Tattiana live sex chats for YOU!


8 thoughts on “Tattiana live sex chats for YOU!

  1. It sounds like you have a bit of a lovable idiot. I don't mean that to be insulting. How can he not understand you literally guiding his hands to grope you under your shirt?

    Tell him he needs to be more proactive and responsive to your signals. Or start grabbing him by the crotch and drag him to the bedroom.

  2. So she’s just popping her titty in the babies mouth so she can be soothe, but the baby is not benefitting from it. That’s abusive. You know she’s not going to stop right? As soon as you leave her with the baby, she’s going to do it again. That’s scary and disgusting.

  3. How did the second and third conversations go? You brought it up and she agreed? Was she hesitant at first? Did she say no and then “a lot of talking” and then she said yes?

  4. Why do you think it’s perfectly ok to assault someone solely over their skin color or being gay? Do you think those people are subhuman?

  5. You are clearly not her priority and let's say he gets terminal, would probably never be. Cut your losses and find someone who treats you with respect.

    Maybe not physical cheating but emotional cheating may be involved.

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