that way, more manly.

    If you wife is struggling so badly, it's great you want to help her. And I'm sure she will need your help. But anxiety is not an excuse to abuse people around you. Maybe therapy would help her better cope with her emotions when they overwhelm her. Her issues are hers tho. You can't fix them, you can only support her helping herself.

  17. This is a relationship advice sub, not a “stroke my ego” sub.

    You haven't listed a relationship or a problem you need help with solving. Is this post going somewhere? Or are you just looking for a bro moment?

  18. Then continue not having sex. Or recommend he gets the snip snip and then a clean STD test every 6 months. Honestly men that complain about condoms are a breed that we should let die out. My partner and I have been together 5 years we use condoms when we have sex and it's never been an issue.

  19. Drop her. Honestly drop her.

    She sexually harassed your boyfriend by flashing him un-consensually.

    She purposefully used “perfect breasts” to make you feel reaffirmed in your insecurities, and that’s using sensitive knowledge as a weapon at that point.

    Then she somehow tries to make herself the victim? Nope nope noooope.

    With the way she went out of her way to tell you and your boyfriend how very hot she finds him, and then to act like that? Could you imagine what she could have done to him if she cornered him into a room? She is not a good friend.

  20. your friend literally sexually harassed your boyfriend. she wasn't just shitty, she committed a crime, and a reprehensible one at that. she's 31. shes far too old to be acting like this. at that age she won't improve. drop her

  21. My love lives with Asperger's, he's said something similar to this about me as well. He usually prefers to be solitary and has difficulty opening up to people socially/emotionally due to the autism, but because he's gotten along with me for a prolonged period of time and opened up, he's realized over time that I am likely the best match for him.

  22. You've only been dating a year and his rap sheet is already this long. You seem like a guinea kind person based off your comments. Even when Charlie is being a poopy pants child you don't say anything negative about him.

    He's shown you and his family who he really is, your family is looking but it seems like your positive attitude is letting you overlook all of these terrible things. Would you ever make jokes at his expense in front of his family? Why should he be allowed to do that to you?

  23. Your friend's advice is ?️

    You were SA

    Of course you say something.

    Also, dump all of those people.

    They're not your friends, they're users.

    Friends would never do that or tell you to shut up about it.

    SMH at these scumbags.

    Good luck to you, friend. Stay strong ???

  24. u/XLordVX, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  25. Oof. That is so uncomfortable to see. But I don’t think you can say anything. He is an adult and has to handle these things in his own.

  26. …Eh….remember the revelation that he is “immature”.

    At your time of Life, if you are going to row your boat in

    a rewarding direction, you need to look for bigger Oars,

    not a bigger anchor.


  27. u/triflinnugz, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  28. If this were my dad I would tell him he can have an opinion on who drives my car as soon as he coughs up the maintenance fees, insurance payment, and the car loan payment.

    Also offer to drive your boyfriend to a car lot so he can buy his own, he obviously needs it.

  29. Hello /u/highlander24,

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  30. Talk to her about it and see what she says Let her know that you’re not going to over react and you just want her to be honest

    Remember that she said IF she was single she would have lots of sex with him. That’s the crux of the Matter. It’s okay to desire others.

    Does she love you?

    Does she want to be in a relationship with you?

    Does she value your relationship enough to NOT cheat on you with him?

    How would she like to proceed?

  31. So, I'm confused. You say in a comment that it's an issue that she looks like a little boy. But in your post you take issue with her pubic and armpit hair, but without those she'd be bare as a little boy.

    I think you should do two things. Spend some time in serious introspection about some of this and what your actual issue is. Because again, it's very contradictory both that you want her bare as a child, but take issue with a hairstyle that makes her appear more childlike. Get straight in your mind what exactly you want to address. Because it sounds like you don't like her haircut, and have suddenly decided to take issue with literally everything about her appearance.

    Once you're clear with yourself, have a conversation with her. It's both that simple, and that difficult. Maybe she tells you that she hates it. Maybe she tells you to lose her number. But this needs to be worked out, because she deserves someone who finds her attractive, whether that is in your relationship with her or not.

    Also of note: her hair might not grow back. She might really love the style and keep it.

  32. Or just in general says things that make no sense to get out of situations with dumb logic, For example today I go “oh I forgot I can’t see you. You’re going to your cousins bday party today.” And he goes “yea” then later I jokingly say “crazy I didn’t get an invite” because we were talking about the party and he goes “there you go assuming that I wasnt going to invite you” like he literally didn’t just confirm and say he wasn’t seeing me today.

