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Terry_jolive sex stripping with hd cam


15 thoughts on “Terry_jolive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Ok now with the update— ABORT, ABORT!! She told you a huuuuge lie; don’t sweep it under the rug! She made up a whole biological child and kept that lie going for months, proving she’s ok lying to you and will full on commit to keeping her lies going. You can never trust her.

  2. If she doesn’t want to be with you anymore she should just end it. I haven’t had any thoughts about cheating on her since i met my fiancee, she is the only one i really want to have sex with. If she wants to sleep around she can go ahead and do that…when she’s single again

  3. You can thank modern day feminism for leading you to believe that proposing to a man is normal or healthy for a woman to do ?????

  4. I don't think enough is said about the screenshots of a conversation to prove a point. It could come off as prudish but fuck that. My group of mates, yeah old stories of exes and one night stands go into detail but those of us who are committed the depth never really goes past “the sex is good”. Imo the way it should be.

  5. Hi, I've been in your shoes, with an abusive ex who threatened to unalive herself if I left (while holding a sharp object to the correct place on her arm to do so)

    IT's horrible, it sucks, it makes you feel SO guilty but here's the thing

    It is 100% abuse, manipulation and is not acceptable behavior.

    You are NOT responsible for his choices. You need to get out of this relationship, just block him and breathe. You'll be okay. It is more than likely he will not do anything to harm himself, but even if he does, that's not on you. Not even a little bit.

    Take your autonomy back, you deserve better.

  6. You had choices, and you need to come to terms with the fact that everything you did after that blackout night was a choice that you freely made. What you should have done was tell your gf the truth – you got really drunk and have no memory of the night, but now abc is claiming she’s pregnant. That would be you being honest, including her on the situation, and giving her agency to make her own decision about your relationship. And then you tell abc – “if you’re actually pregnant, I will support you and my child, but we are not in a relationship and I’m actually struggling to come to terms with what happened that night, given that I remember nothing.”

    You say your ex wasn’t disposable, but you need to recognize that’s how you treated her and your relationship. You threw her away. You weren’t honest, you didn’t fight for the relationship, and then you got engaged immediately. This is not the 1800s – taking responsibility means caring for your child and supporting your child’s mother, not marrying someone you’ve never even been in a relationship with. It’s actually truly bonkers that you considered doing that.

  7. My wife set up a chore schedule. It’s a laminated piece of paper that is on our fridge. And I just check it off each day as I take care of my obligations.

  8. You said a line in your comments – it’s not been an issue until now. Listen to yourself, it’s an issue now for a reason. You are realising that although you want this to work you are at different stages in your lives.

    You are starting off exploring what it means to be an adult; you’re talking about moving out of your family home for the first time to have freedom. He on the other hand has experienced all that and wants you to settle down with him.

    You are at opposites in that, regardless of the interests you share you are simply not compatible at this stage of your lives, both of you.

    It would be unhealthy for you both and unfair on you to move in with him.

    Advice; stay your course and make plans to move out to live alone. Learn to support yourself, learn who you are as an adult. There are some huge life lessons to be learnt living away from your parents for the first time. As for your relationship; you’ve seen some patterns in how he treats you and it’s specific to situations. As an outsider, that’s not normal. I treat my SO the same all the time, if anything I’m more respectful and mindful of others with PDA if out, not the opposite. You’ve noticed that he views you as a sex object; I’m sure there are plenty people who would love to feel that desirable. However; for you it’s without respect, and that is a huge aspect of then enjoying to be so desired by someone. My point? It’s ok to question the relationship, its ok to go “you know what, we’ve had fun and if I was older this may be different, but right now I need to focus on me”.

    If you feel unsure there is a reason why, explore that.

  9. If he's gonna pay 1/2 the mortgage, he should get 1/2 ownership with the exception that if the house sells in the event you break up, he gets half of everything EXCEPT the amount you put down to secure the house. ?

  10. For whatever reason, he doesn't want a long – term job. How does he contribute to supporting your household? Because now that he has a child, he has the obligation to contribute to support. This marriage is over. Your visions fir the future are too different. Get a lawyer and you're going to raise your child.

  11. That may be so, but you wrote “I’m nervous…”. You can quibble on words, but…

    Also, if everything you wrote above did not show up in a dialog as she brought this up to you lately, then you are doing a lot of listening and no talking. That would also qualify as “uncomfortable” and she should recognze that.

  12. You experience the pain. You did not do anything wrong. Neither did he. It sucks to be rejected, especially when the rejection is a complete surprise.

    Self soothe for a while, maybe change up your hair style or watch a few sad movies to cry it out. You do what you find comforting. The only real solution is to give yourself time to grieve. Wait it out and eventually your brain will stop producing the chemicals responsible for what we experience as feelings.

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