  33. Sorry, brother, you’re being played. Trust your gut. It’s time to move on. For me, cheating is a very hot boundary. The trust is broken. No loyalty.

  34. It's very common. Especially in long relationships and if you got together early on life. So maybe think about how she feels. She did the right thing. She's still with you. She talked to her therapist, her therapist likely told her its common, just a passing fancy and hey, you love wafflesandwhiskey right? And she said of course, realized it was stupid and is still with you! But it does happen. I mean, why else are there so many marriage counselors. But really? It happens.

  35. Hello /u/Burritorollin,

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  36. Tell him you love him and he thinks he’s perfect, but your really into handsome guys and if he could get a nose job, and Tummy tuck, and ear lift – that would just be the cherry on top.

  37. He does not miss your face lol.

    He is just demanding to see who you are with because he doesn't trust you. The most probable reason for this is because he is cheating on you and so is projecting.

    He has zero interest in messaging you or even talking to you so your communication skills are irrelivent, he just wants to see who you are with. If you say no to facetime he 'panics' because he thinks its because you are with a guy.

    Start doing the same back to him at random times and i 'm pretty sure you'll soon hear some lame excuses as to why he's too busy facetime.

  38. Likely this is coming as a result of her expressing love two weeks in. Any adult person can tell you that two weeks equals infatuation which may eventually become love, but it's not love at two weeks.

    You are rightly reticent but it's also ok to hold off with the expression of love yourself until you are sure and if that took another year it should still be ok.

    If shes putting pressure on you to say it and feel it so soon,then that's not really would be better if she understood that people move at different speeds and that just because she is feeling it right now,doesn't mean that you wont eventually get there in your own time.

    It would be perfectly fine to continue in the relationship for a while yet to see if you get there. But there should be no pressure from her if you cant say the magic words just yet. I probably takes at least a full calendar year to get to know someone well enough to really be sure of how you feel about them and even so, probably it's only after year two that you could seriously entertain the idea of forever being a possibility.

    But trust yourself, see how you feel after a while. I think what you are feeling is fair given the timeframe, going too fast is nearly always an issue. What's the rush anyhow? Is there a timeframe for some reason?

  39. First off, don't worry about typos. I do the same when on my phone. I make typos left and right and I end up apologizing to everyone. Second, it's never good to be the side dish. It's best to be the entre. Fourth, stay away and end it. Don't let him try to explain.

    I was in a similar boat as you. I went out with the this woman for months. I really liked her. We had great chemistry. We had great conversations. Everything clicked. Nothing seemed force. She had some kids which I'm okay with. She got over being divorced. She was amazing. She came to visit me and I came to visit her. She made me so happy. I talked with with her mom and her sister who backed up her story and wait to meet me. I even was with her on her birthday giving her emerald earrings as emerald was her birth stone, with a matching necklace for Valentine's Day. Then I found out the truth. She and her sister kept on blowing up my phone. With the help of my friend, I cut her out completely and I don't care to send someone to hell especially a woman but my friend eagerly did so. Maybe I should have asked [to see her] divorce papers. I'm not sure. I chalk it up to a learning experience. And instead of the 2 kids she claimed she had, she had closer to 5. Never told anyone about this before.

    Good for blocking him. I wish you well. You will find someone else and maybe you can pick up any on red flags if any or know what questions to ask. It's a crappy world out there and people take advantage of it. I wish you well and good luck.

  40. Gently tell them they don't get to pick your partner. They can offer opinions, but it's entirely your choice. They don't have to like your decision, but they do have to keep quiet about it. Any attempt to come between you and your girlfriend will backfire and push you further away from them.

  41. He's made me feel safe while I've learned to manage trauma and flashbacks, shown me how to say sorry (I never had a relationship I could, and he started doing that in our relationship). He cares a lot, he struggles to do things but he does try really very hot to work on things. He has changed over time, for example doing much more cleaning now than at the start of our relationship.

  42. She needs to pay for a friend first in the form of talk therapy , maybe even see a doctor to get on some medication. It will be very hot to make friends without her investing in getting help first if possible. Later, I found it easier to meet new people by volunteering. I volunteer w / animals & it’s easier to talk & get to know ppl when you’re all doing something you like.

  43. Well , I don't think it's either of your fault. I'm sorry about him wanting children now, but its better for him to be upfront than to mislead you and waste time.

  44. What is his problem with you bring Danish? Do not deny who you are for this dude. Embrace your culture. He can talk a long walk off a short pier if he doesn’t like it. I suspect he’s actually jealous. You have something he can’t understand or be a part of. He needs to grow up.

  45. Your so right… Every chance this sub gets, they are obsessing over age gaps. It's really sickening. Infantilizing grown adult woman… It always gives me nice guy neck beard vibes.

  46. You’ve done a lot of work overcoming abuse. You deserve a healthy relationship. Wishing you all the best.

  47. 'You' shouldn't do anything it's up to your boyfriend to deal with this. A) It'll get the message across that they're unwanted etc (assuming they are) and B) It'll save you from looking like the controlling girlfriend.

  48. If you actually have an issue with that, you should press her on it. Don’t bring up this whole “I did this so you should do this” thing, but just tell her how it makes you feel that she still has him added. Be vulnerable. If she’s not able to remove him after that, then you should reconsider the relationship lease or not. Breaking a lease before you move in together is way easier than after.

    That being said, the way you brought it up in your post makes it seem like you didn’t care about her having the ex added. You see it as a double standard now that she’s asked you to remove someone you slept with, but had she not asked that it wouldn’t be an issue. It’s okay if it is now and if your feelings changed, but it shouldn’t just be because you want it to be even. I do get not being okay with it though, I don’t think I would be either, you just need to understand your motivations and make sure you’re asking her to do it for the right reason.

    Also, never ever call someone else’s feelings an overreaction ever again. It doesn’t matter if it factually is, it never ends well, never fixes things, and almost always makes them worse. Especially in a relationship. I’ve cried about dropping a piece of toast before, definitely an overreaction. If my partner told me I was overreacting, or even said it now later, I would be pissed. If their reaction seems strong to you, it’s probably because it’s important to them or because they’re dealing with something and they deserve empathy and support, especially from a partner.

    Also, while you’re at it stop talking about your previous sex lives. In my experience there’s literally no benefit. Best case scenario the other person thinks your story is a little funny, worst case scenario it starts a huge fight or breakup. You can talk about dates and such, but sex with other people almost never goes over great. I would just stop bringing it up.

  49. Unhinged, rude, and abusive.

    I’d go dark for a bit and reset expectations for contact, text/voice, and not always race to answer. You’re allowed to be busy. Don’t feel guilty.

    I’d also turn off read receipts if they’re on. That level of access requires respect.

  50. If you weren't bothered by it you wouldn't ask about it, downvoting happens it is a feature of reddit. It is to show people disagree with you, whether that is because they dont like what you say/disagree with you/do it for the fun etc.

    It is an advice sub and a lot of people are advising (more like telling you) that you need to work on yourself. You did disrespect her, you noticed she was upset and instead of making sure she was okay you put your dick in it.

  51. I’m 34.

    I can still go twice or more a day…

    I’m only now reaching the point where I MIGHT be patient enough to wait out my period before having sex…. But I’d still rather get my back blown out and then take a shower ?

  52. They're not having an orgy. This isn't porn. You have got to grow up. Her bi friend shouldn't have to worry about you accusing her of wanting your girlfriend. And your straight girlfriend shouldn't have to worry about your lesbian shower fantasies

  53. This is not a drill, this isn’t a hypothetical or reading yea leaves, this dude is a walking talking red flag. He is 100% an abuser, not a potential one, and you are right on the traditional track these relationships go in where he begins wresting control of your entire life from you one small piece at a time.

    Get the fuck out yesterday. Please. Your only winning play is getting out of this “relationship”, and that gets harder the longer you wait. Save yourself half a lifetime of misery (assuming he doesn’t become physically abusive at some point, which wouldn’t be surprising in the least).


  54. From your posts – – you admit you like traveling with your husband (and maybe it was as good as the trip with your sister?) – you admit that he's willing to compromise – you admit that she's the one unwilling to compromise – you admit that when you mentioned your feelings to your husband, he found ways go be accommodating

    Here's where I'm struggling, you take this info and want to leave your husband at home rather than leave your sister at home

    The only thing your sister did that your husband won't is give you a free trip. Maybe instead of taking multiple trips, you should plan to take just one trip a year with your husband and splurge on the excursions you want to do.

    Honestly, it sounds like you want your sister to fund a lifestyle beyond your means and instead of being happy and grateful for what you and your husband have

  55. I mean, it's really up to you if you want to wait for her to be better. But depression is tough and you can't put a time period on it. How long are you feasibly willing to wait for this relationship? It could be years. And can you wait that long without resentment? It's also possible that she just isn't interested in the relationship anymore in conjunction with her mental health issues.

    I would just tell her that she should focus on herself for now and you'd love to see if your paths reconnect in the future; I think it's an incredible amount of pressure on her side if she knows you're waiting for her to be better. You can still wait, but maybe she doesn't need to be aware of that.

  56. I don't have enough context but maybe is because he's not being the person he is when he is working, you said you had no problems doing the house chores when he is working, and I guess that is because the person he is when is working gives you the support you need in his own way so you can be happy with the relationship, but now he is just not that person, and the problem can be not only what he is not doing, but that you are missing the person he is when he is working.

    I'm way younger but I can say that being unemployed, as a man, makes you feel really depressed and worthless, and I'm pretty sure that he knows or feels that he's failing you and that can make him feel worse.

    As I said I'm way younger that him, but maybe talking with him, making him now that he is worth more than he is doing that his value is not only based on his work, could help him. I'm young but I know that when a person you love try and push you to don't give up and keep on with life, it can be really helpful.

    I would appreciate if older men can give any more ideas or advices, im not so young I'm 28, but I know that there's a lot of difference, sl I hope this can help you.

  57. I think you’re overthinking this. He probably just wants to spend time with you. I rarely open Snapchat around my boyfriend and it’s not because I’m hiding something necessarily. I just don’t want to be rude and it is my personal business. If I wanna show him something, I will. He’s never asked me why I don’t open snap. I just don’t feel it necessary.

  58. Oh I have definitely noticed a difference between this app and Tinder. So far, theyve all been accepting of my no's and boundaries. I think a bar would be a good place, feels more casual than a cafe/restaurant.

  59. Oh honey, how many lies do you need?

    I will tell you, I dated a French guy and he was very open about the fact that having a lover outside of marriage is VERY common.

    You are being taken for a ride. You are definitely “the other woman”.

  60. Does he brush and floss before bed? Does he drink a lot of water? Does he sleep with his mouth open?

    Not everyone has bad breath when they wake up. These are some things that affect that.

  61. Many many people share her views. She’s not look for you to explain what porn is or to have her boundary changed.

  62. yea as a former smoker you really start to notice the smell. It gets into everything and takes forever to go away.

  63. I’ve said the same, his outlook is because we live! together I am obligated to help him and that I should consider her my daughter. Meanwhile same daughter yells in my face you’re not my real mom when I put her to bed tonight ? her first time ever saying anything like that so I’m guessing BM been saying stuff like that to her (all while expecting me to care for her daughter anytime she pleases)

  64. It is healthy and desirable to have hobbies outside your relationship. Sharing everything is decidedly unhealthy. Over time, you will find enough shared interests to have activities you can do together. Do you have the same sense of humor? Then you can watch comedies together. Do you both enjoy the same sport? You could play together. You will find those things. It just takes time.

  65. This is not even about poo (everyone can see how disgusting that is)…

    Your husband is an asshole that thinks your opinions don't matter because he is the man and you should just do everything that comes out of his mouth. He knows it's wrong or else who would do it in other toilets. He just wants you to follow his orders.

  66. I know it sucks, and it hurts, but at the end of the day, he made the right decision.

    This is one of those irreconcilable differences that can (and should) end relationships.

    He most likely doesn’t want kids, you do. There is no middle ground here, and you could spend the next 5 years trying to negotiate or compromise, without funding one. And by then, it’s too late for you.

    You are 33 years old. You know that you don’t always get to have a say in someone else’s decision, so being angry at him for making this decision is unfair. You are focusing on the wrong thing. You should be thankful that he didn’t want to waste anymore of your time, and was selfless enough to end the relationship early, without stringing you along.

  67. Some don't have the money. Some do but don't have a willing partner. Some have both but think therapy is only for serious/diagnosed mental illnesses (which, arguably, it maybe should be for now considering how stressed the mental healthcare system is, at least in the USA). And for some, it's an access issue (see the stress on the system I mentioned).

    There isn't really any easy solution to this stuff.

  68. Pediatricians are so extra. All “keeping up with modern research” and “looking out for the best for the child.” It's getting ridiculous.

  69. This is a tricky one, as this was an old phone but also still technically his private stuff.

    Given that there are nudes of his ex, I'd say that is a bit more concerning than if it were just randoms girls.

    If he hasn't used the phone in a long time, then they may just be leftovers that he hasn't seen in a long time. If he still uses the phone on the regular, then it is a more pressing concern.

    If you're okay with him potentially jacking to his ex, then you don't have to say anything. But if it bothers you, then I'd suggest confronting him about it.

  70. He’s not age appropriate. It sounds like a college boyfriend and that stuff almost never lasts for a reason

    Most men have no business being in committed relationships until their 30s and then they should be looking at 22-25yo range for the best result.

    Your best chance would be for an established man 5-10 years older who has a solid career. You two currently have no money and the problem is in todays world the future you’re looking at with this guy is renting forever and working until you die because retirement is off the table

    Who cares if he’s going to propose, your future is going to be bleak if you married him anyways

  71. You wanna know how many times my fiancé (been together 5 years) speaks to me like that, or calls me names? Never. Not once in 5 years. Have there been disagreements/discussions? Absolutely. But we each respect each other enough to never cross into those toxic behaviors. I respect him too much to call him disrespectful names. And he equally respects me enough to never call me names either. Nobody tells somebody they love and respect to fuck off. You’re young, so I’ll give you a pass for asking about this, but the truth is, in a healthy relationship, there’s never ever name calling. Even in anger. There’s always respect. You might think “love” is important, and it is, to an extent, but love doesn’t matter at all if it doesn’t also come with respect, trust, and communication. Those are the things that make a healthy relationship work. Anything less than that, is probably a giant waste of your time and self esteem.

  72. Have his bags packed and he can continue his vacation at his Sugar Momma’s place. Staying the same suite, this was most likely planned from the beginning. Did he prove separate bedrooms with FaceTime?

  73. What are the good things that make this worth it? He pays for everything? You have kids? He's tall and hot?

    Just, why??

  74. And they aren't even married…… I don't know if that's something OP wants, but he's asking for traditional wife duties and she isn't even his wife.

  75. First of all, he’s lying when he says that’s all they have on PH. And I see a lot of other worrisome things here: his childish responses every time you raise a concern, confirmed mommy issues, and absolute refusal to go to therapy to name a few.

    His conflict responses are at best a result of his mommy issues and at worst him being manipulative.

    He does want you to be a maternal figure and if he doesn’t work through his issues this will continue to affect your relationship. You’re 18–it’s not your job to be mommying him or anyone. I know you say you can’t break up with him but if he’s going to lie and refuse to do anything on his part, why wouldn’t you?

  76. Everyone’s relationship looks different. Nobody insinuated you screw anyone for any of the reasons you just listed.

    I am not even in agreement with OP’s SO, but I would understand him being uncomfortable if they were to form a closer, personal relationship – not a single one of my married friends or their wives would be super comfortable with that.

    Obviously, your boundaries are going to be different than others to conform to your lifestyle!

  77. Do you want a relationship where you can’t be vulnerable?

    For me this would be a major dealbreaker.

    Also you mentioned in a comment that he says it’s your fault. That’s even worse. Imagine what it’ll do to your self-esteem 5, 10, 15 years down the line to be constantly made to feel ashamed any time you have human emotions.

  78. Dude, you’ve got a whole decade+ on this chick….what the fuck do you really have in common with her? Leave that shit alone and move on.

  79. She really liked you and couldnt bear to lose you…But she still slept with him…Makes no sense bro

  80. Wow, so guilt tripping and gaslighting. Plus some clear indications that the maturity level is off. Even though he acts childish, there is a difference between maturing but not really there yet and just being immature

  81. Be truly mysterious and just don't be there when he gets home. Let him look for the note that says: “I'm worth more than a mystery. Grow up.”

    Then never talk to him again.

    I can't believe he did that shit to you while you were vulnerable, what an absolute asshat! He's not worth it, sis. You're never going to be enough for him, and you'll always feel small, and you don't deserve that!

  82. I don't think that is for you to decide. It's normal here and just because it isn't for you doesn't mean that we are the problem. Yes, we should have not done it with the rest of the family, yes, i shouldn't have done it with my wife in the area. But no, us fighting is just what it is and it happens and everyone here knows that. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it miraculously is not gonna happen. Be it bad or good that isn't what I asked of you. I asked what I could do for my gf not what I should do about my brother. So keep that stuff to yourself please. It is not like you know what those fights are about or why it is normalized here in the first place.

  83. You might need to escalate to a lawyer to send him a scary looking letter. Also, tell your family and friends this is happening because this sounds as potentially stalker-ish behavior, make a note everytime he contacts you with date and details, this might help you with police intervention.

    He is 30 trying to manipulate a 21 yo with emotions. Somethings off and I would not be surprised if he might try to show up at some point. If he does, do NOT entertain him, any attention will encourage him.

  84. Yea let tell the guy his wife has been cheating but have no proof of the cheating man you sound real smart. People get fuck up and beat for that type of shit you don’t just go around an start throwing accusations in someone’s life if you have no prof to backup your claims.

  85. Her low libido has this complexity, which is very normal. Even tho she doesn't want to have sex with another person, she still enjoys masturbating. I have high libido too so I know your pain. You and I see sex as the peak of intimacy, the goal, everything else is a warmup to sex, love=sex, and we feel unloved if there's no sex. For her sex is a chore, full of expectations, her body just isn't turned on for it, love doesn't equal sex. She might even make promises to have sex later because tomorrow never comes and she might wish she had higher libido but she doesn't. Masturbation is emotionally safe, easy, natural, personal, and she's been doing it long before you came along. Libido can't be forced. Libido might change over time and is unpredictable (hers might get even lower, or higher idk), but overall it doesn't change much. This is incompatibility and a perfectly reasonable reason to break up. The love between you will always feel a bit out of touch. You'll always be having to suppress your urges, expecting her to reject you every time. She'll always be holding up boundaries, expecting you to want sex at every intimate reaction. You are stressed out trying to plan for sex because it never happens spontaneously anymore. Your love is met with “sorry, I just don't feel like it, maybe tomorrow or the next day. I might masturbate tho. ” She's stressed out because she never feels good enough for you. Her love is always met with “okay, can we have sex now? Intimacy really makes me want to have sex.”

    Neither of you are wrong in your reasoning, but you are wrong for each other. Breakups aren't always because somebody did something wrong, sometimes it's just that needs aren't met and it takes too much compromise.

  86. Nothing happened in his life. He’s always been thin and fit.

    He just has this idea that there is bad food and good food, and he wants me to pass this message onto our kids.

  87. Her low libido has this complexity, which is very normal. Even tho she doesn't want to have sex with another person, she still enjoys masturbating. I have high libido too so I know your pain. You and I see sex as the peak of intimacy, the goal, everything else is a warmup to sex, love=sex, and we feel unloved if there's no sex. For her sex is a chore, full of expectations, her body just isn't turned on for it, love doesn't equal sex. She might even make promises to have sex later because tomorrow never comes and she might wish she had higher libido but she doesn't. Masturbation is emotionally safe, easy, natural, personal, and she's been doing it long before you came along. Libido can't be forced. Libido might change over time and is unpredictable (hers might get even lower, or higher idk), but overall it doesn't change much. This is incompatibility and a perfectly reasonable reason to break up. The love between you will always feel a bit out of touch. You'll always be having to suppress your urges, expecting her to reject you every time. She'll always be holding up boundaries, expecting you to want sex at every intimate reaction. You are stressed out trying to plan for sex because it never happens spontaneously anymore. Your love is met with “sorry, I just don't feel like it, maybe tomorrow or the next day. I might masturbate tho. ” She's stressed out because she never feels good enough for you. Her love is always met with “okay, can we have sex now? Intimacy really makes me want to have sex.”

    Neither of you are wrong in your reasoning, but you are wrong for each other. Breakups aren't always because somebody did something wrong, sometimes it's just that needs aren't met and it takes too much compromise.

  88. Yeah I think they’ll be fine if they treat everyone with equal respect. I’m pretty sure if your husband went there they’d find a way to “ get him back” so yeah. This is a hella burnt bridge my guy. If I was your dad I’d never look at your husband again whether it be out of shame or embarrassment from getting beat so bad.

  89. I hate to say this but suing them would be a waste of money as it sounds like you have no proof of anything. this comes off as more of you just hate your parents.

  90. Stop dating people who don’t believe you should have bodily autonomy. If he is voting R now he’s already voting against your rights.

  91. Your parent comment above states that I said something I never said. You can digress about impact but you were incorrect and tried to manipulate me into conceding a point I never made (that she’s unstable).

    Isn’t that an abuser tactic?

  92. You hit his hand away rather than communicating like an adult. Then you feel a pain in your back and assume he hit you? And he had to apologise?

    I think you'd notice if he elbowed you in the back…

    You need help.

  93. Your brother is in charge of scheduling his wedding, right? Why would he do it on the same day as your graduation? Do the times overlap?

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